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"Well I guess you'd call us... foxes."




"I’m just a child, but I’m not above violence… my mama raised me better than that."


"Okay, rude. You're dripping blood on my shoes."




A family of four foxes lived in the woods. Most of their days were spent hunting for food and avoiding prey and traps set by humans. One day, the father fox became stuck in a human’s snare. One of the child foxes cried out in despair and fled their den to save his father. He bit at the leg of the hunter who approached to retrieve his prize. He was too small to be of use to the hunter, so he was shot in the head. The father fox was taken.

The mother, watching the ordeal, turned to her other child, her eyes narrowed in fiendish contempt. “Let this be a lesson to you, daughter.” She said. “Never trust a human and to never put your faith in a man.” Crying, the daughter nodded, curling up beside the den opening, quietly hoping her father would return despite all she’d seen.





Cunning | Sly | Mischievous | Tricky | Dangerous


Minako was born to a family of foxes living in the southernmost forest of Japan, before the soft soil turns to rock and sand at the shoreline. She was said to be the most beautiful fox the forest had ever seen, and she was prized above all others, for foxes are vain and selfish creatures.

However, even the creatures most enchanted by her beauty and grace could tell that there was something suspicious about her. Minako seemed to feel no attachment to the forest or its creatures. It was said that her heart was made of black stone, and sat heavy in her chest, absorbing love and light, giving nothing in return. All eyes turned to the mother, Erusa. At first, it was suspected that Minako had been the product of an unfaithful union, a fox and a devil. But soon, the family began to show its true colors. Erusa herself was heartless, a cruel and powerful thing. Had she always lived in this forest, or had she simply shown up one day with her kit, enthralling all other creatures and luring them into her web?


Who was Erusa, anyway?








DOB: December 15

Nicknames: Minnie, Min, Mina

Birthplace: Tohoku

Species: Kitsune / yokai


  • Dance of Allure/Dance of Death – Minako is skilled in traditional Japanese dancing. For the most part, this is performed for New Year’s. However, Minako has the ability to perform specific dances, either with the effect of killing a victim or forcing one to be enchanted by her
  • Beauty and charm – it is no secret that Minako is beautiful and charming. She uses these blessings for her own gain and power. She isn’t always looking to cause trouble. Sometimes she just wants attention, and to be adored.
  • Cunning – generally, kitsune are known for being tricksters for their own benefit. Minako is no exception. She is fond of tricks and games, and likes making deals with others that benefit her.



Minako sports pale olive skin, and clothes herself most often in robes of silk, often red, pink, white, or blue in color. She is thin-framed and delicate looking. Her fox eyes are amber, a warm honey tone that sparkle

 with bronzy flecks in the sunlight. She wears her raven hair long and

 free, and prefers to keep her nails sharp and painted red. She often wears makeup of blacks and reds, painting her face with a thin layer of white to accentuate her pale complexion. She smells of jasmine and hinoki wood and petrichor.

As a fox, Minako is orange and black, with one blue eye and one brown. She is slender, fast, 

and surprisingly powerful in both forms. Although foxes often live in packs, Min chooses to live on her own, away from the forest in a small country house. She does not often take the form of a fox anymore, unless it is to be tricky. 



As a child, Minoko learned very quickly how to get the things she wanted. Blessed with beauty, grace, and cunning, Minnie has always been one to get what she wants. She holds power close to her heart, leaving some to believe that there is more to her than meets the eye. Certainly no regular fox has the kind of power she has. She has been known to do extraordinary things to get her way – both good and bad.

Despite her somewhat sordid reputation, Minnie is mischievous and playful, loves games, and though she has few of them, loves making friends. She can’t seem to keep them around, of course, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like them…


Minako keeps a sweet little snow fairy with a broken wing as a companion. Although it is useless in a fight and can’t fly particularly well, it is her closest and most beloved friend. She talks to it constantly, and for that reason she knows she is never truly alone. 

Although Minako finds maintaining close friendships difficult, she is never one to spurn true friends. If she finds herself close to another, she is fiercely loyal to a fault and would do any number of things for the people she loves. She adores attention as much as she adores games, and the closest way to her heart are acts of service and gifts.

She’s probably lonely.

If you don’t like her, she’ll make it your problem.

Particularly good with fighting, although she’d rather not get her hands dirty if she can avoid it. She’d rather have friends than enemies.



Tea (hot or cold), reading (especially poetry), pretty things, gifts, games, art, cherry blossoms (all flowers, really), foxes (obviously), birds, forests, dango, fish, black sesame, music, sunlight, countrysides, hot baths, food (in general, though she does like Japanese food the best)



Coffee (unless it’s been doctored), television, technology as a whole, cities, crybabies, rain, humans, other yokai, the cold, disrespect

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Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

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Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Adventure

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  • Let’s go ahead and start with Ace and Minnie. As we write and feel each other’s characters out we can always switch or add  Minnie and Bella into a plot together. ^.^ 

    Based on Minnie building connections - what if we had Minnie had to save Ace? It would put Ace in her debt and given Ace’s ties to the Mafia she’s big on not having debts to others but rather have them owe her. Ace would be a little irritated by it and would likely try to pressure Minnie into asking for the favor already so she can get it done with. Minnie might find it to be a bit of a game to toy with Ace before asking for it? Which would in turn have Ace probably coming around often to see what she is up to and what she ‘needs’ and then the longer Minnie denies her the more she moves into the ‘stalking’/’obsession' behavior as a way of ‘collecting intel’ or ‘doing her research’. Lol. It would give us at least a few scenes to explore with them to see how they get along. 

    As for what Ace is in trouble for - she could either be being chased by someone after being ganged up on, or being held hostage and Minnie happens upon the situation. I’m not sure what would feel the most realistic to Minnie’s character. 

  • He was trying to rack his brain as to what happened and how it all happened, he doesn't even remember how he got there in the first place. All he knew was that he needed to get out of there and quickly before someone came along and saw him and thought that he committed a crime or something. Since the area was new to him and everything, he wasn't too sure on how or where exactly where he was so you could say that he was somewhat lost looking around confused and out of it, as if he had entered into a new world or something. It was than he could feel a change in the air, it wasn't exactly histile but it wasn't friendly either which could only mean that someone or something new that he didn't belong in the area to begin with. He groaned softly, rubbing the back of his head as he looked around, trying to collect his bearings and go about his business but he didn't know which way would lead him back into the city. Perfect, just perfect.


    His heart begin to race a little bit, his blood was really starting to pump through his veins now, his memory was slowly starting to come back to him now, still unclear as to what happened and how he got there, he could only remember that he was chasing something, what he wasn't sure but he was chasing something and once he caught it, he mauled it leaving behind the bloody mess that he made. But the problem was that there was no body laying around, no bones or anything, just blood and a mess which didn't quite make sense to him. It was than that he realized too late, someone had crept up behind him, without making any sound at that and he could feel someone tap him and ask him a question. Quickly turning around, jumping back by surprised was a woman...a young woman at that, he didn't say anything for a moment but just placed his hand over his chest, taking a deep breathe before exhaling through his lips.


    "SHIT! You scared the living daylights out of me....where the hell did you come from anyway? I didn't hear you walk up..."


    He tried his best to calm his nerves and to get his heart rate under control, for someone who was suppose to be good at knowing that someone was close by, she sure made it hard for him to detect her presence, she was probably real good at concealing his scent seeing as how he didn't even caught wind of her scent closing in on him. Once he calmed down and got his breathing under control, his brown eyes landed on the woman again, he didn't answered her question right when she asked him, though he was a bit curious as to what a woman was doing out here to begin with himself.


    ".....Depends on who you think I am....who are you and why are you out here? Do you live around here or something?"

  • Thank you for the invite! And thank you! You have a beautiful page as well! ^^

  •  Belladonna comes across as a mysterious and fairly stoic. She guards herself, her interests, and her loyalties tightly. Especially since she navigates her world as an outcast and as a hunted. She is hesitant to bring others into her world for fear they'll get tied up in it. She also holds a lot of guilt for what her life has lead up to. It definitely gets in the way of her accepting herself and others. Unless Minako is committed to breaking through that they might have a harder time finding common ground. But once they do, Minako would definitely find family with Bella, potentially even a lover, since I don't know Minako s status. I like to be transparent that Belladonna's character does have a long term lover ties to Lacrimosa. So most threads with Bella are AU unless someone is interested in getting tied into our core story. ^^ With Minako and Bella both being supernatural there's a possibility for a variety of time jump style scenes which could be a fun friendship through the ages. 

    On the other hand, if Minako is committed to a hedonistic life style - I could see her and Ace hitting it off really strongly. Ace definitely loves a hedonistic lifestyle. Though she does enjoy violence. Can be a bit of a release for her when she needs it. But it also often gets her into trouble. I could see Ace making quick friends of Minako or at least a quick interest. And where she gets interested she can grow a little obsessed (please see trigger warnings on her page for that. ^^). Ace is quick to make friends, but guards her heart. So takes quite a bit to become family with her. As for partner status, Ace is free game and definitely rocks the friends/enemies with benefits game until someone captures her heart. Sexual themes and lots of flirting always pop up in her RPs, but is not something that has to be acted on. I see Minako likes games and Ace likes carnivals. There could be some really cool connection points there (fun, suspense, thriller, dates, first meeting, etc. ) Now Ace has not really been exposed to the supernatural world so when we start to incorporate those elements we'll get to see how Ace responds too which could be fun for Minako. And perhaps even leads to some of Ace's obsession with Minako. Would feed a bit into Minako's desire to be liked. 

    Those are some general thoughts I've had to each and possible storylines. Either one you feel more connected to? If so, what ideas might you have for their paths to cross? 

  • Well I love all the cross over possibilities. I'm always for intricate storylines. While my little shapeshifter isn't currently on site, I'm happy to bring her over. She's in a notebook waiting for the right plot to come along. ^^ If you want to explore the vampire's page you can find her here. Admittedely her profile isn't fully done yet. I still have to type up her history and such but the bulk of it is there. 

    What kind of story are you wanting to create with Minako? Themes you want to explore? Or type of scenes you crave to write with her?

    Belladonna the tormented
    Writer's Realm is a roleplay, writing website for any and everyone. All genres and all types of writers are welcome!
  • Yes! Thank you for the add. You have such an interesting character. I'm still accepting plots from those who've recently added me. If you are interested in writing together, I'd be happy to. While Ace is human, I also have a few other charcters: a female vampire that's on site, and then a few others saved in some google docs - two werewolves and a shape shifting female/cat. These three are based on their own Norse mythology. So if Ace doesn't catch your fancy, I'm sure I have something else that might work. ^^

  • {hello, thank you for having accepted and my sincerest apologies in my tardiness for replying. If your up for a plot, my I suggest Catherine Chandler) }

  • The Cunning Trickster....

    Chocolate brown eyes shot opened as she stared up at the sky before him, his body was sore all over before he remember what happened before he even came here in the first place. The taste of blood lingered on his lips as he sat up and looked around, it must have had happened again while he was out and about, the beast within him must had taken over and did its little rampage through the forest. He didn't have any wounds or anything, like that would mattered to him since he can't exactly register pain like others can but that was besides the point, what was more important was what was he doing here exactly to begin with. Whatever he was doing, he wasn't alone like he thought he was, he groaned and stood up, dusting the dirt and debri off his clothes before looking around his surroundings.


    In some cases, who would have awaken to a murder scene before him with bodies of both humans and animals alike ripped apart but not this time, instead it was just him, covered in blood...was it possible that he may have got into a fight and tried to defend himself but ended up passing out due to blood lost or what? He checked his body for any wounds that he may have overlooked but he didn't see no wounds or anything, just dried up blood on his skin and his clothes which he found a bit odd but hey he wasn't complaining, as long as he didn't hurt anybody than he was okay but he knew in the back of his head that he had to hurt somebody or something in order to have blood on his clothes and on his body.


    He thought that coming here would ease his racing mind of back home, but every time he closed his eyes he was reminded of that night that his life was taken away from him. He could still smell the gun powder from when the trigger was pulled, the sound of the gun going off and the intense pain he felt in his chest when the bullet made contact with him. Till this day, he still doesn't exactly know who it was that pulled the trigger but he was going to find out one day, but for now he didn't want to worry with that other than trying to get back home. Coming to Japan was probably the best choice for him, it was a change of pace for him as well as getting to see new faces for once in his life.


    Japan was one of those places that had everything that someone could ever want in their city or in a town, they were far advanced than Americans were and were probably already trying to live in the future. Kujo had always loved their culture, they had many great foods to try and many places that one could go and enjoy themselves and their cost of living was pretty reasonable unlike living in America that is. New faces meant new clients that may need his help or maybe....just maybe he may help himself to later on....who knows with him exactly...

  • ||Okay awesome! Sorry for the late response but give me a few minutes and I'll have a starter sent your way! :)

  • ||Well, since I was the one to send the invite I can start us off if that is okay with you? Just give me a location and time of day and I can have starter sent your way; I'm fine with doing comments or PMs, whichever one you feel more comfortable with doing I'm cool with it ^^

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Minako and ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴅᴏɢ are now friends
Jul 26