The Lightbringer


Gleeon Onyx


⚜ Former Billionaire ⚜ Warlock ⚜ Half human, half Draconic ⚜ Immortal ⚜




Gleeon has and still operates a safe haven for supernatural, beast-like, and other non-human-type beings, any entity that seeks refuge from mankind without the fear of being poached or persecuted. This can include everything from mages, to anomalous people, vampires, sentient creatures not of this world, and even dragons. All are welcomed if they are not a liability or a risk to his group. Not a place for murderous beings to hide.

This haven can be found his estate: A large property that sits on a lakefront, surrounded by woodland mountains and forests. Since a few members of his group consist of giant reptiles, it provides wide-open spaces with the terrain obscuring it from the sight of his neighbors. 



Selfless is one way to describe him, more than willing to aid others in need. Regardless of what species, ethnicity, religion, or what world somebody is from, they’re always welcomed with open arms, no individual is antagonized for their background.

Gleeon is both kind-hearted & a warrior all in one, low-energy, and often seen as the voice of reason by those in his group. He's proactive in tending to those in need, also a good listener when somebody needs to get something off their chest. Can be a good mentor figure for younger individuals in his family of monsters.

When it comes to entertainment and hobbies, he's into a lot of Sci-Fi shows, reading, swimming (thanks to a certain Siren), and model-building.

Beware: He's a bad cook. So much that he burnt tea. Others in his group have banned him from making anything in their kitchen.



Skin Tone: Pale


Hair Color: Jet Black


Eye Color: Gold irises with black scleras

Feral Form





Long ago during his youth, he caught a fatal illness. Unable to bear the thought of losing a child, his adopted mother of a Dragoness injected him with her own blood. This process rewrote his DNA, which in turn gave him extremely high resistance to many diseases and viruses, with inhuman strength, and increased senses.

Due to the wish of a siren he courted, the man was bestowed with immortality. This does not mean invulnerability, only that dying of old age is no longer a risk.

Gleeon is well-versed in the use of Aeromancy: Wind magic. This enables him to manipulate the very air molecules, either by creating jetstreams of air, conjuring up tornados, use it for levitation/flight, or redirecting the wind. This can include the ability to make spheres of compressed atmosphere before launching them as explosive projectiles once the pressure is released. Since Gleeon can tap directly into oxygen molecules, he can cause a vacuum to instantly put out fires, or as a counter against pyromancy.

Sorcery aside, the Warlock also favors the use of modern firearms, useful for the sake of avoiding unwanted attention since magic can be quite destructive. His preferred ranged weapon is a Judge or Governor pistol, despite having a collection of rifles and many other items, many of which are unsurprisingly illegal. 





Three decades ago...


Amazons, a large warrior tribe comprised of all women from ancient folklore that still exist to this day who live a life of isolation in the modern world, being nothing more than a shadow of the conquers they once were.

To sustain a consistent population, women of the tribe venture out of their territory to find and seduce men, where they intentionally impregnate themselves to later give birth to baby girls. However, doing so comes with an occasional problem: Sometimes they will receive a boy instead. Any male offspring are usually disposed of by dumping them off in the wild, typically in forests in hopes they’ll be mauled to death by predators or die from exposure. 



However, there is one known case where one of these discarded children survived. Roughly thirty years ago, one Amazonian diverted from one of the usual dumping grounds and left the child by some ruins instead for unknown reasons. 




Little did this cruel mother know that there was a Dragoness inhabiting the temple, an eastern one. Upon discovering the abandoned kid, she took him in and raised the boy. Gleeon, as she named him, would grow up under her guidance, learning how to wield air-based magic, and many other talents that would aid him in life. The two formed an inseparable bond.

Not long after he became of age, the young man was sent out by her for him to experience life and mingle with other humans. The first few years were rough, having to scavenge for food, find temporary shelter, avoid arrest while snatching leftover meals, and seek a job simultaneously. Eventually, his efforts paid off.

As for the specifics of what exactly happened and led his current situation in life, that is for you to find out, should you embark on that adventure.




~Side Characters~


Abraham Sullivan:




Perhaps the last and only surviving World War One veteran still alive to this day, in addition to being David Sullivan's twin brother. Well over a century ago, Abe was drafted and enlisted, having become the driver of a Mark Five tank his crew nicknamed: Steelheart. 



The final operation they would participate in was the siege of a weapons lab, under the control of another nation called the Dominion. He and his crew managed to break through enemy lines and enter the facility, only to discover a device capable of freezing time in its immediate vicinity called a Stasis Bomb. Rightfully fearful of what would happen to their fellow troops, Abraham and the others loaded it onto their vehicle before driving away in an effort to move it off-site. Unexpectedly- it went off, putting him and the surviving crew into suspended animation in time for the next hundred years.


Upon being released into the modern age from the stasis bomb deactivating, he was discovered by Gleeon's group and taken under his wing. With help from the family man himself and Cassella, Abe was brought up to speed for the most crucial things with the current era and history. Slowly but surely, they assisted him with integrating back into modern society, which felt like a whole new world to him.

Abraham is indifferent and welcoming to most newcomers, well-disciplined, along with not wanting to start emotional conflicts or participate in one. While not the most talkative person out there, he still attempts to socialize with others.

Personality aside, he has a few passions due to having some artistic skills: Sketching, aviation enthusiast, model trains, automobiles, naval architecture/history, and rail-fanning. (Due to him being a railroad engineer before the Great War.)

Being a man with no special powers, Abe is heavily experienced with firearms and operating large vehicles from driving a tank during his military career. Thanks to a number of other smaller conflicts on Gleeon's end, he became even more battle-hardened.


Valery Koslov:


Out in the wilderness of the city Pripyat in Ukraine, a young mage was growing up under the care of a witch, who had been orphaned at the time. The infamous Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred, which unsurprisingly contaminated its surroundings.

Much of the radioactive smoke and particles came down on him. Valery had sustained a fatal dose and radiation burns, which left him bed-ridden in what was thought to be his last few days alive. Unexpectedly... A deity of some sort had entered his home. This mysterious being cast a number of powerful spells upon him before immediately leaving.

In a short time span, Koslov mustered enough strength to rise out of bed, no longer falling victim to cellular death across his body. The spells used gave him immediately to radiation, and the ability to absorb it at well. While this was a blessing, it did not undo the cosmetic damage: His face and skin were ruined far beyond recognition, making him resemble a charred zombie.


To hide his horrific appearance, he wears a cloak and covers his face/skin in white bandages. Valery wields a sharpened shovel as a melee weapon, which he dipped in damaged uranium fuel rods to make it volatile. This vile item can cause severe radiation burns to anyone struck by his shovel, or foolish enough to grab it. Any living being can expect to get cancer later on and experience radiation sickness in the short term. In addition, he uses pyromancy-based magic, often lacing it with radiation for more devastating effects.

While his methods for defending himself are highly questionable, Val is a cinnamon roll for the most part, one with a lot of energy. He tends to be an extrovert around anyone that won't judge or find his appearance suspicious. Currently, he travels the world in search of anything that could help him achieve his ultimate end goal: Reconstructing his face.

In the present, he's recently joined the Sullivan family and has developed a close friendship with Cassella.

Some notes on the admin:

#1 Because this is usually an ongoing problem with a lot of peeps, if you lose interest, get bored, or experience writer's block in our thread, don't hesitate to let me know, no hard feelings.

#2 If I take a really long time to respond (maybe two weeks or so) you can shoot me a reminder. I tend to be forgetful about things since I sometimes have stuff going on at my end.

#3 When it comes to writing, I prefer long-term story arcs over one-time threads that end in a short timespan. I'd rather not go through all the effort of plotting something elaborate, only for it to be cut short for whatever reason.

#4 If you're the kind of writer that's rapidly changing your OC or constantly swapping characters, I won't be interested since the thread would likely end in just a few replies. I tend to see a lot of people make pages just for show and not use them after their creation. (Can we all agree it gets kinda annoying?)

#5 No killing off my character, it's a common courtesy to respect other people's creations and not force them to undo their work.

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Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Anime, 18+, Action

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  • If she weren't so frustrated Niamh might have found the idea he thought her loud somewhat humorous, especially given she was so soft spoken in literally any other circumstance. She glanced sideways towards Vespera, her lips twitching in spite of herself to see her roommate's gigantic reptilian form standing there in stupified shock, a sight she so rarely got to see that she tended to enjoy it when she did.

    Her attention was jerked back towards the other beast as she heard what sounded like a whole host of thrashing around. Her lips pressed together as if to muffle, or perhaps suppress the urge to giggle. He looked utterly ridiculous tangled up in her vines, but he also looked mighty put out about it. She didn't think giggling would be the appropriate response somehow. 

    Vespera, for her part, seemed to shake off her stupification, or at least it certainly looked that way when her massive frame started to shake as if she were trying not to laugh. Not that she could whilst shifted anyway...maybe that was why a second later, her form contorted and shrank back into her humanoid shape, leaving her naked and trembling with the uncontrollable laughter that burst forth. Messy medium brown hair spilling across her chest and offering a small amount of modesty as she just...completely lost it. Tears of mirth glossing her silvery gaze. 

    "O' course ye shift back now." Niamh grumbled, shooting a look at her roommate and all but rolling her eyes. Her frame suddenly tensing wary eyes affixing themselves back upon the male when the sounds of zapping energy and torn foliage greeted her ears. "O'shit.." she gasped. Watching him come stalking towards them. Vespera still completely oblivious to this change, bent doubled and laughing as she was. 

    Her brow furrowed in confusion as he tossed his bag at her feet. She ignored it. Lifting an eyebrow. "Well I tried to tell ye she's got issues..." she mumbled; gesturing towards the giggling heap. 

  • Despite bearing her fangs in annoyance at being shouted at by the beast that bizarrely seemed able to speak in his altered shape, Vespera hadn't moved a muscle. The dark blue-black reptilian beast seemed to be staring down at the diminutive blonde as if she wasn't quite sure whether to be amused or galled at her audacity. Niamh had shouted at her plenty of times, so it shouldn't surprise her to see the little faeling lose her temper now but... her thoughts stalled, words failing her as she pulled her pallid gaze back to rest upon the serpentine beast. Watching him in wary suspicion. 

    Niamh threw her hands up in exasperation at the pair of them, this was ridiculous. Utterly so. At this point they both as bad as each other. Vespera had her reasons, of that at least she was sure, what those reasons were she'd already stated she didn't know, but one fact was glaringly obvious. Enough to make her huff out a breath and snap, "donnae ye think, if she were gonna attack ye she would o' done it already?!" Seriously was nobody thinking logically but her in this situation? She smoothed a hand through her long pale blonde hair, almost as if she were growing agitated herself. 

    Then she scowled at him. Oh no. He didn't! Did he just turn his back on her?! She stared in outrage at his scaley rump and her temper ignited. She might not be as quick to anger as her temperamental roommate but she was Irish and she had the typical fiery temperament of an Irishwoman. "Donnae ye walk away from me when I'm talking to ye!" The bellowed words were accompanied by her thrusting her hands out towards the overgrown snake. Leaves rustling as thick ropes of green vines bloomed into being, coiling along the length of his massive rope-like frame and pulling taut. Effectively rendering him immovable. Niamh's breath gusted out of her in short pants, as if she'd run a marathon rather than simply loosed a wave of her earthen magic. 

    Vespera...blinked. Had that really just happened? The she-dragon didn't know what to make of what her roommate had just done. Something told the other beast wasn't going to be happy about it either. The winged thunder dragon stood motionless; shock blatant in her stance. She hadn't shifted yet, couldn't until she was sure the captive beast wouldn't eat her roommate. But nor did she seize any opportunity to strike. She just...stood there. 

  • Her head whipped towards Niamh when she heard the faeling speak, silvery grey hues narrowing upon her nature loving blonde roommate. She was doing what she always did, playing the voice of reason and trying to deescalate the situation before it became violent; Vespera didn't know whether to be annoyed or impressed by the other woman's gall. It was one thing for her to stand up to Vespera herself; for all the surly dragonness threatened to eat her, or claimed the woman was annoying. There was something of a reluctant bond between her and the faeling, but if she was asked she would vehemently deny it. 

    As if sensing his movement, her attention snapped back in his direction, watching as the other beast seemed to lower himself to the ground in front of Niamh. A low growl rumbling like thunder within her chest. What trickery was this? She cocked her large reptilian head to the side, tucking her wings in close and dropping from the sky to land with a thud beside the smaller female. Her stance remaining protective. 

    The wind continued to howl ferociously despite both beasts now being on the ground. Niamh heaved a soft sigh, looking from the protective beast to the large Serpentine beast and back again, sparing a moment to run her fingers through the fur of her shaking dog. Still tucked between her knees as if that offered him protection. Her expression grew thoughtful, pondering what it was she could say to explain... she didn't know the entirety of Vespera's history, even after all this time living together the dragonness simply didn't speak of it. And up until now Niamh had had no cause to insist, but after this maybe she should. 

    "It's...complicated and I'm by nae means an expert..." she mumbled, her words holding a trace of her Irish accent, which thickened with her frustration. "But I'm given ta believe that ye be the first beast she's encountered since she came 'ere from her homeworld..." huffing with irritation as she had to flick wet hair out of her face yet again, the faeling flicked her wrist toward an overhanging leaf, suffusing it with a greenish glow which caused it to expand until she'd created herself a natural umbrella. The moisture sucking itself from her skin and hair in an enveloping pallid blue glow simultaneously. Satisfied she shook herself out, resuming her explanation as if she hadn't just gotten distracted. "Now I donnae know the specifics but...fellow shifters tend ta set her hackles rising." 

    Vespera snorted, a huff of air ruffling the faeling's now dry hair, whether at the woman's explanation or at her showy display of fae magic one couldn't be too sure. Her jaw peeled back, showcasing large and dangerous fangs in response to the other beasts shouting at her. Who was he to bark his orders at her? She loosed a low growl, a warning to back off or a hint that he was skating on very thin ice? 

    Niamh shot Vespera a look, reaching across the space between her and the vibrating she-dragon to lay the palm of her hand upon her roommates flank. "Enough." She whispered in a low voice, not even flinching at the obvious shock she should have gotten from touching a dragon wreathed in lightning. Then those pallid green-blue eyes swivelled to rest a glare that even Vespera would have been proud of upon Gleeon. "Now don't ye be blamin' it all on her! Ye overgrown snake! Ye're jus' as frightening ta me wee pooch as she is."

    Apparently shouting only made her accent thicker... 

    After a moment of breath to calm herself, she folded her arms across her chest and stared both beasts down. "I'll nae be talkin' ta either o' ye until ye shift yerselves back." Then she tapped her foot, clearly waiting for them to retake their humanoid shapes. Never let it be said that Niamh Sloane was anything short of fearless. 

  • The purpose of her reaction wasn't to blindly attack, Vespera might be prickly; might not be much of a people person, but she wasn't stupid. She'd only attack if she had no other recourse. Her head cocked to the side, expression growing quizzical in spite of the protective aggression radiating out from her massive frame. Her wings continued to beat the air as she stared down the other beast. Wait... was it trying to talk to her? If she were in her more humanoid shape she would have wrinkled her brow in befuddlement. Since when could beast shifters speak in their shifted form? She'd never been able to. None of the beast shifters of Aemir had been. It was the one thing that was universal to all species despite their constant fighting and warring. She shook her head; now wasn't the time to be thinking of this, she had to focus. Faeling's life may very depend on it. 

    Speaking of the faeling, Niamh had skidded to a halt beneath and slightly behind where Vespera's reptilian body hovered in midair, her gaze darting between her roommate's shifted form and the other more snakelike floating beast. A shrewness to her gaze as she quickly assessed what was going on; her dog loosing a whimper and trying to hide his larger body behind her knees. 

    Understanding quickly dawned; despite how the howling wind snatched at spoken words making them harder to hear, and she huffed a soft laugh. Well what did you know; Vespera did care despite what the surly beast would have you believe. She cleared her throat and steeled her spine, before bravely addressing the foreign creature. "Ahem...Mister Serpent? She can't respond to you while she's shifted. She thinks you're going to attack me." Was it foolish to speak, to draw his attention back to her? Maybe. But somebody had to explain and since Vespera couldn't; it fell to her. 

  • Thank you for the add! xx

  • It wasn't until the sky started darkening and a vicious wind whipped her blonde hair free of it's braid to slap her in the face that Niamh jerked her gaze up from placating her suddenly terrified dog to the spot where Vespera had been standing; cursing sharply in Gaelic when she realised her grouchy roommate hadn't just wandered off but likely shifted shape and flown off. She tugged on the leash, urging her shaking dog to follow and took off in the direction the eye of this particular storm seemed to be moving. 

    As her wings beat the air, the impromptu storm grew in viciousness. Wind whipping; rain lashing down as the heavy clouds burst open. As if the heavens themselves were crying. Vespera hadn't given thought to whether she would be forced to attack the other beast, though her history lent itself to the experience that beast shifters like herself were a violent bunch. Her home world had been destroyed thanks to their constant warring after all. It didn't matter that Thunder Dragons had wanted no part in the war...the same had never been said for the rest of her species. The Dragon Queen was the worst of them all... 

    She gave her large reptilian head a shake; as if to rattle loose those bothersome thoughts. Halting as the other beast came into view. Her wings beating the air just enough to keep herself airborne as her huge midnight blue frame hovered in place. Silvery hues narrowed upon the...wingless floating serpent? Was that creature really a fellow dragon? She'd never seen one that looked like that before. A low growl reverberated through her chest; like a crash of thunder as his eyes fell upon Niamh. Her body language, from the tension wiring through her majestic reptilian body to the electrical energy building within her maw as if she were preparing to breathe lightning; spoke of a protectiveness. That was her Faeling damn it. Nobody hurt the faeling but her. 

  • "I'm just saying, you cannae keep threatening ta eat the postman. One o' these days he's gonna quit if ye keep this up!" Vespera pinched the bridge of her nose as she wandered through the almost empty park trailing after Niamh as the faeling lectured her for the umpteenth time whilst walking the german shepherd - husky mix she loved so much. Why she hadn't eaten her yet she would never know; though the free room might have played some small part in the decision. It wasn't as if she'd come to this world knowing a lick about it after all. 

    "Keep harping at me and I might just eat you instead." The quip slipped out with all her trademark snark attached to it, yet all she received was an eyeroll. The faeling never seemed cowed by her threats, whether that was because she was used to them or because she believed her reluctant roommate was all bark was anyone's guess. But before she could utter a retort, the dog stiffened, his hackles rising as he loosed a canine growl; drawing Niamh's focus towards soothing her agitated pet. 

    Vespera stepped around her roommate, unlaced combat boots crunching over fallen leaves as she wove her way through the trees in the direction the dog seemed to be staring as tension wound it's way throughout her body. She drew in a deep lungful of breath and froze as everything beast within her tensed in preparation of a fight. Another dragon was near. She could feel it in every fiber of her being. And while she'd deny it under oath if asked, the thought of her annoying, unwanted verbal conscience being eaten by another dragon didn't sit right with her. 

    With that thought in mind; she shifted. Her form exploding into a large dark blue scaled beast, wings fanning out to either side of her like massive sails. She tipped her head back towards the sky and loosed a bestial roar, the sky darkening with ominous storm clouds. She launched herself skyward and flew towards the invading reptile, forks of lightning bursting across the sky in sequence to her movements. 

  • That is the best idea I've ever heard. Yes. >:] I'm down for that.

  • Not sure, maybe she's in a local park and needs a lighter for her cigarette? Other than that I don't really have any ideas at the moment. Do you have any?

  • :O we??

    Let's write indeed. >:]

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Neo Queen Serenity and Gleeon are now friends
Oct 5
Gleeon left a comment for Vespera Skelton
"The ensuing noise made from Vespera practically dying quickly caught his attention, making him dart…"
Sep 8
Gleeon and Cute_Queen are now friends
Sep 6
Gleeon and Ashlia are now friends
Sep 1
Gleeon left a comment for Vespera Skelton
"‘Dear gods, and I thought Oria was loud.’ On his way out, his head shook while hearing that woman…"
Aug 27
Gleeon left a comment for Vespera Skelton
"His gold and black orbs tracked Vespera’s movements, even after she landed. Being shown her fangs…"
Aug 26
Gleeon left a comment for Vespera Skelton
"Despite how noisy their surroundings became from howling winds and thunder crackling overhead, the…"
Aug 20
Minako and Gleeon are now friends
Aug 8
Gleeon left a comment for Vespera Skelton
"Well, at least she wasn’t attacking first, so far. His hopes of avoiding a fight dwindled once she…"
Aug 5
Gleeon left a comment for Vespera Skelton
"There was- a slight feeling of unease that grew, as if sensing another great presence in his…"
Aug 1
Omega and Gleeon are now friends
Jul 30
Gleeon left a comment for Vespera Skelton
"In order to obtain some rare herbs for a special potion he wanted to brew, Gleeon would need to…"
Jul 29
Gleeon and Vespera Skelton are now friends
Jul 28
Yumi Shade and Gleeon are now friends
Jul 26
Lacrimosa the Cursed and Gleeon are now friends
Jul 25
Gleeon left a comment for Agnes
"For the past month or so, Gleeon had started coming to Sundown Bar & Cafe upon discovering it.…"
Jul 13