
October 31

I am open to new roleplay threads

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Character Age


Character Species


Character Gender


Character Relationship Status


Character Appearance

Valkyrie: battle armor, long blonde hair, sharp gold eyes, 5' 11"

Mortal: band-tee's, bomber jacket, ripped jeans/shorts, ankle boots, short blonde hair, icy blue eyes, 5' 4"

Character Personality

Curious, wise, rebellious, on-her-guard.

Character Likes

Wolves, fighting, making true allies, doing her Valkyrie job

Character Dislikes

Being on Earth, being unable to see the future clearly, those who cheat death

Character History/Story

Skuld is the youngest of the three Norns (three deities who decided human fate), the oldest being Urd (Norn of the past), and the middle being Verdandi (Norn of the present), making her the Norn of the future. She does not remember how she was cast to Earth. Now she goes by Skye Futursdottir ("future's daughter"). She wants to find allies to help her get back home to her sisters, and possibly find love.

Character Inventory

Spear (in the form of a switchblade knife carried on an ankle holster), wolf Magnar (summoned by special whistle-call)

Character Abilites

Enhanced fighting skills (both) Superhuman strength/agility/stamina/durability (both) Foresight (Valkyrie, shared with Heimdall) Summon Magnar (both, pet wolf, which she rides into battle)

Lesser forsight (mortal, see a little ahead, or just a small glimpse)

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)


Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Violence, Rated R, 18+, Gore, Action, Adventure

About the Writer (OOC)

I'm absolutely OBSESSED with mythologies, and have fallen in love with Norse mythos. I love Norse and Viking music. I've also been roleplaying for a few years :)

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  • When Skye placed her hand on his shoulder, he turned to face her.

    “I don’t either, but he is the boss, and we have to follow orders like the good little soldiers we are.  But you are right though, they are wrong in every way.”

    When he said that he watched as Skye headed back into the compound, something he should probably do as well.  Considering Ross was probably here to take control of their next mission to take down the next HYDRA base.  He paused for a second, turned his eyes towards the heavens and then followed her into the compound.

  • As General Ross walked into the building, he eyes the woman that they had saved and moved on, he didn’t say a word to her and then disappeared into the building with his entourage.  Soon everyone went back to their assignments, Tony and Rhodes went back inside as Natasha stayed behind.

    Natasha: “Someone who riled Steve’s feathers a while back.  Being Captain America, Steve feels it is his job to protect every single person on the planet, and when he is told he can’t do that, well he feels as if he betrayed all those helpless victims.”  She turns to Skye. “You see, we were on a mission in Africa, it went horribly wrong.  People were killed while we were trying to help capture a HYDRA agent.  A bomb exploded, Wanda tried to contain it, but it was too powerful, innocent lives were lost and Steve felt responsible.  Then a few weeks later General Ross made an unannounced visit, and threw down a stack of papers, “The Sokovia Accords” which we were told to sign, everyone did except for Steve.”  She glances back to Steve, as he has his hand on the Quinjet. “He felt betrayed, stating that we have to wait until we are told where to go, instead of just going and helping.  So that is it in a nutshell so to speak, he doesn’t like the way things are going, and to be honest, with General Ross being here today, something else is going to happen, and my gut is saying it won’t be good.”

    Natasha then turned from Skye and walked back into the building, but before she left, she placed an arm on her shoulder and said “He is a good man, the best if you ask me.”

  • Steve reaches the outside landing zone, as a Quinjet lands quietly.  When the ramp opens out steps General Ross, a major thorn in the Avengers side.  Steve stands there as the General disembarks and walks over to where Tony and Rhodes are.  He shakes both of their hands and then continues.  Upon reaching Steve’s location, the General stops and offers his hand.  Steve takes it and shakes it.

    “So General Ross, what brings you so far from the Pentagon?”

    At first Ross doesn’t say a word, and then he pipes up.

    Ross: “You and your team Rogers.  It has come to my attention that after you destroyed a HYDRA Base that you liberated some woman and brought her back here.”  Steve acknowledges him with a simple nod.  “So, you mind telling me why you broke protocol and brought a possible enemy of the state into the compound?  For all you know she can be a HYDRA spy.”

    “Sir, she isn’t a spy, and she is willing to help us destroy HYDRA, plus we couldn’t just leave her there, she was wounded and needed our help, or is it not our jobs to help anyone until you say we can.”

    When he says that, there is a hush around the crowd that has now encircled the two of them, if anyone didn’t know any better you would think these two were about to go a few rounds to see who the boss was.

    Ross: “Next time you decide to save someone, check with HQ first.”  He then walks past him and into the building.”

    “Yes sir.”  As Steve then mumbles under his breath as Ross walks away and Tony walks up to him.

    Tony: “You really shouldn’t antagonize him.”

    “No, you should never have signed those accords.”  As he then turns away from Tony and walks out towards the Quinjet to be with his thoughts.

  • “Good, we can use all the help we can get right now.  Let me see what I can do about getting you something to wear, hopefully we have something in storage you can use.  But in the meantime, I have to go see what the alarm was for and see if it is someone who needs some attention.  If you want, you can stay here or accompany me to see who landed.  Up to you.”

    He waits for her answer, as he notices a few people running down the hallway towards the landing pad.

  • When she stopped, he walked over to her.  Noticing the new marks on the bag, he was impressed.

    “So, warriors huh.  It shows, your technique is impressive.  Whoever taught you, knew what they were doing.”

    At her question he looked at the other fist marks on the bag and nodded.

    “You are right, some are mine and some are my buddy’s Bucky.  He is the one that went through an ordeal like yours.  But who taught me?  That is a long story, for you see I have always been a fighter, ever since I was a young kid and half the size I am now.  I would get picked on when I was younger and decided I wasn’t going to let a bully take advantage of someone of my stature, so I fought back.  I usually got a good whippin’, you know beat up, but it never stopped me from fighting and standing up for what is right.  Do you feel well enough to go on a recon mission?  Something small, not saying we won’t run into a fight, but you never know.”

    He waited for her answer as an alarm began to sound, it wasn’t the type of alarm of incoming missiles or HYDRA, this was the sort of alarm telling everyone someone of importance was landing.


    Steve got up from the table, excusing himself as Natasha went to look for Bucky.  He decided to see if Skye needed anything, and when he looked around, he noticed she was gone.  She probably went exploring and figured she needed to clear her head.  Lord knows she was put through, and what she went through was more than anyone should have to go through, she didn’t deserve that.  As he walked out of the mess hall, he heard something, a faint thud, and then another and another, until it was a repetitious flurry of thuds, and he realized where she was, she was in the gym.  As he approached the gym he entered, at first he didn’t say anything as he leaned against the doorway and watched as she punched the bag.  She had some great technique, she pummeled the bag, right, left, right, left and then a flurry or punches to the mid-section of the bag. 

    “Great technique, where did you learn to fight?

  • As he took his seat at the table, he looked back at Skye, and then over to Natasha.

    “I need to talk to Bucky, see if he can talk to her, get to know her better and help her cope with what she went through.  I don’t think there is anything else we can do for her, except make her comfortable and let her know we are on her side.”

    Natasha nodded and got up from the table and walked out of the room, she was going to speak to Bucky first and then see if she can convince him to talk to Skye.

  • Steve knew it had to be the same machine.  Perhaps she would open up to Bucky, considering he went through the torture already.  Steve as just grateful that they didn’t get a chance to try it out on Skye.  He watched as she got up from the table and walked to the window.  Nat was about to get up when Steve motioned for her to stay, he would go over to her.  He got up from the table and walked over to where she was standing, taking up a position on her right.

    “Beautiful view isn’t it.  Every time I’m here it still amazes me how beautiful it is.  When you are up to it, I would like you to talk to someone, a very close friend of mine.  You two have a lot in common I believe, but take your time, there isn’t any rush.”

    He places his hand on her shoulder and then walks back to the table and sits with the others.  He can’t imagine what she is going through, only time will heal old wounds, but she seems to be strong and there is something about her that makes him realize that she is a lot tougher than she looks.

  • What she was talking about is the machine that brainwashed Bucky.

    When they heard her mention a machine, that is when the conversation turned.  Bucky told Steve about a machine HYDRA used on him when he was captured after he fell from the train.  Could this be the same machine?  If it was, then this made it even more imperative to locate it and destroy it once and for all.  No one should be put through what Bucky had to endure, and for Skye to be so close to being placed in that machine, well it made him angry.

    “What if anything can you tell me about this machine?  Were you showed it at any time when you were captured?”

    Steve knew this was going to get intense for Skye, having to remember everything that they did to her and then tell them.  But he knows it had to be done.

    Natasha:  “Whatever you can tell us, would be most beneficial.  Just take your time.”

    They all sat and waited for her reply.

  • He couldn’t believe that she was put through so much trauma, and still managed to keep her wits about her.  He wanted nothing more then to take down the Red Skull and Von Strucker, now more than ever.  Tony rubbed the back of his head and then sat down with them.

    Tony: “So what is the next plan of attack, you know me, attack is my game plan.”

    “Not sure yet, I want the doctors to check out Skye first and then we can discuss it as a team.  I would like Skye to join us in our discussion if that is ok with you.”

    He looks over at Skye, waiting for her reply.  He believes she may have some valuable information to give them and assist them with taking down HYDRA once and for all.

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Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Skye reached the helipad just as General Ross was walking into the building. She stopped and stared…"
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Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir and Fenrir Lokison are now friends
Oct 21, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Skye looked up at Steve as he spoke. She paused at the word 'doctors', then nodded giving her…"
Jul 5, 2023
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"Skye nodded. She could really use some food. She quickly gathered her food on a plate, and began…"
Jun 26, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Skye nodded and looked around. She didn't answer his question right away, but quickly changed into…"
Jun 8, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Skye gulped when the Star-Spangled Man walked up to her. She shook his hand lightly, then walked…"
Jun 6, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Skye didn't say anything, but simply nodded, and stared at the ceiling when Nat left. Eventually,…"
May 28, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Skye looked up at the red-head. Somehow, she made her feel more safe, more secure, like a friend or…"
May 12, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Skye had been passed out for a few days. When she woke up, she was in a strange bed in a strange…"
May 8, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Skye sat chained to a metal chair, finishing an interrogation not five minutes before the guards…"
May 2, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"!!Trigger warning!!
Skye struggled against her restraints. "Damn you, villain!" she angrily shouted…"
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Apr 25, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Steve Rogers My response:
Skye had a feeling that the place she had snuck up on was being used for…"
Apr 24, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir left a comment for Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir
"Thank you everyone! Please message me if you want to RP!! Mr. A.S. Paschal, E.H. Siren Jessica…"
Apr 18, 2023
Skye (Skuld) Futursdottir and Victor Blood are now friends
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