
Virgiliu Dragomir Mihai Bathory-Draculea

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When you've lived in the darkness for so long

Your craving to feel the touch of light only grows

But once you do...

You will wish you had stayed in the dark







✞ BIO ✞


                                    Name: Virgiliu Dragomir Mihai Báthory-Drăculea

                                    Alias: Virgil Dracul, Virgil Tepes, Virgil Dracula, Drac Junior, Tepes Junior

                                    Born: 1678, October, 31

                                    Age: 344

                                    Height: 185 cm

                                    Weight: 70 kg

                                    Hair colour: Dark brown

                                    Eye colour: Brown but with a yellowish-white glow in the dark and dark red scleras.

                                    Gender: Male

                                    Birth Place: Transylvania













"A night with roaring thunder, furious lightning, and downpour so vicious it would drown your thoughts.
A night like this, it was, when the creature spawned into the world through screams of pain and dying breath.
A creature beyond our realm and ken. Born from darkness itself to snuff the light.
A child of Undead Father and Undead Mother. A cancer to our world made to feed on life.
A monster, beyond even Vampyre ken. A ravenous beast crawling within human skin and bone."

- extract from a handbook signed; DR. H. JEKYLL             





The Heir to the Throne of Darknessv



Virgiliu Dragomir Mihai Báthory-Drăculea was born during a raging tempest on the night of October 31st, 1678.
His mother, the dreaded murderess; Erzsébet Báthory, died in childbirth - chained to the bed.
Allegedly murdered by Virgiliu's half brother; Mircea "Thanatos" Dracula, out of jealousy and madness.
His father Vlad the Third "Tepes" Drăculea, nicknamed Count Dracula, was the self-proclaimed
King of Vampires. Ruling from his decrepit castle hidden in the Carpathian Mountains.


The child was raised as most Nobles at the time were; he learned several foreign languages,
including Greek, Latin, Turkish, Tatar, Hungarian, Bulgarian, and German.
As well as proper etiquette and how to greet guests and dignitaries -
- though there were not a lot of them during his childhood nor when he grew older.
He learned how to carry himself with power and poise and dress according to status.
He spent most of his days in the castle reading the endless number of books in the Library,
studying intensely in hopes of living up to his father's reputation -
- and earn his place as the Heir to Dracula's domain.



Virgil’s room is situated in a mostly neglected part of the castle,
Along a corridor adorned in dust and webs.
The door is dark and heavy, laid with iron.
And behind it is a single room with a small door to the left as dark as the other one.
The room, like an Antechamber with a decorated window at the far side
- dusty in all places but one spot, kept clean,
So that one could sit by it and look outside,
Is furnished with only a fireplace-
A desaturated, carved, wooden bookshelf,
A chair by the window,
And cabinets along the left wall on each side of the small door.
An iron chandelier also hangs from the roof,
far above the reach of human arms.
Behind the small door is another room,
Smaller than the first and with no windows whatsoever.
At the centre of the opposing wall stands a wooden-framed bed fit for nobility,
only accompanied by chandeliers and a carved wardrobe within the wall to the right.


- One 





“To live eternal in the shadow of others, that is the fate from which I strive to escape.
Death and decay will follow wherever I travel, and all for a crown that means nothing - and yet, to me it is everything.”

- Virgiliu Dragomir Mihai Báthory-Drăculea, 1885 - Signed; DR. H. JEKYLL            














The Manticore




"Having been born from an unholy unity of two beings with no life,
Virgil is not quite a conventional vampyre.
A being of pure darkness, brought about by dark magics,
I can only deduce that Virgil is what is of an ancient race,
Known as a Martya-χvāra in the Old Persian tongue.


Better known by its Greek name; Mantikhṓras - the Manticore.


According to Legend, the Manticore was part human and part lion,
With the tail of a scorpion able to fire venomous darts,
And a pair of bat-like wings.

They had three rows of sharp teeth,
And their face resembled that of an old man.
But most importantly;
They were known for their insatiable hunger for human flesh.


The nature of Virgil's metamorphosis seems to originate in negative emotions.
Wrath, jealousy, greed, grief, irritation, and so on.
The transformation itself is painful, beyond what humans could possibly imagine.
The bones split apart, expand, and heal - all in a matter of seconds, minutes at most.
How one can amass such musculature from seemingly no-where
Is beyond even my own comprehension.
And it is musculature too. 
Strength greatly enhances, as if his strength was not already great.
Though it seems he loses part of his humanity - as ironic as that may sound.
Basal instincts take over and- no, not even instincts.
He's overcome by an irresistible hunger, and will kill anything that moves.
Controlling his urges become increasingly difficult the longer he remains in this form.

Truly a creature of pure evil.


None can truly know the true nature of the Martya-χvāra
But it is assumed that they come into being when things that shouldn't mate, do.
They're an anomaly among the supernatural
And only certain unique circumstances can create them.
How they are made or born, or why they appear, no one knows.
A true mystery among both Xenobiology and Parabiology.

If only I could understand what brings it forth, then maybe..."

- Extract from a handbook signed; DR. H. JEKYLL          





 ✞ Other Characters: ✞

Kháos Mavros/Ptolemos


Jorah Kaldr/Máni


Vé/Wolf Father


Djiretnetjeru/The Eye


Aigaios Chrysaoros Vasilakis/The Gorgon


Talaos Anekh/Lost Prince


Nathan Aidan Samuels/Angel


Darius de la Garde/Desert Jackal


**Blogs are unfinished and will be updated gradually as I find the energy to do so**
✞ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Art made by me~

Who is the Son of Dracula?


As a physical manifestation of darkness - and created through the unholy union of two Vampiric entities - Virgil is in nature an incarnation of pure evil. Indeed, by human standards, he would be seen as evil. Despite this inclination towards malice, Virgil does inquire about the complexity of morality and has on occasion allowed himself to toy with the concept of right and wrong. But make no mistake, the son of the notorious Dracula is a being that feeds on the life force of others and to trust him to do what is right would be naïve indeed. 

Virgil was shaped into a being of darkness from birth with few outside influences, which in turn led to him having difficulties grasping the concept of putting worth on life itself. To him, life is nought but sustenance - a commodity, or even a resource. However, unlike his half brother, “Thanatos”, he does not strive for power so much as he strives for paternal approval. He does not go out of his way to be needlessly wicked, though malice is a natural part of his being.

Virgil was born purely of a Vampiric union, and thus have no human elements to his being. To reason with him as a man would be nigh impossible and little you’d say would impact his choices. But he is logical. If a situation calls for the preservation of life, he will stay his hand. Malice does not necessarily call for ignorance or stupidity. But be wary, cause him to build enough anger and his darkness will manifest into a beast so fearful and ravenous even others of his kin tremble at the sight thereof. 




Other Characters

The allies and rivals of the Son of Dracula:


This mysterious and ancient horned figure known only as “Vé, Wolf-Father” crossed paths with Virgil quite some time ago in the deep woods. He is an ancient spirit, far older than even Dracula himself, always surrounding himself with giant gnarly wolves capable of shifting into equally gnarly men and women. A strange aura surrounds his cloaked figure at all times, a haze that almost makes you think you were in a dream. Vé seldom mentions the past but has alluded to a time of gods and giants in faraway Scandinavia - a time that he both seems to miss and despise.

Vé is a powerful magic user using ancient and forgotten witchcraft, capable of swiftly changing form into all manner of beasts - yet no matter what form he takes, his horns and copper hair will always remain the same. Some refer to him as the Father, or Progenitor, of all werewolves, and many even revere him as a deity. He has sway over prophecy and flame, enchantment and cursing, which makes him a natural choice for stray souls who seek aid or protection. However, this ancient shifter is a known trickster. Although he never lies, his silver tongue may easily warp your perception of the truth. His mysterious and playful nature is a dangerous and unpredictable combination and all would do well to be cautious when approaching him.

Standing at around 7 feet tall with horns each splaying nearly a foot from his skull, draped in a dark rugged cloak and fur which covers his long and slender tail, with eyes that burn a frightening green in the dark, and hands black as coal, Vé may well be seen as quite intimidating. He carries a staff at all times made of mistletoe that seems to almost have a life of its own. He calls it Haevateinn. Around his waist is a leather belt that carries one item on each side. On his right, he’s equipped a hollowed horn for drinking, and on the left is a pouch full of herbs and mushrooms. His legs are wrapped up to the knee, and a dagger is pressed in between the fabrics on his left ankle. Anything else he needs is either made on the spot or fetched by one of his wolves.

Although commanding a pack of monstrous wolves that can shift into human form, he himself is never referred to as a werewolf. Instead, most believe him to be a Troll - a race of shape-shifting giants once known as Thursar, Risi, or Jötnar. But his true origins remain ambiguous…





Kháos Mávros

Encountered not too long ago during a still summer night, Virgil quickly fell interested in Kháos' war-like ways and foreign powers. With a name that means "Chaos of the Black", he tends to call himself simply 'Kas' when his darker half is not around. Even though he's conventionally attractive, he intentionally makes himself unapproachable and will do next to anything to keep people at a distance. That is, people who do not share his struggles.

Quite the tall specimen, Kháos stands at six foot five inches with hair like ebony that reaches to his waist. Golden eyes turn into fiery cinders when War emerges, his form engulfed in smoke and embers. His olive skin turns pale and sickly and terrible sickles hang in chains from his blackened wrists. When not in battle, he wears the clothes of the artful youth but when War awakens, chains and jewellery takes their place in rusting hues.

Child of Eris; the goddess of Strife, and spawn of Loki; the god of all that is Unruly. Kháos embodies his name quite well. A child once prophecised to bring about the end, he could never truly relax - lest he held a brush or pen. And once Ptólemos emerged, the Second Seal was broken. The Horseman of War and Bloodshed was born. Kháos struggles with his darker part, a constant battle over morals, right and wrong. It was in the form of War he met the vampire Virgil, and a strained friendship was created with plenty of tension. But war possesses an object the son of Dracula admires above most things. A golden orb in an ivory box. On the orb is written in ancient Greek; “For one who is more fair than any other”, and it is referred to as the Apple of Discord. An ancient artefact from bygone days of godly rule capable of influencing those around it into heated frenzy of jealousy and greed. A frenzy, not even the gods could escape.

And yet, despite his darker nature, Kháos finds solace in art and music. Drawing and Painting are his only talents aside from war and insults - and these talents are what lets him keep his senses. His sense of style reeks of sexual ambiguity a feater that helps cement his more artistic inclinations. 








The Fossegrim

The legendary Vaettir from Scandinavian folklore has been known by many names throughout the times. Fossegrim, Näcken, Nyx, Bragi, and so on. But now, he goes by the name Jorah Kaldr, meaning "The cold Autumn Rains" in a mix between Hebrew and Old Norse. His name taken from a victim loved long ago. The Fossegrim is feared for his tendency to lure people to drown in brooks and lakes, but also loved for his musical talents so enchanting that even the ancient mystical beings fall sway to it. His songs and music reached all the way to Wallachia which is where Virgil eventually came to know the creature.

Standing at only 5 foot 4, Jorah is quite petit, and weighing in at next to nothing, his barely 10 kilograms make it easy for him to move around entirely unnoticed. His eyes, blue as the brightest sky, are so bright they can be seen even in complete darkness. His skin, pale as the moon and covered in millions of tiny scales, sparkles like the very night sky itself. And his hair, blacker yet than ebony, reflects the unknowable darkness of the deepest lakes.

Bio under construction





Most often referred to as simply "The Eye", at times "The Eye of the Gods", Djiretnetjeru is the head of the organisation known too as "The Eye" which is a part of the mysterious Council of elder Vampires. As the acting Intelligence network of the Council, The Eye keeps a constant, well, eye, on Dracula and his mysterious family - of which Virgil is a member. Herusemuyahotep also has a personal interest in Virgil as the younger vampire never experienced a mortal life having been born of two undead individuals, both known for their bloodlust.

Up until the 1930s, Djiretnetjeru was completely unknown to the world, lost and forgotten, buried in an unmarked tomb. But once an unfortunate expedition uncovered his withered remains, the world was exposed to the great curse that would become The Eye. Little is known of his past, but clues suggest he might've been around during the Reign of Djoser, and may even have sat on the throne under the name: Sekhemkhet 

Bio under construction



*art unfinished







1: It's appreciated if one-liners are avoided.
2: Subjects like violence, strong language, and sexual themes, may be frequent.
3: Keep in mind that many of my characters have troubled pasts that have left them bipolar and/or aggressive. 
4: All threads will fit into a greater canon. By engaging in roleplay with any of my characters you agree on potentially having your character(s) mentioned in other threads.
5: In conflict, I control what happens to my character, you control what happens to yours - unless planned otherwise prior, regardless of what powers your or my characters may have.
6: Some of my characters are stronger than others, so be sure to ask if you prefer one or the other.
7: Some of my characters are technically not alive, and can't be killed, but if you pay attention, you might get clues on how to temporarily incapacitate them - if it comes to that.
8: Most of my characters are very very old and have very complicated pasts - due to this, some of them might remember details wrong or differently each time they tell you about them. This is not writer inconsistencies - but realistic character traits.
9: My characters have very intertwining stories, and some may appear in threads with others as side characters - or even antagonists.
10: Remember if you're playing a Norse, Greek, or Egyptian deity - or a character relating to Bram Stoker's Dracula, it is important that we first discuss the subject and the relationships as me and some of my closest friends have developed quite an extensive canon.
11: Needless smut won't ever happen and detailed smut, in general, won't either - unless it is important to the plot or story. However, many of my characters are open for one - or more - romantic partners, in different ways.
12: And lastly, we're all here to be creative and to have fun!


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  • tenor.gif

  • Thank you. I have a who slew of characters to choose from and look through. I am not sure where to begin. Probably with those with a greek affliation? >.< I would love to write. Looking for more characters with a greek foundation that i can write with.

  • /I am up for continuing.. I think Agramon was the character

  • She could read in between talking at the same time. Her mind had a wider space than most people. She used much of it, even at a child she was close to using 30% of it, with being able to do the small things as a child that she did. Things that even her parents had never told her before. It must have been this, everything else she was able to do with the now 70% of her mind that she was using. Would more of that unlock in the future? She had no idea. She could process things faster though. Thus to conclude it, yes, she did breathe in between talking, and yes, she could read his mind while she did talk. It was a survival strategy, be able to read and do at the same time. She would keep all those little helpful tips in mind. Granted she truly did hope that not all of this was going to be so hard on her. It was one lock of hair after all and she felt like she'd been trying to get it for a year now.

    "We certainly--I--" did he just? Gasp! He did! Her turn to get a little flustered. Again, she loved to talk that talk. When it came down to her needed to walk she was more or less crawling away and hoped that nobody saw the fumble that she did with it either. Not when she made that speedy recovery though! Then he went back all talking bout that again though and she found herself needing to reel in the blood trying to make their way to her cheeks and she cleared her throat. "A lesser human might, but one at my caliber of mental power, and the way that my mind works it wouldn't work. I've mentally been trained. Have you ever seen Inception?" Of course, he's never seen it, dummy. "Well, it's like my mind has its SWAT force ready to attack whatever might have tried to attack me inside of there, yeah? Except we're not in a dream world, and SWAT isn't about to jump out and attack you. My mind is just... resilient." She puffed up her chest a tiny bit. "I like to think of myself as a kinda girl that can't just be bewitched by a common fish boy." She thrust a thumb to herself. "If you want this you need to work for it." Buuut... "Course, physical attacks could work. I've never been shot but I imagine that if I were it would break my concentration and then I would have a hard time. Let's not find that out though, okay?" No shooting the poofy haired chick.

    When Neseva spoke of her organization, and the way that they worked to help keep the world ignorant of an inhuman sort of life out there she went quiet to let him think and talk. Her head cocking and eyes on him occasionally as she looked ahead to see exactly where it was that she needed to be going and not trip on a fallen branch or long while she did it. Where he went on with it, and the emotions that he tried to hide under his skin and rock hard heart she could feel it. And a sense of sadness overcame her because of it. It did not show, he just might notice that she had less of a pep to her step, a little less willing to look at him as silver-lined the bottom of her eyes. And for as long as he went on she listened ad never said a word to let him get off his chest what he needed. It was partly his fault and part he humans then. Because where he stopped singing, there were still those curious souls that still came around, that believed in such lore and wild passions for a world, not like their own. Ones who would be weak and wish to be serenaded to while he caressed and dragged them deep underwater for a feast. A rule of thumb for the HSHQ was that you could not save everyone as much as they wish. Sometimes some had to take a fall so that others could survive.

    "In the end, there truly isn't a blame that needs to be passed. We hope to keep everyone safe and healthy. That doesn't always work out though, and it's just something that needs to be accepted."Her one and only conclusion that would act relative to maybe help him to not feel so bad about it. His warnings worked, and their attempts to keep the world hidden worked, at the cost of loneliness for those of them, like he, who was now only a myth.

    "I am not laying naked on a mossy hill during a full moon to attract some cow-chick just so I can get a little bit of her hair. If anything maybe I could snare her or tackle her from the tree's but I ain't getting booty naked for no one but the person in the mirror." For now. She didn't plan on staying... well... that forever. She was still a person and still wanted to live. "Rolling in the grass does sound fun though. With hair like mine though I can't imagine that it would be fun getting all those twigs and things out of it. I can pass on that." Will pass on that. She basically just had a bath because of one, she didn't need another. 

    Baba Yaga existed? Should Nes really be all that surprised, she knew the world that she lived in. "She's popular in lore and stories. A well-known witch. I can't say I know much about her, or the other witch covens out there or how they are. I could study, just not right now." Neseva told him while she looked away to give him that privacy that he clearly didn't seem to care for. She stayed that way until in his mind he gave any hint that he was dressed. Normally those being keys like, 'one leg... now the other...' Things like that. She tapped her foot on the ground and turned once he said that they fit. Good. She didn't imagine her girly figure and his shorter smaller one would be too big or small for him., just right in fact. She grinned merrily and took in the clothed sight of him. "Good! I have a shirt maybe if your body gets a bit cold." She crouched down to her bag again and went searching. Only perking up again and giggled some about the words. "It's not--" She sniggered, trying to get it out. "It's a figure of speech. It just means that you've got a big and thicc booty and you want the world to know it. Take pride. I think your ass fills those pants out better than mine ever will." Totally not jelly.

    "Anyway, this is my little home for now. A place to plot and plan how the hell I'mma get one of those girls. Since prancing around naked isn't an option. And I'm not as risque as you about it either." She plopped down on the leafy floor, now pulling the bag into her lap to look for the said shirt. 

    The little campsite wasn't too crazy. Her tent was hardly a tent. It was more like a bed with a tent on top. How she ever carried that all the way out here was probably the biggest question about it. The bed inside looked to be about the size of a twin, blankets, and pillows thrown inside of it. She had a small chair as well. And while she didn't have a fire going she could make one rather easy out here. Next to the tent was also a travel fishing pole in case she did need to catch any dinner. Basically, she was set for the time she meant to stay out here, for however long that was going to be. 

    "This is me." She said and motioned around to her little campsite. "It isn't the glories of the bottom of the lake, but it's nice. Feel free to take the chair." A hand was waved towards it. And I'll see about making us a little snack if you want. I've got stuff for PB&J's." She pulled out a rolled up tube like shirt and showed it to him. "I've got this?" A vlassic Nirvana band tee. He could always just go chest to the sun like he was. It wasn't like she would hate the view.

  • Lovely page! Let me know if you'd like to write.

  • And she was losing him. The more and more that she talked made sure of that and the further that Jorah's poor head was slipping into a deep and lost place just like his eyes were. It was like seeing their brain cells start to flicker out one by one. Or that they started asking more questions over understanding answers. He wasn't really asking questions over going blank in his head and staring forward between her eyes like a goose. She should stop talking and put him out of his misery, but it was fun to talk. It made her feel like she actually knew some shit even if he might not catch up to it as fast as her mind was going that was. Not that she was taking advantage of his lack of knowledge that way. If anything, she would love to teach him, to let him know these things the way that she knew them. And in any case, perhaps he could take the information elsewhere and share it with others.

    Thank goodness that stopped though and they got going on another subject entirely, one that was easier for him to go on, that was, and her entire reason for coming here in the first place. That's right, the hair. "I'm not going to eat them. Well her, or them, whatever I find. Not like that at least. I might in other ways if ya know what I'm sayin'." Wink wink. Riiiiight. "Wined and dined is a figure of speech. The correct phrasing of it means entertain with good food. Giving them wine, which is a drink made from grapes, and well food. And have good entertainment on the side. All that yada. A date if you must. I've never been on one, but I wouldn't mind taking the cowgirl if she just let me! If I'd known they like food I would have hauled a whole damn sous chef over here with me to help out the whole thing. Eight-course meal starting with an appetizer of soups and finger foods then go on down to beef and--Oh! Would they be vegetarians? Tofu it is! As sad of an existence that must be." She was really thinking ahead about this, wasn't she?

    Yet with all her blabbering about the food and the tofu, his mind got to a subject that made her halt in thought and focus solely on him. Again, her traitorous eyes betrayed her by looking down again, to where that jacket might be, then up again. Hormones you damned sons of bitches--! "Right pants! Heh heh heh heh...." She laughed like a woman pretending to give her number out to a guy she totally did not want to give her number out too. Talk about overexposing. At least he did not go into that much detail. That's fine. He did not have to act like he knew any of them. Being indifferent about them now was all fine and well. It wasn't like there was much to do out here in a big ass lake after all. Guy had to get his entertainment somehow.

    Right then. Neseva gasped, as though fully insulted by this. "I am not distraught. Look do you see me waltzing around here with my bits all flapping? No way. It's just hiding the goods for later. Why let everyone see what you're packing right there in the open when they can guess it and be surprised in the end all like," brace yourself, here comes the overly fake sweet southern girl accent. "'Good heavens! So this is what you look like all nakey! Take me in your arms, handsome, and throw down that good lovin' on my supple flesh!'" She even curled her back and pretended to faint, hand on her brow and everything. Good show good show. She'd clap herself on the back. Bow bow. Thank you, thank you!

    "For realsies though," she bounced from that quick and started on her walk. "Just not everyone likes to be flashed--" He toppled over with one step and she blinked, now looking at the moon white cheeks and swore that she could see stars in the sky with it. Her mouth was in a small 'o' and her golden eyes followed him as he bounced up and she snapped her mouth closed with a cleared throat. "....Or mooned...." Neseva shook her head. "A-And, pants just help with not scraping your knees. Yep." That's right.

    "You've don't got to be sorry. I'll bet that's not all that comfortable. I'd tried to make it a little better buuuuut..." Don't you dare think about it. Don't you dare. "I uh, wouldn't want to invade your personal space or anything. Let's keep moving." Phew. However, it was her turn now to be a little loss to what he was saying. Sure she understood some Norse Mythology. She wasn't perfect and all-knowing, she studied some of it though. Some guilt flashed over her. While it all was not her fault Nes said, "people don't believe because it's organizations like mine or others who keep your world a secret. Kept it safe for both you guys and the other humans out there. If everyone knew that vampires or werewolves existed then they would weaponize them, see them only as that and not as beings with thoughts and feelings. I don't want that, and they don't want that. So when you're found by humans, they are more in fascinated awe and not scared because they are lead to believe that you're only a myth. If the wool is pulled back from people's eyes they can't take it in. They freak out and fear the whole world, and they take until there is nothing to be taken left. Being ignorant is easier than feeling insignificant to the rest of the things out there." Might be one of the wisest things that she's ever said.

    She kept on walking along the edge of the lake. She couldn't be that far. She had parked her spot just a little ways from the actual lake in case it rained and the waters rose but close enough that she could keep an eye out for the cowgirl. "That does, however as you said, leave room for it to get dangerous when species like you are found because while I'm calm, others might have gotten themselves eaten. Thus leading my crew to come in and search you out, or even the Hulders. I have business with them or at least one of them. Once I get that I'll be out of your hair and your lake will be yours again." She smiled at him over her shoulder, then turned back forward and walked.

    A laugh came from Nes. "Well then, I might be a little fucked. I do plan on cutting a lock of hair off. And I doubt that one will be happy to give up any much less a whole lock full." She might just find all her belongings gone when she gets there after all. "That doesn't sound so bad. Being doted on and forced to give attention to? Like a little cow puppy." Her humor of it made Nes humm. "I'm sure in hindsight it's bad. From the outside in though it sounds like a good cheap date and you get some loving on the side while you're at it." Her head shook. "Don't be sorry. I like talking, too. Just as much as I love listening."

    "Baba?" She cocked her head. "Like Baba Yaga? Baba Yellowlegs?" Those were the only Baba's that she knew. "No, I haven't thought that far; and no I haven't lost my backpack. It's at my camp. Which was on the other side of the lake, over there." She pointed. "It's not that far now." Not far indeed. She could see the neon green fabric of it poking through the trees at her and as soon as she was up to it she was digging through that bag of hers. Shit. Tights, tights socks, tights. Aha! She found the joggers. And hoped they would fit right. She offered them up to him. They were black with white lines down the sides of the legs. And the words were indeed splayed on the booty cheeks. She offered them to him, her head turned away. "You can tell me when to look."

  • COUGH. Swimmer. Seriously, who was digging the grave, she was ready to toss herself into it. This was all too much for the poor teen to handle. Happy thoughts were turning into red thoughts, burning red like a brand and it was going to make her lose it if she kept up like this. They needed a major subject change or else it was going to turn into a blood bath in here. And not the cute lil anime kind where they turn into a blood canon through their noses either.

    "Well, that's easy for you to say! You're the one living in the water. And I highly doubt a lake really has a deep enough depth to really crush a sub or something. A body, maybe. I don't know, but I'm not a fish person though! That's something that I would think that you were born in, you got used to it and such. Meanwhile, with me, that's like throwing me in space after living on mars my entire existence and going to earth for the first time and just having my body start to combust because I can't suddenly just adapt to it so suddenly. Too much on gravity and all the organs. Things like that." Was that gibberish? It sounded like it to her. Maybe he had no idea that there were planets. Or maybe he did and he just didn't know that there were different ones with different names and different properties to each of them. Bah, if he wanted to know he could ask. She wouldn't chew his ear off about it now.

    Ah yeah... Subs and stuff. "Well, that, dear fishy guy is just the advancement in tech. They make machines because it's easier. And they might be able to catch more of what is going on down there. Like water pressure or maybe even scan what kind of fish there are around them and what might be new. One day, they might even be able to see past your translucently shifting scales because of echolocation or something big like that. I can't personally say. I would say that they should use that, it would help them to find fish better under there. Sadly, there are things like you. Beings and other fish who might see something like that and find it weird and want whatever it is that is becoming a threat to the lake to be taken out of the picture.  She got off-topic too. She brought herself back briskly. "I could do that,  but finding one, or getting it made and bringing it here is just too much work. All I've got is myself and my abilities. Sadly breathing under is not one of those. Which, I get. I'm telepathic and all that fun stuff. Being able to breathe underwater would just be way too much work for everyone to keep up with."

    She'd be too damn cool. No one would be able to touch her and at that point, people might burst because of it. Then there was that monster bit again. This time she gave a hearty laugh. Like Santa just having a jolly good one. Hands on her hips and all that. "Don't you know the thing about scary stories nowadays? All the pretty ones are monsters." Like drugs, or food, or toxic people; especially the ones that had powers. "Don't be fooled because you're gonna end up at the bottom of your own lake and not be able to get back up again because of the pretty ones." Still, she took a pride in being called pretty. She could handle that. Being bang material was a bit too much for her grade to handle right now.

    They were going from that topic to something different now.  As all of their things had been. She did her small look around of the lake, and tried to see if there was any sign of the huldra anywhere. She was a slippery little minx, wasn't she? Maybe this was guy territory. Maybe she was having fun running from Nes. "Maybe she just wants to be wined and dined before I take a snap of her hair away for her, huh?" Nes thought out loud to herself, fist under her chin. Hair getting a little frizzy and curly as it dried. "Put them to sleep..." Devious of her... But Nes wasn't beyond that. It wasn't like she was planning any nefarious things to do with the cowgirl. Maybe ask her on a date or something. Because bow-chicka-bow-wow. Sexy growl and all that fancy pick up line stuff. 

    "If you need pants I've got some joggers in here that might fit." Let's not bring up that on the ass in big fancy letters they had the lovely quote of, 'Jiggle Baby'. Maybe he had the booty after all. Bubble butts were the best butts after all. Shan't be checking out fish butts now, that would just be rood of Nes though. Can't be just going around doing that. 

    And despite how that might have been something rood said by anyone else she got his innocents in it. "I think you just called me annoying, in the normal human world I'll take that as a compliment from you." She took initiative to walk. Warm-up her still wet body from the splash that she took. Damn huldra. She scanned the area, scanned the trees, the minds.. Any sign of life from the naked cowgirl anywhere would help. And, well shit, she needed to find her bag too. She left it somewhere. G'dammit. She was sure it was where she first started her running at in the little tent she pitched up. Sigh. That was a whole lot of walking since she had chased the huldra all around.

    Eventually, Nes would turn back to the fishy guy and huff. "You're right about that, looking is different from being. What do you think a normal human would do in this situation? Not a hunter, not  a siren, but a normal human person?"

  • 1324785101?profile=RESIZE_710xA tiny spark, and a consequent burst of unbridled energy shooting off into all directions, though quickly ebbing out, consumed by the void of nothingness, THAT is how it began.
    And taken on its own, it was pathetically insignificant.
    Just a simple flickering of light in a place that had been entirely cloaked in darkness, for now over a hundred years or more, perhaps less? But like the singular thread in a tapestry, though its color brightly shine, it could never truly see its purpose when placed into the pattern of the grand design of which it would ultimately come to create. (pls get the reference) And, drop by drop, feed slowly by that crimson liquid which dribbled down and breathed life into death, more threads were being woven to make that very design slowly come to fruition.

    Muscles, bone, and flesh, it all shifted, as if his entire body had become host to a number of snakes which red and raw coiled around his body, creating a fine mesh of tissue where ever it went, upon which layers of fat, flesh and veins, would slowly begin to cover itself.
    It was truly a display of macabre gore, gore galore!

    But all growth was not visible to the naked eye of Virgil, as inside the skull a network of synapses began to form, growing rapidly like the intricate spindly roots of a great big tree, paving the way for the coming of neurons and the subtle bare beginning of a awareness of self. Indeed, connections were now being made where previously there had been none at all. And as the appearance of many many neurons would suggest, it allowed for the beginning of a steady flow of random thoughts, ideas and memories to surge through what could only be described as the nakedness of a simple consciousness. And quicker and quicker it went, gaining momentum as every second a barrage of memories sprung into existence, vanishing out, and altogether whirling round each other in a perpetual whirlpool of reformation that saw one memory resurface after another.
    And like previously said, some things stuck, whilst others came and went back again, maybe images, sounds and feelings, that were to be lost forever…

    But as the pieces started to come together, and just as an identity had starting to emerge, HE felt an immense amount of pain as he, now able to feel his body literally put itself back together, cell by cell, was subject to the sensations of the body. He’d regained his sense of touch, as nerve endings had fully formed to allow for the signal to carry across to the brain, uninterrupted.

    And so sharp, all-consuming pain, stronger than could properly be put into words to describe it, came now from all across his vessel, assaulting his brain and causing colorful spots of white and green to dance across his eyes. And the torture was only increasing in waves, waves which mercilessly crashed against his system with the weight of an entire mountain, tearing him apart, by putting him back together. It felt as though his own blood had become acidic, with intents of destroying him from the inside out. And all that he could do was writhe and contort, twist the limbs that would respond to his brain, all while bit by bit, he became himself again, whoever that may be.
    It simply became too much, and he gave off a agonizing shriek which tore through his underdeveloped throat like a great shard of glass. And somewhere not too far off, another shriek comes in response to this. It was the kind of scream that made your blood run cold, and it pierced the brain and ignited some primeval pathway that made it possible to understand the meaning behind it’s cries. FLESH. HUNGER.

    And as for him who lay now in his tomb like a babe in the womb, his torment had lessened considerably in just a heartbeats moment, and he was able now to command his limbs to stop moving, despite still being in a considerable amount of agony because of his skin, which draped torturously slow across his arms and legs, chest and back, like a comfortable blanket, only the coloration of said blanket was off by a mile and a half, as it was ashen grey.
    And while each movement caused him discomfort, he moved instinctively to escape his confines, and managed to get enough of himself over the edge that gravity did the rest for him, making him spill head first, face down, onto the cavern floor in a heap, shaking like a leaf and whispering to no one in particular. It wasn’t necessarily even any words in any known language, but rather something more akin to the growl of some beast attempting to stave off potential threats.

    He moved then, using his arms to prop himself up, though with clear difficulty it seemed, and he looked with terror nailed into his eyes and lips blue, and face drained of any color, even by vampiric standard, and he recoiled violently. He literally flew backwards into the side of the coffin at the sight which stood in front of him. A beast, unlike any that he had seen before.
    Before? A concept foreign to him, an idea out of reach? Or was it?
    His gaze drifted slightly from the beast, and he trailed his hand over indentations into the stone.
    A name, carved in with great care by someone.



  • She blinked when he said that. Right up staring at him as though he'd lost it then she broke out with a jittery smile and a semi-nervous laugh. "Haha, I'm not... I'm not disagreeing or all. I'll admit I'm a piece of well-tenderized tip of the round steak and all, but maybe not to that extent. I thank you though. I do. And it's not... Its..." Alright, she grew a little flustered there the more that his mind when on. They widened, then she had to look down to the lair of the beast and up again with a small cough. "I um.. yeah, thank yooouu..." She wasn't thinking about it, you're thinking about it, you pervert.

    Double whammy right there. It was as though her eyes could have popped out of her head and rolled snake eyes in that second. Might as well lower her into that grave slowly at the point the cloth fell again. She wasn't looking. Don't you look either, shield the children! She was looking up to the clouds and trees because so pretty. Look at the delicate way the sun came bearing through the foliage of the forest to dare to kiss the ground. The supple shape of the leaves, the stem, the curve, the veins running through the individual leaves if the light caught it well enough.... You're still thinking about it, aren't you? Fine, we're all pervs after all. "Nope, you're fine, it's fine. Willy nilly stuff here. Noooope." Wait, do fish, how do they even manage dicks? If there was a female would they do it fishy style? Rub up on all her all nakey like then when them eggs pop out just cloud the air with the baby batter? Riiiiight. She imagined the shimmy and everything. Her cheeks had to be as red as an apple. COUGH.

    "Y-Yeah, fishtail, like the pretty one you've got?" or did he not see it as a tail. Maybe it was just considered the body to him. Whatever, fish anatomy was not her strong suit, clearly. She hadn't became a hunter to go for fish. It was quite the opposite.  Anywhooo vamps. His surprise was caught and her teeth showing in a smile. "Yep, you heard right. Vamps in the real world don't sparkle though. They also don't live in the water, though I'm sure some could if they really wanted. Like if I were were a vampire I'd just sink to the complete bottom of the ocean! I mean, if I could keep from the crushing depths of it at least. But I'd still love to try! An ocean floor is a fascinating place. Lakes too I guess. I've never been to the bottom of one but I've heard spoopy stories about monsters. And hey, Loch Ness Monster, because of me. Hahahaaaa, lame joke, I know. I hear it all the time. I've gotten used to it." Another tangent that was becoming a norm that he would soon get used too. She was only excited to talk. When she did it came out of mouth faster than she could stop it most times.

    His concept was not unheard of to the world. People were much the same. If a child had a sock on their hand and they stuck it under a fence to play with the dogs on the other side and the dog bit down and took the kids arm off. Who's fault was it? The dog for thinking it a toy, the parents for not watching the kids? It wouldn't matter in the end. Because in the end the dog would be brutalized for it. Only because something was not understood. "I can see why you would think that way, but that's why we Hunters are around. If something bad happens to a person that caused another reaction then that one in more. If the world knows only to kill what is different then we would not have most the world, it would be broken down like the rest of things. But if people understand it then it calls for better of something better coming from it. It helps to know that different is okay."

    "Well then... you learn from those mistakes. The best you is who you choose to be. It's what makes you the happiest. If being, normal, is the best you then don't deny it. It's just accepting." Whoa now, hadn't he shown a lot at that point? All fleshy bits of it and everything. She got his meaning and all but the shlong had shown its truth and she didn't know what more could be shown to her. Neseva's jaw worked as she tried to think of something that could remedy this. But how could she be normal if she wasn't herself? "Can't say I'm the best normal role model out there. I grew up the freak my entire life." She also did not have a fishtail though.

    Busting up in laughter, Neseva bowled forward with her hands on her knees to his declaration. "Wise? yeah right. I just say things to make myself sound fancy is all. And, as awesome as that sounds, I don't know if you could? I can't breathe underwater, or at least I haven't tried. I've got a lot of cool powers but none so far that told me water is a strong point. I'm blabbering. Shitfoot? The pretty naked woman with the tail? Oh, I just needed some hair from her for some witch. Witch is getting all fugly looking and I guess the hair hold some property to keep her pretty or somethin'? I couldn't say. I get something in return so it's cool. See, not all hunter stuff is hunting. More like a goose chase. No idea where she ran off to..." 

    And for the first time, Nes did look around for her. She spotted the overgrown cat. Then around the surrounding brush of the forest until she turned her gaze back to him. "You've got legs don't you? How much more normal would you want to get?" She felt a particular ape song come to mind about wanting to be like you-oh-oh.



    New York City - The Big Apple - The City That Never Sleeps


    Auna Darkwood was within her first Twenty-four hours of being in one of the most active cities in the world, ignoring as the gentle fain fall fell over the sparkling and bright city, drowning out the beautiful patterns of stars but creating an awesome yellow full moon up in the dark night sky. Hands tucked gently into her pockets of her back tight formfitting leather pants, dark hues took in the City before her, wondering what this new locale would have for her. 

    Tilting her head she glances to people rushing on the sidewalks to get to where they are going to get out of the rain, shaking her head slight as the wind ruffles her long back mass of hair she looks on, never would she understand mundanes. Easing her left hand from her pocket she bends her arm to gently press a fingertip to her ear, to turn the volume up slightly for the earpiece she wore that kept her up to date on the police proceedings in the entire city limits, lowering her hand once more she lifts her right hand to gently tug at her half leather glove on her left hand to fix it, curling her fingers in the fingerless gloves she watches as the silver of her serpent bracelet, reflected the light, lowering her hands once again she tugs at the cuffs of her black leather jacket that fell down past her behind, in half length of a trenchcoat.


    Frowning she suddenly shivers as a sense of foreboding slides down her spine as a deathly chill creeps through her veins, it was getting stronger the more she spent time in New York. Something was definitely wrong, so very very wrong, and she had a bad sense and taste in her mouth that time was close to running out...

    tick tock

    Tick Tock


    Turning she walks to the opposite side of the condemned movie theater where she stood as she tried to get a better sense, moments later she heaving a sigh as a small shake of her head formed, once again it was hidden. Just what was it? It was evil, inherently evil from what she could sense, pure evil like it came from the Devil's court itself..

    Though she wished she knew it almost didn't matter, whatever it was the Protector of the Small was going too uphold her purpose, she would stand against the Evil no matter what, but it certainly did make it easier when she knew what the evil was.

    Suddenly she stiffened alarm now coursing through her system as her left hand flies up too her ear and presses gently at the alert going through.

    -All Officers be aware a child was kidnapped from Sunoco gas station on 497 Meeker Ave, name is Ebony aged 6 yrs, black hair, green eyes. Last spotted wearing green jumper dress and black leggings. Taken by two suspects = Two men, leather jackets and driving red van with license plate with 436 within the plate.-

     Gasping in alarm at the alert black wings extended from her back and immediately she took too the air, riding on an air current and flew high over the city as she swooped over the traffic and pedestrians, unable too be seen by any human eye, spiralling she comes too land in the shadows around the gas station taking a first look as more police cars speed onto the scene, their lights painting the night air blue, red and white. Folding her wings so they fold onto her back and disappear from view she steps from the shadows, now able too be seen by the humans around her, a few police officers eyeing her with interest, a few male officers taking in the dark beauty dressed all in black, lifting her right hand she shows her badge identifying herself as an Private Investigator and then slips under the yellow crime scene tape to where the black Ford Escape sat where the distraught Mother and Father of the kidnapped child huddled in each other's arms.

    Glancing too them in empathy for a second before she concentrates on the scene, stepping back at the pure evil polluting the entire area making her gasp in alarm as dark hues widen as suddenly she went deathly pale, that sacred blood of hers leeching away from her face and withdrawing from her hands and arms and legs, as if suffering from a mundane condition of hypothermia, as shocked dread overtook her body. 

    oh no

    Oh No

    OH NO!

    It was worse, so much worse than what she had originally thought, this evil was pure, much purer than the Devil's Court, and the child was the key too it all. They were going to sacrifice the child too raise someone from the Devil's Inner Circle!

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