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What goes bump in the night.


This blog contains adult content - crass / foul language, sexual content, foul play and murder.

Proceed with caution.


10865024698?profile=RESIZE_584xShe sipped at her old fashioned glass of Gin before she finished painting her lips a wine red color. The creamy lipstick glid

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Hi! My name is Mouse, I'm Cali's writer. I'm getting back into the groove of things, and I've decided for Cali's account, I will only be writing in direct messages or in discord. Here is one idea for a roleplay, we can adapt the story to fit in your

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An Introduction to Solomon Seymour

Solomon has always been a strange one, but his parents already knew this. For they were strange ones themselves. Sebastian and Cynthia Seymour. Cynthia was a vetrinarian for farm animals and Sebastian a retired three star general and two years older

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The Major Arcana




~4(years of physical manifestations) | Elemental Winds of the Southwest | No Occupation (close associate of Victor Blood) | New York (No home location) | Nonbinary | Demisexual | Single


In Indiginous Pawnee lore, Trawa, The Great Spirit, creat

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31CD | Week 1

( All answers are done in-character )



Monday, August 1st - Sunday, August 7th


(Day 1) August 1st: Seasonal: what sort of changes does your character go through as seasons change? What are their go-to activities during each season? (i.e. do they

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31CD, Week 1: Hidden records

31CD - Week 1

Full prompt list


Day 1: Seasonal

  •  Raiya's activity levels and overall mood seems to elavate around the autumn and springtime seasons. She can get sunburnt, so additional precautions are taken if her activities take place without shad
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31CD Week 1 | Tales of a Ghost


(Day 1) August 1st: Seasonal: what sort of changes does your character go through as seasons change? What are their go-to activities during each season? (i.e. do they garden during spring time, partake in snowball fights during winter, etc.) How doe

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31CD - Week 1

31 Days of Character Development



Day 1: Seasonal

Enoch welcomes each seasonal phase through various rituals and offerings of his own customs. He prefers the warm seasons over cold due to the much easier living conditions.

The Skinshifter hib

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31CD; Week 1

(Day 1) August 1st: Seasonal: what sort of changes does your character go through as seasons change? What are their go-to activities during each season? (i.e. do they garden during springtime, partake in snowball fights during winter, etc.) How does

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Community Leader


Victor lifted himself from the bed, letting the sheet slip away to pool around the lithe figure of the slimmer young man, a picturesque wilting form which begged the jealousy of any Greek artist or poet. 

His shock of bleached blond hair had thin fing

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Community Leader

Take the L: Part 2

The next moments were vague, broken among lung fulls of muddied water and desperate struggles for an elusive surface. Darkness took Victor in brief flashes before he slipped into its throws completely, the lingering notion that this could very well b

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A taste of Stars

It, all began with a smile a bite a kiss, and a liquid with the taste of Stars.

Guided by this overwhelming emotion, our fingers tangle together like some part of a puzzle and our bodies follow as they collide on top of each other.

As our private dance

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Finding Conflict When Plotting Stories


It's likely we have all run into trouble when it comes to plotting with others and trying to find a core conflict that can affect both characters interactively. Sometimes the conflict is obvious between two characters, but when it isn't, it can be

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