

Maya | "My-a"

Full Blooded Fairy

22 | "Ages Gracefully" | Pisces

Neutral | Good Leaning | INFJ

Single | Independent | Not Looking



Born in the secluded forests of Kaladon, nestled in Russia, Maya led a relatively normal life among her tribe of Earth Fairies. Despite her elemental differences, her clan accepted her much as they had her mother years before. Maya lacked a mentor due to these differences, leaving her to only begin exploring her Fae abilities.

According to the past, Maya's mother descended from the Heavens long ago, once a Fae servant to the Angels but no longer. Her mother had found resonance with Lucifer's philosophy, a choice that led her through unprecedented trials.

Some speculate Lucifer's influence led to her mother's demise, while others attribute it to Ceres, Maya's mother, losing herself to the corruption of the Void. Nonetheless, Maya was left at a tender age when her mother departed on a perilous quest. Only now, as Maya ventures beyond Kaladon's Woodlands into civilization, does she begin to uncover the profound conflict that once raged on the very grounds she calls home.



The Golden Child..


Ā Ā 50% Arabic / 50% Unknown


Not such a golden child after all.Ā  Not only was Maya's birth a complete accident, but it was also completely against her mother's will. Her father conducted cruel experiments on Maya's mother upon her capture, subjected her to unspeakable horrors, and manipulated her in order to create the "Perfect" Hybrid. Unfortunately, Maya was not the prize he sought.

Once her mother managed to escape to freedom, she kept Maya a secret from everyone except her Fae Clan. Despite Maya being conceived under the worst of conditions, Ceres still loved her dearly.

While Maya remains oblivious to this history, it's expected that one day she will uncover the truth. Perhaps the origins of her half-brother will come to light. Maya has run into her half-brother on several occasions. He never seems too far when danger is afoot but lately has respected Maya's demands to be left alone.

Her mother has left her specific instructions. Being the dutiful daughter she is, it's likely Maya will follow: "Find Jett, stay with him, and don't trust anyone else."


"The Stars, They Call to Me"


Maya is a Water Fairy, her abilities reflecting her elemental origins. Despite this, she holds a profound affinity for the stars. Fascinated and irresistibly drawn to them, Maya feels a connection that she cannot fully explain. Unbeknownst to her, this attraction may stem from her father's lineage. Despite her ignorance of her father's genetic contribution, her physical resemblance to him hints at a deeper, unexplored heritage.

Still in the early stages of her development, Maya has only begun to scratch the surface of her elemental abilities.



Basic Water Magic: Maya's proficiency in Water Magic is still in its early stages. She can conjure small water spears and projectiles, but her control over these abilities is unstable and unreliable in combat situations.

Fairy Dust: Highly sought after by hunters and witches, Maya naturally produces fairy dust that collects on her wings and falls off when in excess. She has never used this dust on anyone and is unaware of its effects. It is rumored to be valuable on the black market..

Water Healing: Maya can harness bodies of water such as rivers and lakes to heal herself or others.

Water Dancing:Ā  A mesmerizing dance with limited practical effects. It is believed to alleviate minor ailments like poisons and sicknesses, and has a calming effect that can soothe weary souls.

Charm Dancing:Ā  Initially practiced for personal solace, this secret dance has revealed its alluring effects over time. Maya's movements can enchant animals and beasts more profoundly, while also inducing a sense of ease or, in some cases, exerting influence over others akin to a Siren's song. She has only used this ability on Jett at his request.

The Talisman of Absolute Law10230697886?profile=RESIZE_400x

Once a coveted artifact known for its formidable power, the necklace was stolen from the King of the Stars and eventually came into the possession of Maya's mother, Ceres. Legend holds that the necklace was originally safeguarded by an ancient Ronin Tribe in the mountains of present-day Japan. Ceres cherished and protected this artifact with her life, relinquishing it only before the onset of the Great War.

In a ritual overseen by several Fae elders, Ceres entrusted the potent artifact to Maya, embedding its power deep within her. Though the physical necklace is no more, its formidable power remains dormant within Maya. However, Maya cannot wield this power herself. According to the elders' decree, the Talisman will only manifest its power when its bearer fully trusts someone to wield it.

Absolute LawThen & Now

10230694463?profile=RESIZE_400xThen: The Talisman of Absolute Law was once a fiercely guarded artifact, accessible only to those with extraordinary magical abilities and immense stamina. Possessing the power to compel lesser beings into unwavering compliance, the necklace was stolen by a servant to the King of the Cosmos to maintain balance and safety. Maya's mother, Ceres, acquired and safeguarded the artifact during this period.

Now: Currently resonating with Maya's soul, the Talisman has transformed into a latent power, its physical form dissolved into insignificance. Despite its diminished state, it retains formidable strength and mysterious abilities, accessible only to those Maya trusts implicitly. A hidden sigil, invisible to all but her trusted companion, gradually becomes more visible over time. When fully activated, the weapon can be summoned from the sigil located beneath Maya's neck, between her collarbones. Unaware of this hidden power, Maya unknowingly carries on the confidence her mother had in her. However, unbeknownst to Maya, the elders harbored an ulterior motive: upon Maya's death, the Talisman itself will cease to exist, marking the end of its luminous legacy.



Relationships and Meaningful Interactions



Maya's half-brother. Vash boasts a different mother, but he's yet to reveal who that is.Ā Their recent meeting has been tentative, with little shared information between them. Despite Maya's lesser strength compared to Vash, he shows a surprising acceptance and protective instinct towards her. Vash is eager to introduce Maya to his home planet among the stars, which may explain her lifelong affinity for them.



Maya's protector, bound by a promise made to her mother in her final moments. Jett had not anticipated being entrusted with the care of a child, but he honors Ceres's trust without hesitation. Maya reciprocates by sharing stories of her mother, providing solace to Jett's soul.Ā Recently, however, Jett has begun to slip into madness due to an undisclosed illness. This illness has caused him to act irrationally, even to the point of attacking Maya in a disassociated state. Maya has used her Charm Dancing abilities to soothe Jett during these episodes, a skill he had continually requested. Despite his illness driving Maya to flee from Jett's care for her safety, she remains steadfast in her vow to "fix him."



(My Retired Character of 9 years) Maya's Mother. Ceres cared for her daughter dearly and her quest for power was the final piece she needed to keep her daughter safe. Ceres ended up claiming the Void's power. This eventually drove her to gentle insanity. With a crazy plan to face the King of the Stars, Ceres and Jett eventually became Amir's downfall. This came at a cost; Ceres did not leave the battle alive. However, she entrusted Jett with Maya's wellbeing and happily said her final goodbyes knowing her daughter was free of her looming Father.



(Retired character of Vasharti's Player) Maya's father, Amir, a figure shrouded in darkness and never met by Maya. Ceres concealed Maya from him out of fear and kept her ignorant of his cosmic abilities. Maya bears physical traits of her father but lacks his cosmic powers. Though aware of his misdeeds and passing, she harbors no desire to delve deeper into his legacy or claim his abandoned title as King "Queen" of the Stars.





Blogs & Collaborative Writing Pieces

(Blogs either written by myself or blogs that reference Maya. Feel free to use my character in any blogs!!)


Pending links as I collect blogs

Ā 8935812271?profile=RESIZE_710x

Ā Ā 



If you don't see our thread here it's because I may have dropped it due to inactivity. We can always pick back up when / if you return. (When room is available.)

Ā Vasharti(Inbox)

Song Playlist - Vash x Maya




Song Playlist - Jett x Maya

Music | Music



Ā Song Playlist - Rhysand x MayaĀ 




Song Playlist - Vic x Maya



Mammon(Inbox) - On hold

Song Playlist - Mammon x Maya:Ā 



Threads are currently OPEN (Selectively)Ā (If you're interested in writing, please come to me with some ideas! I've got some great threads going that are guiding Maya's story ~ I do not do AU, other members' characters from other threads will be referenced in our story often.)

About the Writer: Hi everyone! My name is Melody but most of my friends just call me Mel :) I love writing, I was the 5th member to join this site back in 2015! I do have sporadic events going on sometimes with Real Life, but I do try to get on as much as I can! I have made great friends on here and also joined several IRL friends on Writer's Realm! Although I seem like I have a "main" Storyline going on, please don't hesitate to add me! I want you to be part of that storyline too :D I love occ banter and cute gifs!Ā 


Writer's Favored Genres: Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Twisted Romance, Minor Gore, Magical / Mystical, AdventureĀ 


When Writing with Me:

Trigger Warning! I write & have written out several Dark Themes Pertaining to Torture, Rape, Death Scenes, etc. Please Understand this Moving Forward!

  • Para to Novella Style, please. I like detail and try to add as much as I can. I do not accept/nor write One-Liners.Ā 
  • I do not do random Smut. In fact, I don't really write smut at all. So if that's what you're looking for - I suck anyway :p
  • I assume it's common sense not to kill someone's character, force hits, all that basic RP stuff.Ā 
  • Please try to use good grammar. I'm far from perfect myself!
  • Don't hesitate to message me if I haven't replied to you. Sometimes I do go away for a little while, a jab every so often is nice!


Thank you Alexander for the Profile Layout

Face Claim is Dina Denoire

Music will change with Character's Storyline - It could be directed at another Character or simply the way Maya is feeling at the moment.Ā 

Word art from Cool Text

Photo Editing & Music Vid by Mar-Mar




August 8

Character Gender


Character Appearance

Testing TestingĀ Testing TestingĀ Testing TestingĀ Testing TestingĀ Testing TestingĀ Testing TestingĀ Testing TestingĀ Testing TestingĀ 

Writer's Writing Style (OOC)

Paragraph, Multi-Para, Novella

Writer's Favored Genres (OOC)

Fantasy, Romance, Anime, Child Friendly, Action

About the Writer (OOC)

Hello ^-^ I love writing with just about anyone so don't be afraid to ask. I can plot or wing things. I'm probably better at winging storylines since I suck being put on the spot for ideas. I'm just now getting back into the RP world after about a year long break. I'm happy to meet some new people and hopefully make some good friends :) - Mel

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  • No. Man was not a word they used to describe themselves. Males, perhaps, but ā€˜menā€™ was reserved for the humans in their minds. When she looked over the promenade to the two men below they looked back up at her, but they had tucked their wings in tight on their back and the slightly more lithe of the two turned to look out over the street, still keeping in the cloak of darkness offered by the alley.Ā 

    Cassian, the wider shouldered with longer hair loosely pulled back, was still looking up at Rhysand though.Ā 

    But the man kept smiling, standing when she did and slipping his hands into his pockets, nodding slightly at the repeat of his words. Brothers. Technically adopted but he didn't feel the need to make a distinction. They were his family.Ā 

    ā€œI made them forget you and the last fifteen minutes existā€¦ and broke their noses.ā€ He hummed with a little shrug, his wings flicking behind him as if it were the most normal thing to say.Ā 

    But then he barked an aghast laugh. Even that was an elegant drawn sultry sound.Ā 

    ā€œWhat? Demon? No. No, my dear we are fae. My brothers are Illyrians, a warrior race on my lands, I am half Illyrian half High Fae.ā€ He took a hand from his pocket and pointed at his crested ears, something the other two males didn't have. Letting his violet eyes fall over over the bread clutched in her hands he perked an eyebrowĀ 

    ā€œWe were just about to head to dinnerā€¦maybe you would like to join usā€¦ tell us how you came to have hunters on your heels. It's on me of courseā€¦my treat.ā€ He put a hand out, not condescending her hard worked for meal but giving her a better option the old stale bread.Ā 

    ā€œI can't imagine your time among the humans has been easy. We have been here only a week and I would say we are all growing a bit tired of them.ā€Ā 


  • Rhysand watched her with narrowed eyes nearly glowing in the darkness a vivid violet, starflecked, tilting his head as she gripped at her stale bread and scrambled backward from him. Though understanding took his features as wings sprouted from her back and she threw herself back, away from the group of men.Ā 

    With a slight smirk he turned his back from her, and in a flicker the truth of them unfurled. He cast the illusion out further so they were all blocked from any prying eyes outside the alley, but she would see all three men had their own wings, large and membranous, pointed claws at the ends like a bats. Cassian and Azreal moved to hold the two mens arms before whatever spell was being cast was let go. And the two men balked with realization as they came back too, held tightly and looking out at the high lord ebbed in darkness. With a smile hidden by his turned back he threw his fist and gave both men a solid pop to the nose, leaving them bloodied and then as he pulled a black silk handkerchief from his pocket to clean off his knuckles he wiped the memory of the lastĀ  thirty or so minutes from their mind and sent them stumbling numb and confused down the street before all three winged males glanced up at the building where she hid and watched.Ā 

    Rhysand gave his brothers a silent order through thought to keep in the alley, and on a swift dark wind he was no longer in the alley but standing a few from her.Ā 

    Then knelt, gently putting out his hand to her.Ā 

    ā€œHello darlingā€¦ sorry to frighten you. It seems you have had a tough night.ā€ His voice was low and silken, his smirk nothing short of handsome.Ā 

    ā€œMy brothers and I overheardā€¦ we haven't seen much of our kind in our visit to the human world.ā€Ā 


  • Would you like to rp 18+ with me? No one has contacted me and I want to rp with someoneĀ 

  • Community Leader

    All Replies done!

  • Thank you <3 and you can steal him anytime you want haha. He hides his sadness very well though.

  • ā€œAll and all Rhys I think this idea is a wash. The humans have run this place into the ground. I mean all the technological advances are great but this city is a grease factoryā€¦ I do like beer though. Better than meadā€¦sometimes.ā€Ā 

    Cassian was trailing his two brothers as they made their way down the streets, Rhysandā€™s brows synched in a distant focus, hardly listening to the more outward, and lightly tossed, of the three.
    ā€œI am starting to think you might be right.ā€ Rhys sighed, his hands sitting in the pockets of his well tailored trousers as he looked up at the towering buildings around them. It was an impressively large city, surely, there were plenty of things that Rhys had found fascinating on their exploration. But he was starting to really think this was a pointless trip. None of the other High Lords had wanted to even entertain the idea of reforming relations with the mainland- and he could understand why now, even if none of them had been informed of how insular the humans had become. In their time out and about they had hardly happened across another fae of any variety. New York was supposed to be one of the most impressive cities in the mainland nation closest to the walled off island they called home and Rhys had found the people to be narrow minded and fearful of most things different than them.Ā 
    ā€œI can start trying to get more eyes and contacts out hereā€¦we can take it slow.ā€ Azriel was the more soft spoken of the three men, where Cassian was all male bombasity, and Rhysand was suave charm, Azriel was the pinnacle of dark and mysterious.Ā 

    Rhysand hummed softly in a dismissive response. He had dampened his own power, reeled in the waves of darkness that followed him everywhere, and Azriel had done the same- but it took the High Lords power to glamor the large bat wings from the view of the humans. But it had been a small concession for Rhys to have his brothers with him on this trip- besides he could spare the power, as long as he didnā€™t get too blitzed along with Cass and Az and forget.Ā 

    But before any of them could say anything else there was the sound of clanging metal, all three warriors stiffened, even Cassian who caught up to his brothers, suddenly quite serious as they caught sight of the men down a block, watching them move into the alley with narrowed eyes, they all barely shared a glance before in a shiver of darkness Rhysand was gone, suddenly standing in front of the entryway to the alley just as Maya was falling back over herself. But the man taking swings didnā€™t move another step, instead his eyes became glossy and his jaw slackened, the hand holding the machete slackened and it clattered to the ground as Rhys took a few steps into the alley, hands still in the pockets of his suit, a very unamused look on his face.
    ā€œAre these plebeians bothering you miss?ā€ He sniffed, then tilted his head, violet eyes glinting in the darkness of the alley that seemed to hug him.
    As the second man turned on him to swing he similarly went still, face slackened and eyes went dead.
    ā€œWould you like me to melt their minds for you?ā€ He asked, glancing down and finally taking his hands from his pocket to pick a fleck of nonexistent dust from the suit jacket.Ā 

    It was black, velvety black, the same as his shirt, the top couple of buttons of which were unbuttoned to show off his tan chest and the deep blue-black tattoos that wound up his chest and neck.
    ā€œOrā€¦ would you rather me make them forget you exist at all?ā€ As he spoke the other two men skidded into the entrance of the alley, daggers in hand. Though they relaxed when they saw Rhysand had it under control.

  • Aw, you're welcome! That's so flattering >w< it's forever a work in process, but I hope you enjoy reading through it.

  • Naaah I can make just about anything work. I am going to have them on an exploratory mission so they can be coming or going from just about anywhere. I can make whatever work!

  • Yeah they are like High Fae but not really!

    But yeah we can do that! For more modern context I have basically been running with the concept that Prynthian has been walled off from the mortal world for like 300 years. Its a couple of islands about the size of the UK. But maybe Rhys and some of his crew are out and about exploring the world they have been cut off from and come across her. Invite her to come back to the Night Court with them.Ā 

  • Aye! thats exciting! The Illyrians are a warrior fae race that live in the mountains of the Night Court that have big bat wings. Rhys can manifest his as he pleases but his two adopted brothers always have them.Ā 

    As far as ideas I am pretty flexible. Would you rather end up in Prynthian where Rhysand is from or would you prefer he come towards Maya's neck of the woods?

This reply was deleted.

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"Welcome to Realms! If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out and ask. I know sometimesā€¦"
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"Welcome to Realms! If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out and ask. I know sometimesā€¦"
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"I'd love to thread with you! Did you have any plots in mind or roles you need filled? I'd be happyā€¦"
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"I'd love to thread together! Do you have any plots in mind? Anything you've been itching to write??ā€¦"
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"Thanks for accepting my friend request! Your char is pretty! I haven't finished reading the bio yetā€¦"
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"Welcome to Realms! If you need anything at all, feel free to reach out and ask. I know sometimesā€¦"
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