
Maisie is a 5’6 female of a lean but soft body build. Her sleek wavy blonde hair perfectly compliments with her gentle brown eyes. Her skin is pale but littered with freckles as though stars. She has a downturned smile that hides the gap in her front teeth. She generaly wears clothing such as long maxi skirts that are patchwork in nature from her constantly getting rips and tears in them and then fixing them herself. She wears a lot of flowey clothing and if shes outside she rarely has shoes on.

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Character Age


Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Maisie is a 5’6 female of a lean but soft body build. Her sleek wavy blonde hair perfectly compliments with her gentle brown eyes. Her skin is pale but littered with freckles as though stars. She has a downturned smile that hides the gap in her front teeth. She generaly wears clothing such as long maxi skirts that are patchwork in nature from her constantly getting rips and tears in them and then fixing them herself. She wears a lot of flowey clothing and if shes outside she rarely has shoes on.

Character Personality

Maisie is a gentle soul, often found gardening or having fashion shows for herself. She prioritizes friends and family as she is family oriented. She’s mildly ditzy but she makes up for it in her kindness towards others even if misdirected. She could be seen as naive or innocent and you wouldnt be far off.  

Character Likes

Maisie is fond of nature, she can be found sitting in the middle of a field listening to her favorite bands and or drawing. She loves swimming or simply sunbathing in warm weather.

Character Dislikes

Maisie while loving music isn’t extremely fond of books. She hates the way the pages tear easily or crinkle under her clumsy hands. She despises the smell of freshly cut grass.

Character History/Story

Maisie grew up rather poor as a child, becoming extremely self sufficient at a young age, learning how to cook and dress herself at the age of 6. As she got older she began to notice the intense arguments that went on in her family in her regard. She was never very smart and her family feared for her future side she was barely passing basic Highschool classes. They feared she would get taken advantage of in life and were seriously debating making her stay with them her entire life… so in response first thing she did was leave without telling them and she moved out in the country to a broke down house and she fixed it up herself and now lives there gardening and living out her life and going to college for environmental sciences.

Character Inventory

She usually carries around a small music player. She can often be found with a sketchbook and set of charcoal sticks for drawing.

Character Abilites

Nothing particular.

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)


Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Realistic, Rated R, Child Friendly, 18+, Gore, Comedy, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

Ive been roleplaying for about 7 years but recently took a break and am just now picking it up again, feel free to hmu if you wanna rp (:

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  • //thank you for accepting! :)

  • // Hi! Thank you for the add!

  • // Pssst! How do ya feel about doing a thread with me? :P 

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"Hello! I'm new to roleplaying (and this website lol) but I'm interested :)"
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looking for an RP partner for preferably 18+ romance (or just normal is okay too), horror,…
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