




A child was conceived under the influence of heroin.

Her unknown birth parents were as high as a bird.

Ironic, isn't it?







What other choice did they have?

They had no money for a child,

much less wanted one in the first place?







Those two looked into every possibility to make some quick cash off of this "miracle" they have created, finding it worth something at the least.

At last, they found their answer in the form of a door to door salesman. For a company called: ITEX.

He was let in with the promise of making the two a fortune off of the misfortunate situation they were in at that moment. 

He explained that in exchange for the unborn child, he would grant the parents an easy ten thousand dollars for their troubles. 

Of course, they accepted, not really caring what happened to the baby after its birth in a few months. 





November 24, 199x

2:42 AM


Hours of meaningless and loveless labor for this child. In the company's hospital bed, ready to steal it away when it emerged.

A beautiful baby girl.






 As promised, the couple were given their ten thousand dollars for their time and were sent free after the woman finished her part. 

Little is known what happened to these two. Some say, they left NYC, and fled to Atlantic City where they overdosed a month or two after the exchange. 








As for the child....





So began her life of nothing but torment. 

The program she was handed over to was called the By-Half Plan. In short, Doctors and Scientists wanted to play God with a human, and turn them into an immortal being. 

The plan was to create the world's first and only manmade Angel, able to travel between realms and speak with the Deities themselves about the upcoming Apocolypse, as forseen by the Biblical texts. Humankind aimed to save their own skin, at the loss of one of their own.












The first done to this baby was place her in this cage, like a feral dog. It was almost an ordinary dog crate, except with very hefty locks on the outside, to prevent her from escaping.

At a week old, the experiments began. Very small ones. Simple pricks of needles, injecting chemicals into her fresh, untouched veins, attempting for her to grow a tolerance to them for the future. They wanted her to adapt. 

Week two, ITEX had their first flatline for Subject 00. Brought back after twenty minutes of desperation to not have to start over, since they only had a certain amount of time and budget.

When her brunette hair started to grow out a month in, ITEX employees realized something. They got to shape an Angel. Whatever they wanted her to look like, it was their choice. 

A poll.

One needle to the skull, her locks would change in color permanently. 




Another change. Her eyes. One needle to each eye, sinking right into the soft tissues, injecting the most stunning blue pigment they could get their hands on.

As she increased in age, so did the experiments. 

At the ripe old age of six, a major procedure needed to be done.

Ripped away from the cage she grew up in, Subject 00 screamed bloody murder. It took minutes to strap her to a cold metal table, leather digging into her pale flesh, constricting any movement. A strange, large machine was brought over the child. Of course, she never knew what was happening at the time. 

With her arms extended and strapped down, veins were perfectly bulging from the skin, easy to detect. 

Two thick medical IVs were stuck into her veins, causing the child to continue to scream. Attached to the strange machine, the Subject was ready.

Moving to the sides of the table, one Doctor flipped a few switches, causing this pinkish liquid to slowly trail through the plastic tubing and into the little girl.







The girl cried, begged, squealed, screeched, shrieked.

Until there wasn't anything coming from her lungs anymore.

She laid there, motionless, but concious.

The pain ran throughout her body.




It finished after an hour.



What the child did not realize was she had small percentages of animal DNA flowing through her bloodstream, shaping the cells she already had. 



































After this major procedure, it was nothing but training her mind, her body, and her loyalty.


Like before, she was barely fed, only given supplements to keep her alive. She was starved more often to test her, if she would bite the hand that fed her.

She would be forced to run on treadmills for days at a time, stamina and speed checks; to lift up to sixty tons at a time, strength and endurance checks; to injest the knowledge of every language and be able to speak it, however never taught to read or write.

It would only be a few weeks until those black wings would tear, rip and burst through the skin on her back, meaning she would have to learn to fly, like a baby bird forced from its nest. 

She was fifteen.




At the age of sixteen, she had her chance.

 The scientists had put her kennel on wheels and pulled her along towards another laboratory. It was loose, the bars.

Subject 00 had only seconds for this plan to work.

C R E A K !

The young lady was able to bend the metal bars far enough for her naked, thin, and yet thick frame to fit through. Using the speed that the Doctors and Scientists gave her, she bolted as fast as she could to the nearest window. 


C R A A A S H !





She was finally free.

For the first time in her life, she smelled the fresh air, saw the nature growing and roaming around her, felt the grass on her bare feet. She was...entranced, yet strangely terrified.

That quickly changed with the danger behind her. 

Spreading that twenty foot wing-span, she's off.









Subject 00 glided into the city that night.

NYC, the city that never sleeps.

 She was cold, naked, hungry.


Taking the first chance to land, she slid into an alleyway behind a fast food chain. 

The smell from behind the dumpster nearby was so off-putting but incredibly enticing since she was hungry.


Ignoring any morals (as if she had any) she dove in the trash and fished out enough stale bread and fries to fill her for the night.

At least, before she vomitted most of it up later from the conditioning her stomach had been put through.

Subject 00 quickly adapted to eating after the second time throwing everything up.




Sitting there, the lady gazed around at her surroundings. 

Everything seemed so lively for it being this dark outside. She didn't understand anything around her.






Seeing a billboard above her head, the lady took herself up to stand at the ledge, looking at the letters in front of her.

She couldn't read it, however.

It was for a Gentleman's Club.

But...she stared at the name of the man who ran it.


The name seemed to stick...

And in that moment, it was hers.











Moving forward a few years of struggling for shelter, spending nights in strange men's beds for cash, fishing through dumpsters for scraps of food or clothing...

Ryan has learned what it is like on the outside.

Well, not entirely.

Some things still aren't branded in her memory.







Ryan managed to find a job without any background check! One where she wouldn't need to learn to read or write.

She became a stripper at a local joint called The Devil's Angels.

As far as the owner is concerned, she is another broken woman from a shitty alcoholic father who couldn't keep his hands to himself.

With her thick, voluptuous frame, long ebony curls, shining oceanic colored eyes, pale fair skin, he couldn't have asked for a more beautiful woman to work for him.

You would think they would question the giant wings on her back, right?


Everyone who comes in sees the wings as a prop from how drunk or high they are. No one questions if they are real.

Perfect for Ryan.





Not everything is all rainbows and sunshine however....






The nightmares of her growing environment still plague her mind every night when she closes her artificial eyes.

The stabbing,















Moving on from this is going to be a very difficult task for the Little Bird.

With ITEX still searching for their lost subject, to the struggle to feed and clothe herself every day and night.

But in the end...








She's ready as she's ever going to be.

















Subject 00's Official Doctorial Checksheet:



 Physical abilities:

  • Training has allowed Subject 00 the ability to lift up to 60 tons with enough rage.
  • Speed is a key factor for the Subject. Last clock in: 102 MPH.
    • Can be increased with enough outer stimuli.
  • Flight is critical for Subject.
    • Height is not a factor, only air quality and pressure.
    • Atmosphere flight: still not possible.
  • Healing factor is still a progress.
    • Subject 00 can heal others, but not itself.
    • Takes on others injuries on its body.

Mental Abilities:

  • Subject is able to analyze minds of anyone it has come across, even the most reluctant to let it.
  • Excellent memory tests
    • Able to recall every previous lesson at the snap of fingers.
  • Language tests are successful.
    • Every language can be translated by sense of hearing, including creature.

Spiritual Abilities:

  • Black, smoke-like wisps work as intended. Choke whatever living being they touch if inhaled. Can also take the shape of any animal it chooses.
  • Subject seems to have an attraction towards animals, and they seem to attract back. 
    • "Mother Nature" aspect.

Others "aspects" noteable for Subject 00:

  • Likes to collect shiny items, such as paper clips.
    • Could be a factor of the Raven DNA
  • Able to use anything to its well being. 
    • Turned metal fragment into knife by strength
  • Seems to like the colors blue, black and white.
    • Ironic.
  • Does not like meat.
    • Will eat if starved beyond recognition
    • Prefers plants and plant by-products
    • Animal by-products such as milk seem to rest well with it
  • Terrified of thunderstorms
    • Due to fact of living conditions throughout life
      • Alone in labortories


Overall, Subject 00 still in need of work. Some failed tests can be redone next session.


ITEX Head Researcher

 By-Half Experiment  






Friends? What are those?



Jason Kei Hale...is an interesting person that Ryan has associated with in her earlier years. With some romantic tension between them somewhat gone after a difficult split and two years of distance, they meet again in Vegas by chance. Now, they are again grouped together with a mission they never finished: take down the organization that created Ryan. Both equiped with different skills and abilities, they set out to stop the organization from creating new threats to destroy humankind.

Current status: "Jay...?"






Rules of RP:

  • FC: Lily Collins
  • At least a paragraph for a response.
  • 18+ activity is here. Writer is 25. No one under the age of 18, please.
  • I love to Roleplay a ton of different ways. Please, don't be afraid to ask for another setting if the current doesn't tickle your fancy.
  • Have fun! That's what we are here for, right?







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October 18

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Paragraph, Multi-Para

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Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Comedy, Action, Adventure

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  • Legion would be the first to admit that he was overly emotional, and so it didn’t seem to bother him seeing other people cry. He was not exactly easily brought to tears, but that did not mean he did not have very intense emotions that he generally had a hard time dealing with. He was sensitive and he didn’t mind that; he knew how to control himself.

    With that said, he didn’t even seem to flinch when Ryan began to cry, instead shifting her in his arms. He was careful, though he knew there was little he could do in her state to ease the pain. She was just going to have to hurt for a moment. He hated it probably almost as much as she did. Luckily, he was a demon – or, maybe not quite a demon, something far stranger and far more powerful, though he didn’t seem willing to admit that – and he had ways of moving between spaces that took very little time.

    He took one step, and then another, and then it was as if they were in nothing, a strange emptiness between places, between dimensions. It felt cold, and empty, and unsettling. To those who were not used to it, it could be dizzying, even nauseating. It lasted only a second, though, and with another step, the two of them were somewhere else entirely.

    Well, at the very least they were in the same city. The apartment they had stepped into wasn’t Legion’s, as he had mentioned before, but one he was sharing. He seemed to have no issue with bringing her back there, probably because whatever friends had been there before were not currently present. It was a fine space, clean, with polished wood floors, everything bright and well kept. A black rug with a reasonably comfortable looking couch stood in the center of the room, and in one farther corner, a bed. Probably the one Legion had been using, though it was made.

    He sat her down on the couch and knelt in front of her instead of taking a place beside her. His fingers brushed against her cheek, briefly, like he was trying to study her. And in a way, he was. Looking for the injuries that plagued her. Finally, he moved to get a good look at the holes in her body. He was so careful with where he touched her and how. After a moment, he moved to rest his hand on her knee, and tilted his gaze up to her.

    “Okay,” he said easily, and suddenly Ryan would feel a flood wash over her, a complete relief of pain. Some kind of power he held, it seemed. It was temporary, but it did the trick for now. “Tell me where you’re hurt.”

  • If there was anything to be said about Legion it was that he was, in general, concerned. Concerned for people’s wellbeing, for the state of things. He didn’t like or dislike humans in general, though he understood that they often made things difficult for other species. He could say, though, that he hated how often they felt the need to exploit people. This was no different. Ryan was just a girl, strongwilled enough to survive torture even as a child, who was now being punished for being the very thing they made her into.

    It was why he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He’d always felt immense empathy for people who were dealt such a shitty hand in life. It was true it made him much more vulnerable to being tricked, but he didn’t care all that much. People who wanted to use him for something would find it very easy. Unless he felt the outcome was truly horrible, he could eat it. After all, many people he had helped, who had used him, had felt like they had no choice. He was fully willing to help those who were so desperate they could think of no other option than making a deal with the devil.

    Not that he was particularly fond of contracts, but… it was what it was.

    Ryan was different, though, strangely. She didn’t want help and had never asked for it. Maybe it had been wrong of him to assume she would need it, but from his perspective he could offer her things she didn’t have, had never had. And it was really no skin off his nose. He had plenty to give away.

    When the call came in, he was not doing anything of importance. Legion often spent time zoning out while he scrolled through his phone. If he was supposed to lay low, it meant there were many things he really couldn’t do. He had blinked at the unknown number, but answered despite not knowing who it was. Which, he was glad he did. He would have been kicking himself knowing he had missed her call.

    Help. Of course. She needed help.

    In response, he said, only, gently, “Okay.” Before hanging up. He didn’t need to have her location. Slipping out of his friend’s apartment, he let his gaze trail up and down the street before, suddenly, disappearing. Teleportation was a skill he was incredibly thankful to have, especially in emergencies like this.

    How he was able to track her, it was hard to say. Certainly a creature like himself would have overall stronger senses, but it was still a strange thing to be able to do. But regardless of how, what was important was that he was there, just like he said he would be, kneeling before her. He still wore those glasses to shield the appearance of his face, and he tilted his head slightly as he gazed down at her. Slowly, carefully, he raised a hand to brush over her hole-ridden wing.

    “Sorry, angel.” He said gently, a sincere apology for clearly not being here soon enough. “Show me where you’re injured.” He added, but then thought better of it, and instead scooped her up into his arms, turned on heel and began to walk. It was likely better that they not do this here. Probably whoever was after her was still out there. And they would find her, if they were that determined.

  • Legion watched her with narrowed eyes behind his little dark sunglasses, but finally the man seemed to sigh. Giving in to her acceptance of the place. If she was going to insist that this was good enough, he would just have to concede despite his intuition that this felt wrong. Anyway, he knew he could get annoying, had been told such a thing several times over. He wasn’t going to start being insecure about that now. He spent long enough trying his best to be a good brother, a good friend, a good boyfriend, that it was instinctive to him to be coddling. He just wanted to protect. And he knew he could do that.

    “You’re very sure of yourself.” The demon sighed in response, finally giving in with another shrug. He wouldn’t push if she didn’t want to be pushed, but he knew that just because someone said they were fine didn’t always mean it was the truth.

    He did not, in fact, get into his head about being her exception to the rule. In fact, Legion only looked at her sideways for a moment, his gaze slightly narrowed in thought. Fine then. After a moment he stood himself, walking around the little room in quiet thought, as if surveying the place. It wasn’t great, but it was clean enough, and she was high enough up… not easy to catch her, though not super easy to run either… but she could fly, so that was hardly a problem in all honesty.

    Finally he turned back to her at her question and he raised an eyebrow, before shrugging. “Like I said before, I wouldn’t really call those men my friends. But no. I wouldn’t say they’d miss me. They’re likely at yet another strip club, or they’re fucking some girls in their apartment. All I’m doing is delaying the inevitable awkwardness of coming home to moans.” It was Legion’s time to smirk, then, evidently not so distraught that the thought of this weighed on him. “Anyway. In all honesty it’s more likely that they’re all drugged up and blackout drunk and passed out in their living room.” Preferable to what he just described honestly.

    But he knew when he was getting on people’s nerves, so finally the demon slipped his way back to the window, glancing back at the woman.

    “Find me if you need me.” He said earnestly, before he fell from the high balcony. Either he disappeared into thin air, or he hit the ground running. No body was left behind from his fall, and he didn’t have wings to fly with, so that was out of the question too.

  • He was not expecting a response from Ryan at all. What could anyone say, but an apology to her, after hearing what she had gone through? It was just another indication of the unfairness of the world. But she knew that. He didn’t need to explain how royalling fucked up it was to her. That was no secret to anyone.

    Instead, Legion’s head fell to the side in quiet thought when she held her hand out to him. He took it, his skin unusually warm in hers. He seemed perfectly comfortable with flying, as if it was something he’d done many times before, which probably wouldn’t have surprised anyone to know. He was, after all, a demon. Or similar. And didn’t demons have wings? They usually did, anyway. Still, he let her lead the way.

    When they stepped inside, he looked over the place with the same glare in his eyes behind the sunglasses. Well, honestly, despite its abandoned status, it could have been a lot worse. He was expecting it to be worse. But everything was clean, if not dusty, worn down and bug bitten. He did not want to think about that last part at all, and instead moved to do as she suggested, sitting back on the opposite bed with a sigh.

    “You’ll fly in public like that but me putting you up in a hotel room is too much to blow your cover.” He mumbled the sarcastic comment mostly to himself as he crossed his arms over his chest, and crossed his legs in a way that would have likely been considered quite feminine. He couldn’t complain too much. She was right; it was cover. It was safety from the elements and high up enough to be impossible to look into, aside from by helicopter or perhaps drone. 

    He watched her with a quiet and calculating gaze, then, unwavering and probably unblinking, like he was like he was analyzing her.

    “I can find you something with high security, if that’s what you’re worried about,” He finally offered, with another, smaller tilt of his head. Doing everything he could to offer her something better than… well, than this.

  • There was a bit of a glare to his gaze, though that remained hidden between his glasses and the darkness of the alley at night. Still, the frown permeated his face and he stared off at nothing as he considered everything he was learning. Was it easy to take down an organization like that? Likely not. And what could he do, but murder the people involved? That wouldn’t mean an end to the horror. Not if the organization ran deep. And it sounded like it did, like it was government related. He’d need endless amounts intel, help, and more to try and stop people like that. He couldn’t be killed easily, and he could probably murder enough people to slow operations, but they’d still come after Ryan eventually.

    That said though, he knew for a fact that people trying to take her on the street would only result in their own deaths, by her hand or by his. It was one thing to search out a group. Another thing to let them come to you. And he was going to choose the latter. Much easier to get rid of that way, anyway. One at a time.

    Although he’d sort of suspected it, the reality that she had been sold for drugs was… not what he wanted to hear. His frown deepened and flitted back to the woman beside him, shaking his head a little. It sounded so unbelievable, giving up family like that. Giving up a baby like that, something he couldn’t even fathom doing, but he knew drugs were nasty things that controlled people’s lives. Even supernatural creatures were not immune to that. He’d known plenty of people, human or otherwise, who let themselves be consumed by harder and harder drugs. It killed some people, and for some it just ate their lives up.

    “I’m sorry.” He almost mumbled it this time, regretted asking her something so personal when he knew the only answers he would get would be bad. But he let himself fall silent this time as they approached the hotel, and he paused outside of it. That frown never leaving his face. Finally, he turned to look at her, crossing his arms over his chest in a very definitive kind of way.

    “I’m begging you to let me put you somewhere better.” Though there was a blankness in his words. He wouldn’t be hurt if she said no, but it was clear he just wanted to help. If Ryan really didn’t want the help, he’d relent, though he’d do so with a sigh.

  • “What an honor.” Legion said with a laugh as he took the phone from her, inputting his number and name into the device. Even went so far as to add his address, although since it was in an entirely different country, he wasn’t really sure what good it would do her. He could reach her from anywhere in a second. He had nothing to worry about it.

    He handed her back the phone and followed her down the alley, shoving the free hand of his into his pocket. He walked like a prowling cat, silent in his footsteps unless he happened to kick some of the trash on the ground. He thought about questioning their route, but then decided better on it. Ryan knew where she was going. He didn’t. And anyway, wasn’t she trying to stay out of sight? This was the best way to do that.

    “I can’t imagine them wanting to do more tests on you.” He said finally, with a sigh. It wasn’t the best subject matter, he knew, but he didn’t really know what else to say. He couldn’t understand the human need to experiment on innocent people in the first place. “How did you end up there, anyway?” He asked, then paused, hesitating.

    “You don’t have to answer that.” He added, a bit more gently. He realized it could have been a subject she definitely didn’t want to get into, and he didn’t want to make her do so. It was her life, after all, not some fun little story for her to tell to strangers whenever they got curious. But he was curious. He couldn’t help it.

  • Either he didn’t think it was relevant to the conversation, or he hadn’t noticed it as a particular issue, but she was right. He seemed to glide right past that point, instead offering a frown as she continued to talk. He shifted, then, a little, noticing her discomfort. Of course that hadn’t been his intention, but then, how could she not be? This was her life she was talking about. Being hunted like that was… bad, over all.

    Gently, he moved to take the pizza box from her before she could do so, to slide the rest of it in and close the lid. He didn’t need the food, and at least pizza could be eaten cold in the most dire of circumstances, which Ryan was clearly in. He would carry the box, not willing to let her do so, although she’d have it when she got home.

    He was still trying to process everything Ryan had said as she made a comment about leaving and walking home. He stood himself, finishing off the can of soda he’d taken from her and tossing it away before he nodded, and headed toward the door.

    “How gracious of you,” Legion commented, a teasing tone to his voice at her words. Still, he had to admit he was glad for them. At least walking her home would let him make sure she was safe on the walk there. Another run in would be just the thing they both needed to kick off the night.

    Anyway, Legion could eat.

    “I should give you my number.” He mused thoughtfully as he headed toward the door. “That way you can contact me if you need to.” Although he rarely answered it for some people he tended to be fairly good at answering calls for people he actually wanted to hear from. Not that hearing from Ryan would be anything joyous. He assumed she would only call him if she needed help. But that was enough of a reason to answer a phone call, anyway.

    If she was the only successful person out of their experiments, it meant both that there was no way they would ever let her go so easily, and that there were countless lives lost due to this organization. Innocent people being used as experiments in the hopes of finding something better. What was extra ironic was that if they only just looked a little harder, they’d find this world teeming with supernatural creatures, some even willing to work for money to do whatever people wanted them to. If they really wanted an angel, a bioweapon of mass destruction, or anything else, they could find it. Humans could be so single minded sometimes.

  • Legion watched her with the quiet gaze of not exactly a predator, just someone concerned for the wellbeing of others. He knew about running and hiding, he had to admit to that firsthand. But he wasn’t often trying to get away from any kind of organization, just individual people, and even that ended in his own downfall.

    Of course, they weren’t human, they were much worse, and very powerful, and that made it all the more difficult to get away. But he knew human organizations could be just as bad and ruthless. Humans themselves could be cold and ruthless.

    Her nervousness made him frown slightly, and for a second he lifted his hand as if he was going to try and comfort her. But then he stopped himself, letting the hand fall to his side with a sigh. “It’ll be okay,” he said gently, and though he couldn’t promise that that was the case, he’d certainly do everything in his power to prove that it was. He wouldn’t say ‘I’ll protect you,’ but the sentiment was implied. “Do you know what they want with you? Or do they just… feel as if they aren’t finished with you yet.” He wouldn’t ordinarily say something in such a direct and deadpan way, but to him there was no other way to say it. If she was on the run, she had to know what they wanted from her. He had a feeling it was nothing, that they just thought she belonged to them, that she shouldn’t have left in the first place.

    “Leave it to humans to create something stronger than themselves and then be surprised when that thing breaks away or lashes out.” Legion said with almost an annoyed sigh, before finishing off his own slice of pizza. What could he say? That was very human. Experimenting and torturing unsuspecting and undeserving victims just because they could, because human curiosity could not be stopped, even in the face of danger. It was one of the things he detested the most about them.

  • This was not the first time someone had had those thoughts about Legion. In fact, most people would say he was easy to talk to. That he made people feel safe, like they could talk about anything to him. But there was no complaint from him about that. He wanted people to trust him. He was honest. If he wanted to hurt someone, they would know it up front. He’d never lie about that. With someone as powerful as him, he had no reason to lie. He’d always succeed in his endeavors, anyway.

    He didn’t really watch her eat, knowing that that was a recipe for making things even more awkward. Instead, heh turned his gaze down, staring absently at the slightly sticky table before them. Honestly, he didn’t need the food. He was just eating the pizza because it was there, because he liked the taste of it. Or… at least he could stand the taste of it. It was hard today which one it was really, being a demon meant that human food was basically worthless to him.

    But it was just as awkward to eat alone with someone sitting beside you. The one piece would do him. He wasn’t feeling hungry, anyway. Not at the moment.

    “It’s fine.” Legion said easily, waving his hand dismissively. He wasn’t worried about Ryan accepting his offer or not accepting it. If she needed help, he would be there to help. Whether she asked for it or not. And it wasn’t as if he was going to rescind his offer to house her if she needed that, too. Why not help those who couldn’t help themselves? People thrived in communities. Legion liked helping people. And he didn’t like praise for it, either, just like he didn’t really enjoy talking about himself. He found it more awkward than anything.

    “Have you had a run in any time recently?” He decided to change the subject, not really sure where else this conversation could go. At the very least, he could gauge whether or not she was in any immediate danger, if he should be walking her home or watching out for her when she wasn’t paying attention. Even though it seemed like she had it all figured out herself, one could never be too careful.

  • Of course, Legion’s jab was playful and whatever Ryan knew about fanfiction was her business alone. But he still did manage to look mildly amused as she shrugged off his comment and moved on to his question about what she was. Or who she was.

    He knew, probably, that she was going to have a complicated answer to the question. A frown creased his face once again and his brows furrowed slightly as she continued to talk about what it was she was. Or… how she became what she was, more like. He couldn’t say he was surprised. She smelled mostly human, and seemed mostly human, if not just for her wings and what he assumed were enhanced abilities.

    “So you’re mostly human…” He mused, letting his gaze drift away from her. She couldn’t see that, but he did turn his head slightly away too, contemplating the reality of this for her. Yet another thing that seemed so unfair. “It seems like you age,” he commented absently, “So you aren’t immortal.” As far as anyone knew, anyway. In his mind, he couldn’t think of any good reason to force people to suffer in that way. But then, he wasn’t human. Humans did a lot of things he couldn’t understand.

    “I’m sorry.” He added, because he wasn’t sure what else to say for the moment. But it made sense, why she was on the run, why she could never put herself on a lease for a house or rent a hotel room. There was no way she could ever get any form of identification without being caught. And if she couldn’t read… well, that made things much more difficult, didn’t it.

    “Still, my door is always open if you need it. And I’ll protect you, if I can.” He didn’t live in New York, but he could be close quickly, if he needed to be. Gently, Legion pushed the pizza toward Ryan as he took another bite of his own slice.

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"Ryan wasn't expecting to be injured as bad as she was. It came with the territory, of being who she…"
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"Ryan could barely hear the breathing of the man that was on the other side of the phone. It calmed…"
Sep 18
R y a n and Seclusion are now friends
Sep 18
★Rhysand★ and R y a n are now friends
Sep 13
Apollonius Grimm and R y a n are now friends
Sep 9
R y a n left a comment for Legion
"Seems the incessant no's she was giving to him was enough to make him back off of her a little…"
Sep 9
R y a n left a comment for Legion
"Her eyes seemed to turn to the side to look at him as his sarcasm with tart on the tongue. They…"
Sep 2
R y a n left a comment for Legion
"Ryan wasn't sure how to react when he apologized. She wasn't sure what someone's reaction would be…"
Sep 1
R y a n left a comment for Legion
"Ryan seemed happy when given the phone back, a slight smirk on the edge of her brims as she brought…"
Sep 1
R y a n left a comment for Legion
"There was a pause in her reach as he seemed to take care of the pizza before she could even get her…"
Aug 31
R y a n left a comment for Legion
He seemed to brush across the fact of ITEX wanting her with a direct hit. Her eyes softened,…"
Aug 30
R y a n left a comment for Legion
"Chewing with a gentle purpose, bright blues staring down at the same tabletop he was. Splotches of…"
Aug 27
R y a n left a comment for Legion
""..." Listening to him apologize was difficult to hear. He didn't need to say he was sorry for…"
Aug 26
R y a n left a comment for Legion
"She gave a small smirk when he seemed to gather up her knowledge on the subject, but she just…"
Aug 19