
- Dominic | NYC


- Gleeon | Sundown Bar & Cafe, Manhattan, New York


- Jett | Unknown (NYC)


-Synova | Sundown Bar & Cafe, Manhattan, New York



- Dominic | "...." | 100%


- Gleeon | "Spill it before I spill your guts." | 100%


- Jett | "Shut the fuck up and answer me." | 100%


 - Synova | " ... " | 5%


- - -




Alejandra Alonso


"Karma" | "Bitch" | "Brat" | "Miss Skellington" | "Smalls" | "Ms. Chiot" | "Don Karma"




27 years old


5'7 ft


Ex - Bounty Hunter | Currently: Mafia Boss


Demon - Dire Wolf / Human





"Underestimate Me, That'll Be Fun."





Chaotic Evil Neutral || ESTJ || Scorpio Sun / Capricorn Moon / Leo Rising


She was inevitable

She was ruthless

She embodied the definition of karma


Let her play, or get the fuck away. 


After undergoing rehabilitation at the Hunter Society Headquarters, her irrational behavior and destructiveness simmered down immensely. It's as if she's a different person, but it doesn't mean her violent tendencies have escaped her. In fact, her being calmer just makes her all the more deadlier. She used to whistle for people to hear her approach, but now with a clearer mind makes for a quicker, more strategic approach in taking down targets. Agnes' reputation still stands as an insane, trigger-happy monster to strangers trespassing her territory and most of the underground, and proving them wrong makes her job all the more pleasurable. 

She's cold, stark, and brutally honest with strangers. If you aren't a nuisance, you're competition, and if you put up with her just enough, you may even befriend her. This is harder for women than it is for men, not that she prefers one over the other, but the fact that the intensity of her Type A personality tends to spark conflict or drive them away. To her friends, Agnes is compassionate and a little silly even, teasing them in a playful manner.
However, she is incredibly selective of the inner circle she maintains. Agnes is a New Yorker with a spitfire attitude
that lies beneath a calm, sophisticated demeanor. 




"I Call Shots, While You Call Off."




Her past is dark and twisted, the entirety of her childhood was devoted to becoming a trained marksman for a corporate mafia family in Manhattan, NYC. One event led up to another for the next four years, an organized coup occurred that she took part in, dissolving the family's name, yet the business was immediately taken by her drill instructor that he withheld. Agnes remained close to her former instructor and to the details of his business.

Nine years later, his assets were choked by another mafia boss attempting to his usurp his resources. Agnes was told to murder her former instructor, with some help, as he was about to give in to this interloper's demands. After his untimely death and successfully disposed of the intruding mafia boss, Agnes finds herself with more power than she had ever asked for. She now runs half of the borough's manfacturing, shipment, and transactions of weapons of trade. Agnes knew enough about the quality of artillery, but didn't know she would be knee deep in the arms industry.

Her territory stretches from the Upper West Side to below Hell's Kitchen. Her colleague, Apollonius Grimm, has the other half, as equal as it can get. With a calmer demeanor, Agnes attempts to not abuse her power. Her hands don't get as dirty as her previous job, but at times she will personally check exports and is conscious about the safety of her men if a transaction goes awry. 


Another source of income for Agnes is being the co-owner of a bar and cafe called Sundown. It was once a rustic, narrow bar in Hell's Kitchen, but after getting her new occupation, it has moved into Columbus Avenue in the Upper West Side. Her bad reputation and mysticized beast form has made the bar an attraction for tourists, Agnes blames the locals for this. She used to be the bouncer for Sundown, but after the notoriety began, Spencer, co-owner/parental figure, took up the job to prevent anymore unwanted attention coming her way. Sundown is the ground level entrance to high-end apartments above it where Agnes resides, so she is typically seen there for leisure or to converse with Spencer.


(2/5)A bar called Egress, runned by a man by the name of Finnick, happens to be the prime spot for all of these people. So if you're ever in the market for the services of one of these professional, and of course if you have the right connections, you might want to make your way into the Egress. As they say in the city of Graven, You'll just never know.





"Catcall And You're a Corpse."






Agnes wears light, breathable clothes when running through the streets, and isn't afraid to show some skin, even in the coldest weather. Her raven locks spill over her shoulders, lacking any dye as she has decided to keep her natural hair. Agnes has metallic blue eyes like her father and pale skin like her mother. A dull tattoo of three roses and an upside-down compass lies just below her right shoulder.

She has something close to a Jersey/Brooklyn accent. When the wolf skull materializes, so do a pair of wolf ears, serving as a great indicator of her emotions due to the fact that her face is concealed. Agnes's physique is lean and toned, free running through allies and parkour on rooftops. She has enhanced senses, her most powerful is being able to smell someone familiar three city blocks away. The wolf grants her increased endurance, stamina, speed, and strength.











"That's Not All, Folks."


Agnes can shift into a hellish creature that she inherits from her mother, a massive dire wolf with some areas of her skeleton revealed. She has already allowed the wolf to swallow up her humanity at a young age, being in complete control in this form that acts almost like a power-up. However, there are consequences when using the wolf, one being that she is stuck in this form for the next couple of days and once reverted Agnes becomes immensely lethargic, becoming vulnerable to her enemies.


"I hear its voice."








"And in the middle of my chaos, there was you."

- Greysexual -

[  x  1 - 🤍 ]





"Chaton" | "Dom"

Dominic has been the quickest relation Agnes has ever made. It started off with a debt after Dominic gave her a job to do, but they found themselves around each other more often than not.  The vampire knows more about her than anyone she's ever met, and she trusts in him to maintain that secrecy. Complicated feelings floated to the surface, Agnes has never been more sure of her feelings. She has always adored the vampire, but with issues of his coven coming to light, Agnes can't imagine her life without him. She loves him, more than words can explain, and will do everything in her power to keep him close and comfortable.




"Wanna Know A Lil' More?"


• Due to help in unlikely places, Agnes and her demons are one and the same. Her blood is black, and too toxic to harbor a child, so she believes. Another result are two new powers. One being the ability to manipulate shadows for her to hide in and travel in short distances beneath its veil. The other being an increase in strength.

• Agnes is just as deadly without her ammunition. While she was learning how to handle a sniper rifle at the age of twelve, Agnes was being trained in Brazilian ju-jitsu, eskrima, as well as parkour to build her stamina and endurance while she was in the mafia. She was pitted against full grown, trained men over and over until Agnes became highly proficient at all three.

• Agnes is fluent in English, Italian, and French, and understands bits and pieces of Japanese from her instructor when she was younger. She's eager to have more languages under her belt.

• Agnes prefers to adopt her father's last name, 'Hale'. She knows she has relatives, but they all stem from her mother's side, who she disowned.

• She never had a childhood, pop culture references fly over her head. That's in the works of being fixed.

• Her birthday is on Halloween









- 21+ (I can not stress this enough)

The thoughts and actions of my character do not represent my own. 

-This is fictitious content, anything related to actual experiences is entirely coincidental, that being said don't steal

-You add, you start. (this is flexible)

-Paragraphs preferred, but one-liners are accepted.

-Agnes can become very vulgar, so if you drop our rp, I'll understand.

-Default setting: A city, unless given good reason not to be.

-The idea of Agnes and her storyline belong to me, all other pictures belong to their rightful owners.

- Don't feel pressured to send replies to me as soon as you get them, life's messy and comes first. I try to reply within two weeks, but that may be subject to change depending on life events and inspiration for a specific thread.

- OOC info: I've been doing this hobby for over 10 years [ this hobby is absolutely not addictive ], I owe it to writing for making me meet new people I never thought I would ever get the chance to talk to irl, and for giving me a sense of vocabulary and the awareness that I need to read more. As a writer, I believe I still have a lot to learn, so if there is any critique in my writing style to be said, please let me know.

-I'm a Discord mod for the Wrealms server (Angus/Nemo). Agnes might be intimidating but I try not to be, if you're interested in writing, I'm usually more open to discussion there.







F A N | A R T S


Kei: [IMG]

Alice O'Malley: [IMG1], [IMG2], [IMG3]

Tsunami: [IMG]

Creo: [IMG]

Me: [IMG1], [IMG2]






 FC: Kaya Scodelario | VC: Black Cat - Spider-Man . PS4


"Occasionally, I Give a Damn."








"Lu-Lu"  ||  "Lomster"

Louie is a two year old Shetland Sheepdog that is now Agnes' current roommate. Being alone in a spacious apartment was detrimental to her mental health, so Agnes decided to adopt a dog. He's helped Agnes cope when she's alone and destress after work. If Agnes is casually lounging somewhere outside, he's normally found at her side as well. Louie isn't a guard dog, and generally loves attention and affection, but he becomes territorial when provoked by strangers. When Agnes has to travel, Louie is taken care of by her business partner, Spencer.





N I K O L A S - E V E R E T T

"Nik" || "Boy Scout" || "Nikki"


Nik was one of the first friends that left an impression on her. After knowing she didn't have a regular childhood, he took the initiative to show just what she missed. Activities like camping and ice skating were things Agnes had never done, and it gave her a glimpse at how a normal life felt like. Their encounters have decreased, however when they do happen, it's typically over a bit of pizza with nothing business related whatsoever. Agnes is aware of the struggles he has as a vessel, but attempts to distract him of them to the best of her ability. 





K E I / J A S O N - H A L E

"Prick" || "Dad"


For the first ten years of her life, Agnes didn't know this man existed, her own father by blood. Her mother raised her until she was around eleven, rejected by the only family she knew after the demon wolf within her began to devour her humanity. Fortunately, she was told her father lived in the city, but when she made her way there, the mafia took her away for the next four years. That's a story for another time. 

The next time she was in the city and accidentally bumped into him, Agnes unleashed a level of fury onto him that she had never shown anyone before. Since then, they've been on iffy grounds. The night before, they could be trying to kill each other, and the morning after they share a bowl of cereal. As of now, their confrontations have become more peaceful due to her time in rehabilitation in the Hunter Society Headquarters, for now they have something close to a truce it's complicated. Even then, her relationship to her father is one of the most capricious bonds she has ever formed. Almost once a year, she sees him sitting in Sundown and joins him to take a moment to recall the past year as both of them have gotten busier since her rehabilitation. 



A L I C E - O ' M A L L E Y

"Parole Officer Jolly Rancher" || "Mom"


Agnes has to admit the change in her behavior was all due to this woman's actions. Alice O'Malley has always been the one to stop Agnes from running amok. After murdering a mentor of hers, they've been on rockier ground. Now that Agnes has become more reformed, she doesn't see Alice as often as she used to, unless its by coincidence. Nevertheless, despite their rough introduction, Agnes respects the Huntress for her efforts in setting her on a better path.








| T H R E A D S |

+ = Replied | - = Owe




1. Dominic | +

 2. Dracula | +

3. Synova | +

 4. Gleeon | +

 5. Jett | -

6. Virgil | +




OOC Comments: Replies are very slow, bear with me.


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  • Lucienne’s brow quirked sharply. Her words were tossed aside when they seemed no longer of use, though the vampiress didn’t seem to mind. Just as one flash of emotion came and went for the next, the demoness was back to her stoic expression that seemed like a hideaway. Lucienne’s furrowed look deepened as she listened, to the point of what could have been anger. The rest of her composure still said otherwise.“-It sounds like you took a risk and it didn’t pay off, love. If you make that mistake again, knowing what you do now, I bet someone’s going to get hurt.” It left her lips in a dissonant tone. A finger twirled a loose strand of her hair absently.

    One question after the next, and Luci didn’t blame her. However when the last one was delivered, a smile crept across her face and a sudden laugh burst from the vampiress’ chest. A flash of her fangs was short-lived all the while, and she leaned forward against the table again. Merlot hues cast an intent stare on Agnes. The smile was suddenly far less inviting. “-You’re serious? Are you really asking if I think she is the problem? Do you know what she has put us through? Me, Dom—any of us!?”

    It was rhetorical by the way the vampiress grit her teeth. The corner of her mouth twitched and she crossed her arms once again. “I don’t expect him to agree, Karma. But, he knows by now that he can’t run from what they want from him. There’s only one future for him if he stays. The way I see it, we have a mutual benefit. Just like you and I.” She studied Agnes once over before she continued “All I need to do is show him that.”

    The agitation on the vampire’s face gradually smoothed over. Lucienne seemed to pause in time while she thought about Dominic’s words. “Now why would he tell you that I wonder… but nothing else? Covens are interconnected. The humans have their way of governing, vampires have theirs, but… no. It doesn’t matter. I was ready the night I took off running. I'll cross any other burning bridges when I get to them.”

  • “My~ aren’t we brave?” Lucienne teased. A smile graced her lips at the demoness’ answer and came to pass just as quickly. The vampiress’ expression sobered and her brow knit together. “You know Karma, nothing is keeping him here, don’t let that illusion fool you. Not you, not his rag-tag little shop, not the city lights. If you want to make him stay, or for me to quit running, there has to be nothing to run from... nowhere to come home to.”

    The vampiress’ arms crossed. She leaned back in her seat. “If you don’t want a snake to bite you, then you cut off its head. The De Norcio coven’s head is Vittoria. She pulls the strings. She picks and chooses whose lives she tampers with, but there’s something more to it. More than the coven’s rules, the brainwashing.” Luci’s eyes drifted to the stage while a couple passed by on their way to the bar, giggling and holding onto one another as they went. 

    “I think she’s a witch,” She spoke in a quieter voice. “There is something else to it. I’ve seen her do things that no ordinary vampire should be able to do; she has a hold on the rest of them that I’ve never seen before. I need to get Abram off my back long enough to find out and to find something that can stop her. I need Abram to finally listen to me, and I need Dom’s help.” 

    A smile teased at the vampiress’ lips, but it was equal parts irritated by the furl of her brow. “You know all along, I almost hoped that your loverboy’s shop was sitting right on top of the answer. That would have been too easy.” Her head tilted. “You aren’t the only help I have here in the city. I’ll give Dominic that—he found good company to work with. Sadly she couldn’t meet with us, tonight.”

  • Her gaze followed Agnes’ form while she crept into the booth like a shadow. Figuratively? Maybe. Literal, by the clothes that cloaked the demoness’ form like showing a little skin might give away too much. The drink of choice was her second assessment. No less of a decoy than her own. Once her question was posed, Lucienne fell still in her seat, listening. Her fingertips would glide along the stem of her glass absently. “I’m glad to hear his little world didn’t end,” Despite her dismal choice of wording, the vampiress’ tone was still chipper and lively. It rarely lacked the bell-like undertone. A smile teased the corner of her lips. “I have larger tracks to keep an eye on than Dominic’s for now. I think I’ll let you keep an eye on that one, hm?” 

    The martini glass was lifted and brought to her lips for a sip. Her head went to roll gently along her shoulders, no differently than if it was her third or fourth glass. Luci paused the motion with her head slightly tilted, studying Karma following the question. “I’d be careful about what you think you know, Love. Someone like Aasir will read it right off of you.” 

    The drink touched the table and her posture straightened out. “No one in their right mind should claim it. Not that the lot of them are in their right minds.” The vampiress’ words turned into a murmur on her lips. “I’m outside their bounds, yes, but leaving is more complicated. As you can imagine.” She looked to the stage momentarily, watching the woman in dazzling attire command her audience. She then turned back to Agnes. 

    “I’m sure you thought about it already,” She spoke aloud, pausing like Agnes was meant to know. “Leave. Run. Go somewhere far where they’d never think to find us, settle down…” The woman’s own voice left her while she did her best at a sterile, American girl accent, throwing in some of the New Yorker twang that surrounded her. It was short-lived. “Going on thirty years later, Karma, I can tell you what happens.”

    A smile spread across Lucienne’s lips, making its way far enough to show a glint in her eyes. Her brows furrowed together vehemently. “This is what brings us to the alternative. I’m going to make sure there isn’t anything to return to.”

  • The vampiress was settled on her corner of the booth in a way that made the domain suit her. There was something about it; no one could resist pestering the girl in the bar that was too quiet or sat with her hands empty. Tonight proved no different, but the French woman wasn’t budging.  It wasn’t just the winged eyeliner. No matter the audience, Lucienne had cast a sharp stare at anyone who dared to try and take up space in her open booth… at long last, she had her company. Once ‘Karma’ had been spotted she let her bare arms slip off the back ledge of the booth, fingers curling around a decoy martini glass that had been left otherwise untouched. 

    Lucienne’s eyes followed Agnes steadily until she finally took a seat. In the background, a new burlesque routine was set to start following the jazzy wind-down of the music. A woman bedazzled in a sapphire body suit waved to a cheerful and doting audience, picking up her feathered set of fans from the stage. She swiped a handful of green bills from the stage ledge before disappearing back through the curtained spotlight directly behind her. The burlesque hall was a place of ultimate distraction in more ways than one. 

    “Karma,” Lucienne hummed listlessly, giving the demoness a head-to-toe sweep while she sat down. For the first time that night, the vampire took a sip of the pink liquor in her glass before the melting ice cube threatened to make it spill. The waitress came over just as promptly as Agnes sat down, fishing for a drink order from the new occupant. Once she had left, the vampiress’ head tilted back to the demoness. “-So you made it. Are you and Lover Boy on good terms?” Her voice chimed pleasingly, while an elbow propped on the table. Her chin came to rest in her palm as she studied the woman across from her. “Where does he think you are tonight?”

  • Meanwhile…

    The city was alive and well that night. Compared to the streets of London and Paris, New York City had a certain demeanor that spoke loudly of its age: One element shouting over another, whether it be the lights, the sounds, or the buildings that towered over one another in perpetual contest. While the city came to life at night, the vampiress had held her breath for the last half an hour with a watchful eye from her hiding spot in the dark. She watched the man’s shoulders bobbing and turning as he moved off in the distance in her small frame of vision.

    Abram was waiting for the smallest quiver, the smallest movement. A sound that affirmed that someone was listening to his shouts in the dark. They were prompts to get her to move, but she knew by now. The man could move like a bullet just as soon as his senses caught something. Though she had tried many times before, tonight wasn’t a night for trying to coerce the Elder, who was far too close on her tail. Lucienne’s phone, while on silent, was smothered under her hand once it started the high-pitched squeal that meant the transmitter inside was receiving something. The vampiress’ jaw tightened and watched the Elder’s figure freeze from the corridor she peeked through. Soon enough, he was done.

    The first breath was taken long after she had lost sight. An hour had passed, proving there was still an ounce of patience left in the otherwise impulsive girl.


    An answer didn’t come that night. Rather, the next morning once the sun had confidently risen, Agnes’ phone would go off with a notification. 

    A pinned location appeared in her inbox, noting a street intersection within the city. The text underneath it read simply: 9 o’clock. Second floor. -xo


    Kitty Nights Burlesque | 9PM

    It was a typical night at the Kitty Nights Burlesque Club. The colorful lights, the beautiful swanky music, and the entertainment of a strip tease are done with the utmost choreographic class. Every night there was a party at the club. Men and Women alike came from all over for the entertainment, and the tables set along the main floor of the burlesque stage were brimming. To the patron, it was a place where people could feel at ease, drink, socialize, and talk business if they wished while enjoying the sultry sexual atmosphere. The space was brimming with an energy that left the vampiress somewhat fidgeting.

    The second floor was lined with similar tables and chairs along its railing, giving patrons a vantage point of the show no matter what seat they found themselves in. The back wall catered to lush booth seating, where the scarlet and purple lighting overhead bounced off the leather upholstery. It was there that Lucienne waited. She wore a black, strapless top that was corseted in the back, showing off porcelain skin that lost its morbid appeal with the warm lighting overhead. Her hair was loosely curled and pinned back, minus a few decorative strands that framed her face. The thick mask of eyeliner she wore came to sharp, winged points. It did wonders to minimize the crimson tint of her irises that the vampiress seldom tried to outright hide. At the worst, even if the demoness wouldn’t appear, she would have a view for the night and a place to lie low under Abram’s nose.

  • When his eyes met hers, it did nothing to quiet the vampire’s singing. It was something he had never known shame for, never known shyness. There was a time and place for humility. There was a time and place for letting your soul slip out into the open, whether he believed that he had such a thing or not. His voice followed the lyrics like it was walking beside an old friend. No hook was missed, no crescendo when the second chorus came and passed, his feet never missing a beat while coaxing her to follow. 

    The only thing that would change in his demeanor was a smile that crept along his lips when she chimed in. There was that sound he had fell into longing for, even behind a closed door. When her volume came to match his, Dominic looked down to Agnes with a wistful gaze. Come the final moments of the song, their swaying ceased and his feet stood still. His cool skin was felt when his forehead touched against hers. The kiss was met in earnest and even held a moment longer, if only so hold onto the moment. 

    “I love you too, Chiot.”



  • Synova’s ears flicked while he flew, lept and sprang through the disorienting vicinity. He collected every tiny sound that met his ear, and sharply pivoted towards whatever direction the giggle was heard without a pause in his pace. 

    The surroundings changed, and Synova stopped. He did not skid nor stumble, for the prowess of his bodily control nearly defied the laws of physics by the way he froze on the spot from his gallop. Smog billowed from his form when he did so, which momentarily disfigured his silhouette before the visual distortion dissipated like morning mist. 

    The surroundings were familiar, yet distorted like a memory warped into something uncanny by a dreaming mind. Synova did not have the time to dwell on the surroundings, for the apparition of the girl earned his full attention. The vulpine’s head lowered, ears perked and eyes STARING with tangible intensity. He would have waited, he would have lunged, he would have t r i e d,  had it not been for the static-faced figures that appeared first. Synova quietly watched the progression of events, and took a step back when the WOLF made its appearance. 

    The Japanese man. He felt like he should remember that face, surely there was a reason why it was not blotted out. Lantern eyes threw an offsetting wisp of white as the fox’s head snapped towards the fleeing silhouettes. 


    A h, --

    so this was no longer just a mindless chase,

    was it, darling ~?


    Synova padded in the direction the silhouettes went, then once again broke out into a run in order to keep up. His gate was more controlled now, unlike the predatory bounds from before that held the intent to catch. If there truly was a story to be told here, then Synova would be an enthusiastic audience.

  • *Li cks Yer windows*

  • Of course, he knew. If there was anything the vampire could be proud of not missing, it was the small details where he could. A hmph left his chest as he remembered their first evening at the restaurant. He wondered how much had changed. He knew certainly enough had for themselves since their last visit. “Call it done,” Dominic replied, making a mental note in his head for another place and another time. 

    “All yours,” he responded, mind already made up. The cup had already been forgotten until she had mentioned it. Dominic followed into the elevator, tapping the button to go up. The long walk down the hallway concluded at the apartment. Louie’s ears perked up from the dog bed in the corner but seemed comfortable enough not to move besides a furiously wagging tail toward the door that had opened.

    Dominic went to the corner he knew well enough by now. He passed through the selection, silhouetted by the window that was dimly lit by the city lights below them. He took his sweet time in glancing over the collection before slowly but surely, the static of the track’s beginning filled the room. 

    The orchestral beginning of the song filled the empty apartment. The tune to come was Strangers In The Night, as unmistakable as it could be by the one and only Sinatra. The vampire turned on his heels and walked to the center of the room with his hands held out for Agnes’ own. They had a moment before the lyrics started where he pulled her close and let an arm come around the demoness’ waist. It wasn’t the rigid ballroom posture of their lessons before their fated MET Gala appearance, no. As the music played and the first lines were played, Dom matched the sway of the music as well as Agnes’ own. 

    Strangers in the night exchanging glances,
    Wondering in the night
    What were the chances we'd be sharing love,
    Before the night was through…

    A kiss was pressed to her temple tenderly. He let his head rest alongside hers. His voice started off quiet, the hum of his voice reverberating against her skin. 

    “...Something in your eyes was so inviting… Something in your smile was so exciting,”

    Slowly but surely as the verses passed, his singing grew louder until it was no longer a whisper. When was the last time he sang? No matter the answer, time didn't seem to be a hindrance. His other hand left hers and settled likewise on her waist, keeping her close.

    “Something in my heart… Told me I must have you.”

  • A brow rose, whether she would see it or not. His mind ran through the questions she gave him, tossing guesses in his mind for this, that, or the other. Some he knew, some he thought he remembered. Some he would have the patience to find out, like a challenge had been presented. A grin snuck across his lips. 

    “Contrary,” Dominic pulled away in order to stand up from the stool. His arm went around her waist while the other hand pushed back a strand of her hair. “I know which way you tuck your hair when it bothers you. Or, I know what your voice sounds like when you don’t think anyone can hear you sing. I know what songs give you goosebumps when the chorus plays, or…” His hand took hold of hers, bringing it up to his lips for a kiss. “...the way your breath jumps when I take your hand. Chiot, I know that your birthday is coming up, and for old-time sake, I could find us another table at Lombardi’s. That is, if… you wanted.” His head tipped and his brow raised. He watched and waited dotingly to see if the idea had struck a note. “Let’s go see what you have for Sinatra. Hm?”

This reply was deleted.

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Minako and Agnes are now friends
Agnes liked B E A N's blog post The Great Canoodling [VILLAIN2024]
Aug 24
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"Nothing answered back the shade as it traversed the maze of streets, following what was thought to…"
Jul 30
Nǝssᴉǝ and Agnes are now friends
Jun 30
Agnes and Sanctum Library are now friends
May 25
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""Whether or not that's an empty threat, I'm ready to fucking obliterate anything that tries to."…"
Apr 17
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""A risk not worth taking if someone brought me into the circle earlier." Agnes grumbled quietly…"
Mar 24
Agnes and Space Samurai are now friends
Mar 23
Agnes and 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖒 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖗 are now friends
Mar 14
Agnes left a comment for 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊 ♥
""-I know!" Agnes snapped in a volume that only those in close vicinity could hear, cutting off the…"
Mar 1
Agnes left a comment for 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊 ♥
"Agnes was quiet after she spoke, the amused expression on her face was short lived. She sat still,…"
Feb 11
Agnes left a comment for 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊 ♥
"As Agnes approached the booth, the vampiress could read off her body language and attire she wasn't…"
Jan 30
Agnes and Alyssa Vladimirova are now friends
Jan 29
Agnes and Syrius Gilroy are now friends
Jan 26
Agnes posted a blog post
"The List Event"Team Name: Team FangsTeam Members:Agnes, Dominic Which character will... • Throw…
Dec 24, 2023
Agnes and Merlyn de Aternia (semi-hiatus) are now friends
Dec 14, 2023