Page is a WIP



All around me darkness gathers; fading is the sun that shone.

We must speak of other matters; you can be me when I’m gone.

Flowers gathered in the morning, afternoon they blossom on.

Still are withered in the evening; you can be me when I’m gone.





a vast host, multitude, or number of people or things.

great in number.

A man known by many names, seen as many entities, existing in many places.


But also, a man.


Legion does not know when he began. If asked, he could not tell you who (what) he is. Legion is a plaything to the devil. He is an older brother to twin demons. He is an (ex)lover of the god Apep. He is the best friend of Time itself; immortal, to a point. He can die. He just won’t stay dead.




Where do you begin with a man who has no history? Or, rather, with a man who has no beginning?


Legion was not really… ‘born.’ One could say he was created, but it is more accurate to say he just appeared one day, bursting through the shadows like bats from a cave. He was probably around at the very crest of time, although no one could say for sure – not even himself, as he has no memory of his early life. Sometimes he remembers little things during quiet, lonely nights, like the vast, empty feeling of stillness before there was wind, or the feeling of endless wind before there were trees and land and water to disrupt it. His memories escape him, though. There’s so much to remember when you’re so old.


He knows he had made a home in Hell, before there was a devil. He believes, perhaps wrongly, that Hell once belonged to him, that he created it to live in when there was nowhere else to exist. He had been a ruler, once. A creator of things and places. An amorphous creature with powers beyond comprehension.


But now, he is just a man.12413007688?profile=RESIZE_400x


He knows also that he became a favorite toy of Lucifer’s when the angel fell from Heaven and stole Hell from him, guided by the power of a god Legion didn’t worship. He lived and he died. He reincarnated. He was at the mercy of the whims of the Lightbringer. That is, until Legion made the decision to adopt two unbearably annoying, mischievous, obnoxious little twin demons as his sisters. Creatures so exhausting and so unwilling to die and stay dead that they were banished from Hell to walk the Earth, Legion with them. Of course, he was welcome back any time. Without them.



Legion’s time on earth, some might say, has been rocky. Though his sisters were by his side for some of it, he was more often alone, and preferred it that way. Having no place to go, he wandered the earth for millenia. It’s hard to kill a creature like him, and he simply kept on living, never aging. Falling in love and out of it. The thing about living so much life for so long, is that you often become bitter. And if you don’t become bitter, you love more deeply than anyone you could ever know. Legion has been both of these people.


There is a lot of life to fit into the story of him. His most recent escapade ended, like most of the others, in tragedy. Deeply, madly, painfully in love with Apep, the god of chaos, he had chosen a life for himself at the side of the snake, against the Sun God, desperate for the life they could build together. No one had done for him what Apep had. He had felt rescued. Hell, the god had eaten Lucifer. For him.



And then, Apep died.


Or, rather, he was killed. Destroyed by his own family, murdered for his plot against the Sun. Legion fell into disrepair. He grieved in the only way he knew how: withering away. A catatonic state. Becoming one with the shadows. Starving to death.


Oh, death. Oh, what bliss.


When Legion dies, he changes. Over time, over many deaths, his memory fades away, until he remembers only a couple of his past lives. He takes a new name, a new appearance, and begins life anew. Sometimes with the memories and personality of his previous self. Often, there are alterations. He remembers Apep. Remembers the muscle of arms around him while they stood upon the beach. Remembers the elation he felt when Apep asked him if they shouldn’t live together, in a towering castle in the middle of the Irish moors, away from each of their troubles. Remembers the fear and exhilaration he felt as the god pressed a knife to his neck in a playful, sadistic manner. He remembers that their love burned quick and fast and hot, not like a candle but like a struck match. Knows that now, it’s over. Now, his name has changed. His face, too. Knows he is no longer the same.




Legion Lucifai


He doesn’t know what he is, but he calls himself a demon. After all, he is not the devil, and he is from hell. With no other words to describe him, and with striking similarities to other creatures of the same name, this is how he prefers to identify. After all, Legion eats humans to survive. Blood, bones, skin, soul and all. What is more demonic than that?


Legion can go a very long time without food, if he trains for it. Typically, he prefers to eat every couple of weeks. In previous lives, when he was stronger and when he had more power, he could live for years, even decades at a time without consuming anything. These days, he is not the same creature he was then, and he simply must have nourishment, or he becomes ravenous and weak. When not consuming food for sustenance, however, Legion prefers sweet things to eat. Human food does nothing for him, except that he likes the taste of it. Ice cream is his favorite.


 In the same vein, human vices do nothing for him except act as a comfort. Legion smokes because it hurts his lungs. He drinks because it burns. If he does enough of one drug, he will begin to feel something.

Legion appears to be in his late twenties or early thirties. He stands at a moderate 6’3 when he looks like a human. Sometimes, he appears to be shorter. Though he does have a demonic form, he has found very little reason to actually use it, and so it remains essentially useless to him. His hair is the deepest brown; without direct sunlight, it appears black. His skin is ghostly pale, and his nails are often black and mildly pointed. He prefers the aesthetics of black clothing to almost all else, though he will sport a white shirt now and again, if the vibe calls for it. The only thing about his appearance that doesn’t change with his reincarnations are his eyes. They are black through and through, from pupil to sclera, with only a thin red ring around his iris. He sports deep bruising beneath his eyes, dark purple and blue, the bruising of a lobotomy victim. He hides his eyes beneath sunglasses for the part. Once upon a time, he had wings.



Legion is a playful and somewhat sarcastic character. Most often, he comes off as aloof and flirtatious (both things he actually is) but with a temper. He tries very hard to keep his cool, but it is in his demonic nature to run hot. He is exceptionally kind until he isn’t, playful to an alarming degree, and  enjoys spending time with animals.


Legion is a musician. Actually, the better description of him would probably be a singer. He fell into the job after giving up his position in a large local drug ring, realizing that the high of performing on a stage for an enraptured crowd vastly outweighed selling drugs to rich snobs. Legion craves the attention of an enamored audience. His pop-punk style of both music and clothing earns him plenty of fans, and the tabloid stories of his rendezvous with both men and women keep them interested. His fanbase is small, and though he is considered more underground than mainstream, the fans are loyal. He has gained a cult following over the years. It is said that his music can change lives. People leave the concerts feeling more pleasured than when they came in. The feeling, they say, is addicting.


He lives in a London flat by himself. When not preparing for a performance, Legion often sleeps his days away and stalks out into the dark for the London nightlife. His natural way of consuming food is very conducive to night owl behavior.


Fun Facts:

  • Because demons aren’t really meant to survive on Earth, Legion’s body doesn’t operate correctly. He suffers from extreme iron deficiency and begins to cough up blood when he becomes too anemic. Although this affliction won’t kill him, it is wildly uncomfortable. Drinking blood helps.


  • Legion does eat people, but for the most part, unless he is actively starving to death or terribly injured, he tries only to kill people he believes really deserves to die. There is often a layer of seduction when hunting his victims - it is, after all, the easiest way to get people to remove their clothing before eating them.


  • Legion is covered in tattoos, but because he wears pants and long sleeves almost all of the time, it is hard to get a glimpse of them.


  • Legion loves cats. He loves cats a lot. Some people would even say he is Part of the reason he refuses to live with his sisters again is because of their propensity for putting cats in ovens to piss him off. It works.


  • Legion also loves plants, though he can’t seem to figure out how to keep them alive for very long.


  • He is terrified of bugs and he will make you regret making fun of him for it.


  • It would be incorrect to say that Legion cannot be affected by human drugs. If he takes enough poison, drinks enough of the strongest alcohol, or uses enough very strong drugs, he will suffer, either becoming violently ill or intoxicated. They can’t kill him, however, not unless they are made with the intention of killing creatures like him.


  • He has three hearts.


  • Angels love Legion. He has no idea why, but they have a feral attraction to him for some reason – his smell, his blood, his pheromones, something about him pulls them in. Though Legion has dated an angel before, the experience was not something he would ever want to recreate. Despite their obsession for him, they did not come to him with love in their hearts. Something about him makes them insane, abusive, cruel. Legion has no idea how to get them off his back.


  • Legion knows The First Language. His name - his real name, not the different names he chooses to go by on Earth - is part of that language. To speak it aloud is to summon him and have some sense of control over his form. For this reason, there are only two people who know what that name is. He trusts no one else to know it. He has been burned in the past because of it. Therefore, he will not speak his real name, or even The First Language, aloud. Ever.


  • Legion is made of shadows. They cling to his body, tugging at his skin, causing rips and tears and healing him again, over and over. He came from shadows, and thus he belongs to them. Because of this, he can also manipulate shadows to his own will, though they seem to often have a mind of their own. This used to bother Legion so much that he wore gloves and long sleeves constantly to hide it. Now, he has managed to hide them, and most people do not even notice it.



Cats, flowers, sharp things, ice cream, shitty Chinese food, most men, fierce and powerful women, arguably bad animated movies, rain, the cold, cigarettes, bonfire smoke, iced coffee, scalding hot showers, blatant flirting, the taste of Vampire blood




Most dogs, most animal meat, hot coffee, yelling matches, vibrant colors, licorice, bitter foods, loneliness, injustice



NPCs that often show up in Legion’s stories. Some of these characters I have written separately and others are only ever written with the purpose of advancing plot for Legion.



Legion’s manager and a siren. Anna has been around for as long as Legion has been making music. He saved her once, and since then they have been close friends. When he decided to quit his drug business and pursue music instead, Anna was the first to support his decision and help him grow his presence in the music industry. He doesn’t make any career decisions without her input. She manages all of his appointments, from modeling to interviews to concerts. Although she is a strict manager, she would never put Legion in a position that is too uncomfortable for him. She loves him dearly and would give her life for him. Anna is married to a gorgon woman, Navy.





Legion’s little sister. Aki presents herself as a thirteen year old girl with white skin, long black hair (picture The Ring), and a thin, emaciated body. She has fascinating eyes – silver most of the time, but opalescent when she’s using powers. She has no interest in love, relationships, or even, really, friendships. She is as creepy as a child can get, and although she appears as a teenager, her behavior often makes her seem much younger. It is important to note that despite this appearance, Aki is almost as old as her brother. She is the definition of evil and annoying. She loves causing mischief, murdering people (and animals!), and terrorizing humans. She carries around a puppet-like doll with her who holds a scythe called Mr. Happy. Some people say Mr. Happy is alive.

Aki is the twin sister of Keller, a beautiful blond-haired banshee. Aki loves her sister and her brother more than anything else in the world. Unlike Legion, she will kill upon the slightest inconvenience.

(Aki is my own character, but Keller is not, so she is not available to write or play at all.)



The devil. The lightbringer. The morningstar. Lucifer has always had an obsession with the demon. Their relationship is complicated. Legion is branded with Lucifer’s sigil, although what the angel really wants with him is hard to say for sure. Once upon a time, Legion was stronger than Lucifer, held more power over him. Now? Well, now it’s the other way around. Legion is Lucifer’s slave. Lucifer uses him as a toy, a sexual release, a punching bag.

Apep did eat him. Although Lucifer can regenerate and is immortal, it will take a while for him to return.




In the 1980s, Legion (who went by a different name, Cassius) was considered a growing rockstar to rival other large bands at the time. He had the stage presence, the appearance, and gave just enough of a glance into his life that tabloids and fans thought he was scandalous and fascinating. However, all of that changed after he met Uriel. A man who had come to his shows, wormed his way into the demon’s life, and eventually into his heart. But Uriel’s intentions were cruel. Slowly, he dismantled everything Cassius had worked for, including his house, his job, and his friends. Uriel wanted the man all to himself, and he succeeded. After this, the tables turned. The sweet man Cassius thought he knew shed his skin to show a monster beneath it. Everything about him was swift, abusive, vicious. Cassius had never been more terrified of an angel.

Their break up was hard and left him with nothing. It almost ended his life. Uriel, being an angel, is equally as immortal as Legion, though the demon hasn’t seen Uriel since their relationship ended. Some pieces of it still haunt him, especially knowing that, somewhere, Uriel is lurking.




About the Writer:

Hi! My name is Micajah (they/them). I'm 28 and a grad student in Library Science. I've been writing since 2007 (16 years!!!) but have had a rocky last few years. I haven't consistently written since 2020ish. You might know me from Rolepages or Faeries and Vampires (if you're OG)! I'm typically a really fast replier, but with a full time job and full time school, my response time has been greatly reduced. I do my best to get to things within the week, but it's not always possible.

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  • Even though Vanitas’ smile faded at Legion’s reaction, honestly the demon’s response could have been worse. In the past, his angelic heritage ended a so-called friendship and led to a multitude of fights. Others avoided him and his kind as if they were the plague. It was always amusing to him how humans practically worshiped angels - yet almost every other type of being loathed their existence. Not that Vanitas could blame any of them. He despised Heaven and those that resided within the infamous pearly gates. 

    It was too bad that their conversation was interrupted by that woman, because Vanitas couldn’t help but to wonder which archangel Legion was previously involved with. Then again, he wasn’t fond of any of them - so the answer would likely make him grimace. It was interesting much as the archangels considered the union of an angel and a demon to be the greatest taboo, it seemed to be a secret recurrence.

    Speaking of that horrid woman, she and Vanitas were now in the midst of a staredown. The woman continued to glare daggers in his direction while his golden hues panned the lady up and down, his expression showing how unimpressed he was. He was expecting the woman to try to attack him, only to be surprised when Legion wrapped his arm around him. He looked up at the demon as he spoke, not minding the gesture, but was a bit stunned that he seemed to still want to be around him. So being an angel didn’t completely ruin the mood? That was good since he enjoyed the conversation they were having. Hm, at this point they kinda really were on a date.

    The woman was also caught off guard by Legion’s response, realizing that the other demon wasn’t affected by her allure. Her shock led to his lips curving into a devious smile. "Aw, you’re claiming me now?" Vanitas teased at Legion, though he knew his words would also make the woman envious that she wasn’t 'chosen'. Jealousy, even when it came to strangers, was typical with their kind - and the incubus in him couldn’t help but to smugly rub in.

    The woman probably would have pestered the pair further, but between Legion not being affected by her and noticing Vanitas’ wings, she decided to continue her hunt elsewhere. There were plenty of other humans and demons nearby that would gladly give into their desires. After emitting a lowly growl more so directed at the nephalem, the woman stepped away, making her way back into the sea of people.

    Vanitas all the while kept his eyes on the woman until he lost sight of her - about time she took the hint. He wanted to roll his eyes, but instead felt Legion taking his hand. His attention then went back to the demon, his gaze softening as he let their fingers intertwine. "Let’s get out of here, I can always give you a private dance later.~" He teased with a genuine smile, this time to keep the mood lightened between them. When Legion was ready Vanitas then led him out of the building, keeping a watchful eye just in case. Between the duo that gave him trouble when he first arrived and the woman trying to steal his date away, it was probably better for them to leave.

    Now back outside, Vanitas briefly looked up at the moon before reverting his gaze to Legion, wondering if he lived close by. Or maybe he drove here? The least he could do was walk him over to his car if so. "Sorry that you had to deal with that crazy lady, are you okay?" He couldn’t help but to show some concern. It had been a long time since he witnessed another’s allure having no effect on someone. Usually that meant the one was severely uninterested, or they already had someone special in their life. Vanitas assumed it was the former as he decided to walk alongside Legion, if he allowed it. A moonlit stroll should be a more peaceful change of pace.

  • “A cat wouldn’t keep foxes away, unfortunately. They prey on cats.” She hated to point that out, but she wanted Bee to be aware of the dangers. “They might be okay if you locked them up at night, though, like in a shed or something. Add in some natural perches, cat scratchers, and places to rest and they’ll be fine for the night.” The gentle breeze stirred her hair. Legacy reached up and tucked a strand behind her ear. “A lot of cats actually prefer living outside; it depends on the cat, though. Some do enjoy the simplicity and safety of living behind walls rather than venturing outside.”

    Legacy was content in following Bee wherever her heart desired.

    Well, until she peeled away from her suddenly, releasing a squeal of delight as she did so. Legacy blinked, but quickly took off after the young girl. Her long legs easily kept up with her, but she came to a screeching halt just shy of the water. Dirt was tossed up as she planted her feet firmly on dry land. One could practically hear the screech of brakes. She took a hearty step away from the water’s edge, eyes widening when Bee stepped further into the pond. She detested water. Loathed its very existence.
    Anxiety seeped through her as she watched Bee interact with the ducks. She was a good swimmer. That was…good. Good. No rescuing needed, it seemed.

    “Isn’t the water cold?” She called out, unable to keep her incredulity out of her voice. Legacy breathed a sigh of relief as she made her way out of the water. As soon as she left the pond, Legacy bent down to Bee’s level. “That water had to be cold! You could catch a chill, you know. And your clothes are all wet…” Legacy frowned. What would her mothers say if she came back sopping wet?

    Legacy reached out and drew a glyph on her left shoulder. It glowed a bright, brilliant red for a long moment. Her clothes slowly seemed to dry, though they would remain damp as the glyph faded away. Legacy drew another over her right shoulder. This one was bright orange and seemed to emit a heat that enveloped her body. It reacted in real time, lowering the heat if she felt too warm, even to the point of disappearing completely if Legacy was overreacting, or growing in strength if she began to catch a chill.
    “Come on,” Legacy drawled. “Let’s do something else. Something dry…”


    He was being stalked.

    Hidden in the lingering shadows of dawn stood a medium-sized canine with a lean, athletic build. Her fur was a mottled mix of earthy browns and smoky grays. Black mixed into the mottled pelt along her back and sides, giving her a camouflaged appearance. Her throat and chest held a slash of white patches, gleaming like moonlight. The ears were pointed and relatively large compared to her head size, giving her exceptional hearing. Her eyes were yellow with a sharp, intelligent glint.

    Too intelligent to be a mere animal.

    In fact, the very species of this animal did not belong here, for the creature that stalked Legion was an Indian Jackal. And yet, most people just assumed her to be a stray mutt. New York City wasn’t known for its abundance of strays, but if anyone spotted her, the often paid her no mind.

    For months now, she had been following Aurora, the evil plaything of Agatha. It had been years since they had a solid lead on the witch. Indeed, many amongst her people thought she was dead at last. Not their leader, who continued to caution against such thoughts. Nisha knew the stories of Agatha’s bloodline — Allistair, Bonnie, Margarett, and poor Emily. The Witch’s Council should have stepped in before Agatha spiraled into the dark witch she was today. As it were, they still claimed no responsibility for Allistair and his actions. That being said, they had given the greatest breakthrough. A few years ago, they aided a woman that had recently escaped from Agatha’s grasp. No one quite knew how, only that she had made a deal with the witch to trade fur for flesh. The Council had given her money and a nice little home in North Carolina.

    Legacy has been watched ever since.

    Nisha had to accept some blame for what had transpired. She knew that the woman, Legacy, was searching for Agatha, for she knew that the witch had a dastardly plan that may threaten all supernaturals. Nisha had stood off to the sideline, even as Legacy traded highly valuable items to a stranger. Ryan. He was on the list as well. Whereabouts? Unknown. Motives? Likely diabolical. She had finally decided to intervene when a bar literally blew up. She could still take the ash on her tongue.

    That’s when the creature showed up.

    Polite, chivileristic, offering to help without even fully knowing who he was helping. That sort of selflessness could be admired, but Nisha had never scented something like Legion before. He wasn’t just a demon. He was more, and that unsettled her. She had yet to send a full report to her leader. She was waiting for the right opportunity. Her leader only knew that Aurora was dead. His teleportation had been…problematic. She couldn’t teleport herself like he could. They knew where Aurora was before they knew themselves, so another agent had already been on scene during the…attack. Where they went right after was unknown. But Legion’s connections had been under the Covenant’s watch as well, so she knew Legacy was staying with a woman named Anna. She had returned to New York to try to find more information on the creature. She did not expect him to turn up so quickly. She had followed him as he had left his home, far enough that she could not be seen. In fact, the distance was such that she nearly relied on scent alone.

    The stench of alcohol drew her closer until she dared to peak into the alley. Was this creature drinking?
    The sight made her flinch. She had been in this woman’s shoes, once. Did he come to watch? Her body coiled, ready to spring…

    But she didn’t need to. A chill ran down Nisha's spine as she watched the man's fate unfold. Her jackal senses were heightened, every fiber of her being screaming at her to run, to flee from the monster that loomed over its prey. Yet, she remained frozen in place, transfixed by the horror before her eyes. Her jackal instincts told her to show submission, to slink away unnoticed. Yet she remained transfixed to the spot.

    The scent of blood and viscera filled her nostrils, making her stomach churn. She had seen death before, had hunted and killed in her jackal form. But this was different. This was not the clean kill of a predator, but a brutal, merciless slaughter.

    Nisha felt a low whine build in her throat. She swallowed it back, fearful of drawing attention to herself. She shook herself. She had a job to do, after all. Her ears pricked forward and her gaze fell upon the woman, crumpled and unmoving against the wall. Without thinking, Nisha dragged in a quick breath and darted towards her, nudging the woman's limp form with her snout. She didn’t move, but the woman’s breathing was steady and strong. Nisha clamped her jaws over her shoulder, careful to only gather cloth in her teeth. She had no idea if the monster had even noticed her — she hoped he didn’t, but she had to remove this woman from the scent. She needed help. Nisha was too fearful to shift quite yet, so she dragged the young woman from the alley with ease.

    It wasn’t hard to find help. It was New York after all. As soon as she was on the main walkways, a taxi came to a jarring stop. The squeal of tires made Nish glance up. She wagged her tail, offering a yip towards the young man who climbed out of the yellow car. He rushed towards them, bending down to examine the girl. Nisha whined. The young man lifted her into his arms and gently tucked her into the backseat. He hesitated, turning back towards Nisha, beckoning her inside, seemingly assuming she wasn the woman’s dog. Nisha darted away. The man yelled out, but didn’t chase for long. He returned to the taxi and turned around, presumably heading towards the hospital.

    Nisha released a small breath. She checked her surroundings, ensuring that no one took interest in her as she slunk back towards the alleyway.
    This time, she was mentally prepared.

    This time, the monster didn’t scare her. The shadows didn’t startle her. She padded up the damp alleyway, coming to sit at a respectable distance. He would see her, if he looked. He’d perhaps had already seen her before. But if he didn’t spare a long glance, she could still remain hidden.

  • (I'd love ta hear any of your ideas if ya got any as well? Anything ya wanna try you hadn't done in a story before or something? Zosime is a private Detective, perhaps Legion could help her find some artifact so its not the end of the world, like total end... and he also could be affected? 

    kinda sorta got the idea generally from here

    its not really world ending but generally an artifact etc, a sacred site hidden and then disturbed could have catastrophic reactions. Does Legion have any enemies? (sorry I did read your page, but I have trouble remembering so I have to read it again) maybe ones that could want to end the world, and harm him? He could come across Zosime, or hire her, or she could intercept some attack and come to his aide in the fight, and then they team up? I hope this is okay...)

    Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears
    Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears is a 2020 Australian mystery adventure film directed by Tony Tilse and starring Essie Davis as Phryne Fisher. It…
  • (maybe Zosime or perhaps Jalissa if possible? 

  • Ryan wasn't expecting to be injured as bad as she was. It came with the territory, of being who she was, still wasn't a pleasant experience. 

    Her teary eyes were open enough to see the subtle shift with each step across the threshold. Watching as the world seemed to change around her, the air was even different as she inhaled when placed down upon the couch. Taking in her environment, gazing around the apartment with her bright blue stare, wondering who's place this was exactly. 

    The touch to her cheek made her tense, and back away quickly. Not that she didn't trust him, she had just went through a lot before this...and was just confused and disoriented from the whole ordeal. Fingertips travel down her wings, and across the holes that had been punched through her muscle, which caused her to gasp softly in the still air of the apartment. 

    ..Suddenly, there was a flush of warmth, and the pain seemed to fade with a single exhale of her lips.

    "..." She gazed up to her savior, as he asked her...where was her wounds?

    A lump formed in her throat as she hesitated on answering, before, surprisingly painlessly, raised the wing with the hole through...and motioned with her hand towards the shoulder that paired the wing, as the blood stained her clothing...

    "...H-Here...and here..." Ryan breathed, trying to keep herself together...

  • Roger & Legion


    Roger had taken it easy for the remainder of the day. Once he had it in him to get up off the couch, he shuffled to the kitchen and got himself a mild breakfast while downing some more tea to soothe his stomach. Luckily for him, he didn't have to work because today was a weekend and there was no big, pressing story for him to cover at the moment. He had every last excuse to be lazy and that was how he was going to approach the morning and all the way to the early evening.

    After a meal of toast and eggs, he dressed down to comfy pajamas as if to lock in his choice not to leave home for the rest of the day, and he flicked on the television to watch a game of football. On occasion he'd force himself off the sofa to refill his mug or feel nauseous in the bathroom again. The vomiting had seemingly come to a stop by noon, but Roger could never be too sure of himself. In place of that surfaced a rather nasty headache, though.

    Later in the evening, he was feeling mostly back to himself if not a tad groggier than usual. Watching the game did make him feel better and so did the couple of catnaps he'd allowed himself in between. He was on his way to dreamland for a third time when the rap-a-tap-taps sounded off at the door.

    Despite the sluggishness he felt, the noise had Roger jolting to life. Throughout the entirety of the day, he'd been attempting to push out the thoughts and theories of how he'd ended up inside his apartment while unconscious, wishing to save the worries for another time. But, the mere sound of knocking made him think of the locked door, and that in turn brought on the nagging concerns in full force.

    But there was no reason to be worried, was there? Not in relation to the visitor. It was likely a salesperson, a neighbor or a friend checking in on him. One whom he hoped could explain just how on Earth they'd sneaked into a securely locked apartment with no key to show for it.

    Roger wasn't about to hold them up regardless of who they were. "B-be right there with you..!" he called out, approaching the door to unlatch the lock and open up. The person on the other side wasn't a salesperson or a neighbor. As for whether he was a true friend or not, he wasn't sure. But Roger recognized the man. "Oh, erm..." What was the fellow's name again? "L-Legend. Legion. Are you here to check on me? 'Cause I'm all right now. Though I wouldn't mind it if you gave me some answers."

  • (thanks for acceptin'! let me know if you'd want to plot and if a particular character strikes ya interest. )

  • When it came to discussing his days as a stripper, people’s reactions went either way - he had experienced both accepting and negative responses. Vanitas didn’t expect Legion to be judgemental since he seemed genuinely curious, keeping his smile as they spoke. Then...oof, he noticed his date’s little look of disgust, causing his smile to dim before emitting a light chuckle. It wasn’t the first time his angelic heritage led to looks of disapproval, to the point where he had gotten used to it. Even without knowing why, Vanitas couldn’t really blame the demon for making a face. At first he assumed it was due to the whole centuries old angels vs demons war that never led to any resolve.

    Welp, that seemingly killed the mood - at least that was the impression Vanitas got. He wasn’t sure if Legion still wanted to be around him, despite him still answering his questions. His eyes couldn’t help but to widen when the other admitted to dating an archangel in the past. "Oh?" The idea of an angel and a demon being together wasn’t surprising, since he was a living hybrid of such a union. Oh God though...Vanitas could only hope that the archangel Legion was referring to wasn’t one of his relatives. That would be awkward; and then there was another that he still had some form of a bond with? Vanitas wouldn’t pry for more of an explanation, even though his curiosity begged him to. It was none of his business - and another part of him wasn’t sure if he even wanted to know.

    Calling Heaven homogeneous made his smile briefly return - that was an understatement. Though right as Vanitas was about to respond something else caught his attention. His eyes narrowed while turning to look behind him, noticing an unknown woman glaring back at him as she approached. While he didn’t know the woman, her allure - or unique pheromones made it obvious what she was. A succubus, another species that hated him - and the feeling was mutual. Incubi weren’t much better to deal with despite him being one. There was almost always one lurking around in places like this, and if there was one thing they seemed to hate - it was another of their kind getting more attention.

    The mysterious woman was of average height, long black hair flowed behind her while she wore a simple white dress. Red lips curved into a sinister smile as more of her allure emitted from her being, a sweet perfume-like smell that captured the attention of several people as she walked by. Its effect caused others to lust after her, though there existed multiple drawbacks. She paid no attention to the ones that easily fell under her allure, and instead focused her sights on a particular demon.

    "I absolutely loved your performance earlier, you have quite the talent." She spoke to Legion in a sultry tone while acting as if Vanitas wasn’t there, leading the nephalem to roll his eyes as he stood up - purposely making noise to interrupt the woman’s words. She turned to glare at him as he walked off, seemingly leaving, but he simply chose the moment to pay for the drinks from earlier. Thinking that she now had the other demon to herself, the woman reverted her gaze to Legion, observing if her allure had any effect over him. She then started to invade his personal space as she spoke. "Music has always been a personal interest of mine, perhaps we can give each other a more private show?~" Her hand moved to glide up his chest, but was instead intercepted by Vanitas’ hand. "Really lady? That’s your best pickup line?" He retorted while pushing the woman’s hand away, causing her to faintly growl as she took a few steps back.

    Granted they were still strangers, and he assumed that the other could handle himself if the woman tried anything, but still...Vanitas couldn’t just leave Legion like that. Even if he disliked him for being an angel, and knowing that the woman didn't have good intentions. He kept his narrowed gaze on the lady as she lingered close by, before turning his attention back to his date with a smile. "Wanna dance? Or we can head outside since it got so crowded all of the sudden." The 'crowd' being the woman. Vanitas extended his hand out for Legion to take - if he even wanted to go with him.

  • Ryan could barely hear the breathing of the man that was on the other side of the phone. It calmed her enough to let the words escape her lips, that she needed help. Her eyes closed when he responded with one word, and hung up. The arm holding her phone drooped back into her lap, hanging between her legs, her head hanging low with a loud exhale...her hands smoothing across the edge of her shirt, trying to dry them. She thought it was sweat...but it was indeed blood, smearing the crimson color across the one clean fabric, now smothered with rocks and rubble. 

    The sound of his voice seemed to cause her to stiffen up, as well as turn to see him touching her damaged wing. Her brows pulled inwards as she wheeze briefly in pain. Her teeth gritting together...

    "...I'm-" She barely got the chance to say anything before she felt the arm's of the demon curl around her form, causing her to yelp as she was lifted, wings draped backwards across the ground behind them despite being carried. They were too long, and too injured to be withdrawn into her skin. 

    Each step felt like a bonfire within the bullet wounds rittling her form. Her temple pressed against the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent...and trying to relax...but her emotions were starting to get the best of her. Tears formed in the edges of Ryan's eyes. Overwhelmed with what happened to her only moments ago.

    "...T-Thank you..." She managed to murmur outwards.

  • Legacy watched Bee with a warm smile, her eyes never leaving the little girl as she watched the foxes dart away. She could sense the longing in Bee's laughter, the wish for companionship that even the rambunctious child couldn't fully hide. Legacy's heart swelled with affection for the little girl, her need to nurture and protect flaring up.

    As Bee burst into the garden, Legacy followed, her long strides easily keeping pace with the child's energetic dash. She surveyed their surroundings, her gaze lingering on the scattered toys and the vibrant flowers. It was a peaceful scene, one that brought a sense of contentment to Legacy's chest.

    But as Bee made her way towards the gate, a prickle of unease ran down Legacy's spine. The open hills and pastures beyond the fence, the forest looming in the distance... it was so exposed, so vulnerable. Her protective instincts flared up, her hands clenching at her sides as she fought the urge to scoop Bee up and carry her back to the safety of the house. Everything was fine though. Truly. She would sense any danger lurking. How often had she taken apprentices out in her old forest? It was natural to feel some trepidation. 

    "I think..." Bee's cheerful voice broke through Legacy's thoughts, and an easy smile appeared on her face. "Let us go talk to the sheep and ducks." Legacy nodded, falling into step beside Bee as they left the yard behind.

    The fresh air and green grass seemed to exhilarate Bee, her giggles carrying on the breeze as she skipped down the hill. Legacy followed, her gaze scanning their surroundings. The sheep waited in the distance, their lazy baas rising up to meet them.

    As Bee approached the fence, Legacy hung back, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the hills and the forest edge. She could have sworn she felt eyes on her, but a quick glance around revealed only a beautiful falcon perched on a fencepost, watching them with sharp eyes. Legacy relaxed. That made sense. No wonder she had been on edge. They were not much of a threat to her anymore, she thought, as she smirked in the bird’s direction before turning her attention back to Bee.

    "Hi, sheep!" Bee's giggles rang out, and Legacy smiled, her heart full as she watched the child interact with the gentle animals.

    "I have chickens at home, Bee," Legacy said, stepping up to the fence beside the little girl. "A rooster named Ulysses, and hens... well, there's Blue and Charlie, Delta and Echo, to name a few." She reached out, mimicking Bee as she petted the sheep. "I love collecting their eggs in the morning, and watching them peck around the yard. Some of them lay brown or white eggs, while others lay blue and green." She glanced at Bee, a playful glint in her eye. "I bet I'd love ducks just the same, don't you think? Although they are a bit smellier than chickens.” And dirtier in general. 

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"The child was more than happy to listen to Legacy talk about her own home, far away from here. She…"
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"Legion would be the first to admit that he was overly emotional, and so it didn’t seem to bother…"
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"If there was anything to be said about Legion it was that he was, in general, concerned. Concerned…"
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"There was an animated laugh from the little girl as she watched the foxes dart off, scared little…"
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"Legion nodded as if he understood her plight. This was not the first time someone had said…"
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"Legion watched her with narrowed eyes behind his little dark sunglasses, but finally the man seemed…"
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"There was a softness to the way Bee looked at Legacy, and even with those eyes hidden it could be…"
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