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Envoy Of The Veritas; The Veritas Invasion

"Connection Complete" were the first words that echoed throughout the abysmal construction of yet another new world for the Tensei to scavenge. They were not unfamiliar with these sorts of travels, yet had not done this professionally before. "... Se
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Sleeping with the enemy ( Villain2024)

"Gaheris" That name buzzed around Mirza like an annoying fly, each time the speaker uttered it her annoyance grew. "Gaheris!" There it was again. If they kept things up at this rate soon the name will be reduced to nothing more than a collection of m

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The commanding tone rang out. The trees shifted unpredictably as they blurred past the rapidly moving silhouettes that charged forward. The figures who ran wove through them like the wind through tall grass, or fingertips sliding throug

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Death's Embrace (VILLIAN2024)

"We were supposed to be the hunters, not the hunted..."

Vampire hunting was all Alexander had ever known. The Hunter Society of Russia was a vast, intricate network, plagued by corruption more times than he cared to admit. Yet, there was nothing that

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The Legacy of Blood and Stars (Villian2024)

Vasharti sat by the lakeside, the moonlight casting a silvery sheen over the still water. The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore was a soothing contrast to the turmoil within him. He gazed into the lake, his reflection blurred by the rippl

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Vegeta tidbits.

- At some point after the Cell games, Vegeta's tail regrew. Due to his training he's able to resist the effects of moon waves. And keeps it hidden beneath his pants due to their obvious combat weakness. While Vegeta is past it being a pain thing, it

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Miss Pigglesworth Meets a Turtle

Miss Pigglesworth waddled excitedly to Lilydale Pond, ready for her peanut brittle brunch and mid-morning nap. Honeydew Forest had been especially kind to her this week. On her adventure, she had stopped at a small wayside town beside a forest. The i

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Bellum in terra sicut est in inferno

After the Fall of Lucifer, God has made the world prosper, creating mankind and life itself.  He watched as they prospered  and saw them grow in his image, but of course he could not watch them for so long. He had other duties to attend to and must t

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imperator gehennae

After the banishment of Satan and the New age of Hell has commensed; The Imperium decided that they should not simply split the realms like they did. They met in the center of their birth and decreed that they must stand united as a True Imperium wit

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OC Creation Process (Element and Essence)

OC Process

There are several steps involved that require quick, simplified answers. Every answer or choice represents a general theme or specific subject.


First Step - Element and Essence

Every character is a fundamentally a soul during this process.


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Enjoy the Ride.


The evening news blared through the speakers of a dusty, old television in a dingy motel room. A stern-faced anchor reported the latest headline, her voice steady and authoritative.

"Breaking news from Silver City: The notorious criminal duo, Bunny a

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Monarchia inferni

After the battle between the Children of God and Ayin, The victors claimed the spoils of war. Satan imprisoned the Fallen Angels and made all know that He and his siblings are the true Rulers of the realm which they call 'Hades.'  They used the falle

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The Gods of Terra-Mutantur

The All Mother

She Who Lays Amongst The Stars

Icon:  Six stars laid in a circle


Children of The All Mother


Bebinn - God

Harvest / Life / Charity

Icon:  Egg with a flower inside

Vozekka - Goddess

Storms / Chaos / Trickery

Icon:  Cat

Erydion - God

Death / Under

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