Ayshil (or: Aysel)

meaning: bright moon


It's only water, it's only fire, it's only love.


It's only slaughter, we're only liars, it's only blood.

“What is righteous about being a coward? If you aren’t saving lives or being a hero, what’s your purpose?”


Once upon a time, there was a boy…


In Nojiven, this story’s version of Earth, the most important thing you can be is an asset. Ayshil [last name redacted] was born to a high-ranking family in the country of Querencia, in the little mountain village of Dandelion. In this world, a family’s worth is based on their ability to wield magic, and in a society that forbids marriage between different classes of magic-wielders, it is expected that powerful magic users will produce even more powerful children, and so on. While Ayshil came into the world, he was different. With two parents that sported black hair, dark eyes, and bronzed skin, his own pale skin, glassy blue eyes and white hair were almost a horror. But he showed promise. The stark difference in appearance from his family indicated great magical ability. Perhaps he would finally be the prodigy that ended the country’s Thousand Year War.


Upon his birth, he was taken by The Monastery in Ivyaki, the country’s capital. Here, Ayshil was watched with a careful and cautious eye, so that his powers would be caught and honed right away. But this was not to be. Ayshil could not use magic, had no magic inside of him to wield. He was isolated from the other magic users, unable to communicate well with the others, and prohibited from interacting with them. Unable to stand the thought of producing a failure, The Monastery instead began training him in combat and swordsmanship, equally failed endeavors. He was mild and sensitive, and had no talent for coordination or weaponry.


Disgraced and guilt-ridden, he was exiled by his Monastery and his country, forced to climb to the top of Querencia’s tallest mountain and live there, to deal with his shame alone. To even return to his village would be ruin for his parents, now considered a blight on their town and their country. This resulted in finding his only friend, a Peryton he calls Alkajah, the only creature he believes understands him. In his little mountain cave, he speaks very little. Maybe a portal will open and take him somewhere else.





Ayshil is a generally submissive creature with melancholic eyes. He appears constantly worried and nervous, though what for he couldn’t say directly. Ayshil speaks with a stutter, though does not speak often, and is shy especially in new surroundings, though he enjoys the company of others. Some may describe him as “haunted,” perhaps as a result of trauma, or maybe even something more sinister; he avoids mirrors, claiming that he can see things in them no one else can. Because monks keep their heads shaven, Ayshil keeps his own hair long, to remind him of his failure. He is desperate to get along with others, and is therefore gentle, patient and quiet. There is probably pent up rage in there.


His favorite color is blue. He loves to read, loves wine, music, and animals. Ayshil is not really sure what his life is supposed to look like, now. More a burden in the sole objective of his life than anything else, he finds it difficult to remain optimistic. Sometimes, he has a feeling that this life was not for him. But if not this, then what?




Ayshil wears his white hair long, though often pulled back so it stays out of his face. He finds long hair tedious. His eyes tend to shift color in the light – technically, they are a light blue, but they are glass-like in that they often appear almost translucent, white or light gray in sunlight. The left side of his face sports a pretty burn, rendering his left eye unusable. Though he is pale, he tans quickly, given his roots as a bronzed-skin mountain dweller. Ayshil is extraordinarily thin and appears sickly. He stands at around 5’8 and appears mostly nervous or skittish, like a wild animal. Ayshil doesn't know his true age, but for all intents and purposes, he is probably around 20.





OOC: Hi! My name is Micajah (they/them). I'm 28 and an undergrad student in history, soon (hopefully) to be a grad student. I've been writing since 2007 (16 years!!!) but have had a rocky last few years. I haven't consistently written since 2020ish. You might know me from Rolepages or Faeries and Vampires (if you're OG)! I used to be a very mean person. Now I'm just looking to write again.

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Paragraph, Multi-Para

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Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Realistic, 18+, Gore

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  • thank you for the add, let me know if you'd like to write

  • (Of course, Hope you're having a good day)

  • { // Wanted to say that you have a very intriguing character. I enjoyed reading the description. Welcome to the site ~ }

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