
Welcome to my profile! Some of you may know me around here. I'm finally bringing some long-time side characters to the site! Happy to display them. When/if these characters become big enough to build their own profile, I'll do so. 


Multi-Para to Novella Style writer (I don't care how much you send, just no one-liners. Give me something to work with.)

I prefer plotting before we start a thread; at least to have a general direction and writer preferences. 

I rarely write smut. I'm not opposed to it, but I only do this if it is part of our story through character relationship building, etc. If you're just here to get your off - go away.

Writer prefers commenting back and fourth but can also send inbox messages.

--> Dark Fantasy / Fantasy

--> Blood / Gore / Twisted themes / Tragedy

--> Fantasy Romance / Twisted Romance / Fatal Attractions

--> Long Term


Please feel free to pitch me ideas. I love letting another person's character influence mine. Here are some of mine

--> Candice falling more into the supernatural world, maybe even getting turned into something i.e vampire, etc. 

--> Seth finding a romantic relationship??? Thinking on this one.

--> Teva and Jax are clean slates

--> Writer's block on Seren at the moment. Where to go next? 


The layout of this profile will change often. I'll more than likely be posting the layouts in the themes group on the homepage. If you need help with a code or want a layout, feel free to reach out. I can't always get to requests right away, however. 





Starcaller | 2nd in Command of Thet'Hea

"When Seren Dances, People die." - Amir

Single | Heterosexual | Not Looking

INFJ | Virgo

Character Music Vibes: Song ✩ Song

Origins: Seren was born into a middle-class family on the planet of Thet'Hea. Her father served in the King’s small army, and her mother cared for her as well as several less fortunate children. At the age of 10, Seren was selected to train under the King himself due to her exceptional magical abilities and control. Her talents quickly caught the eye of Amir, the King, who took a personal interest in her training. Over the years, Seren became more than just a student; she became Amir’s right hand, executor, secretary, and, at times, his romantic partner. This close relationship was a blend of admiration, loyalty, and perhaps a fatal attraction.

Past: For many years, Seren faithfully executed her duties in the Realm of the Starcallers. She dedicated herself to the well-being of her people and the land, which had once teetered on the brink of extinction during the first Great War between her King and Lucifer. As Amir descended into madness, driven by his vast knowledge and paranoia of a second war, Seren remained steadfast. The King’s increasing instability culminated in his tragic death, a painful loss for Seren. Nevertheless, she took on the responsibility of training the heir, who had been born just a few years before Amir’s demise. Bound by duty and loyalty, Seren persevered. 

Currently: Seren now divides her time between Earth and her homeland of Thet'Hea. With the King’s son, Vasharti, now grown, her duties should have diminished. However, Vasharti has chosen to reside on Earth since ascending the throne, leaving Seren to hold the position of temporary King in his absence. In her free time, Seren meets with Vasharti, attempting to persuade him to return to his kingdom. Despite her sense of duty, she finds herself increasingly understanding his fondness for Earth and the freedom it offers. Her connection to both worlds creates a dynamic tension in her life, highlighting her dedication and the personal sacrifices she continues to make.


Starcallers are celestial beings with primary control over the stars. As purebred beings, their genes are recessive, meaning if mixed with another species, the Starcaller gene will be eliminated, leaving no half-breeds in existence. Seren, like her King, possesses formidable abilities, a testament to her lineage and training.

Telekinesis: Seren has the ability to move objects with her mind, encompassing telekinetic blasts and waves

Teleportation: Seren can move instantaneously from place to place. This form of teleportation, developed by Amir, involves folding space particles, enabling Seren to travel without leaving any traces or evidence. Only other Starcallers can detect her while she is in transit.

Essence Sense: All Starcallers, including Seren, possess cosmic-silver eyes that allow them to see cosmic dust and particles surrounding everything. This ability grants them an enhanced perception of their environment.

Cosmic Creation: The ability to funnel enough energy into a specific area to create stars, planets, milky ways, and galaxies.

Burst: Burst is a telekinetic shield that consumes Seren's life energy to block virtually any attack. The shield is transparent, identified only by subtle pulsations emanating from her. Due to the immense mental strain it causes, Seren uses this ability sparingly and only in dire situations.

Star Dancing: Seren's signature skill, Star Dancing, allows her to manipulate and maneuver stardust through dance. She can use this ability to suffocate, herd, contain, and torture her enemies. However, she becomes vulnerable during the performance, making it a double-edged sword.

Passives: Immunity to Mind Control | Ability to breathe in Space | Immunity to Mind Reading / Control.

Fun Facts

✩ Technological Novice: Seren doesn't understand much about Earth’s technology. She has never used a cell phone or driven a car, making her somewhat out of touch with modern human conveniences and often leading to humorous or awkward situations when she interacts with Earthlings.

✩ Above It All: Seren rarely sets foot on Earth's surface, preferring to hover instead. Following the beliefs of the late King, she considers Earth to be filthy and thus avoids direct contact whenever possible.

✩ Celestial Fashion: Seren, along with other Starcallers, often wears Arabic/Middle Eastern-styled clothing. While the Starcallers predate human civilizations, it is believed that parts of the Middle East adopted their attire when the species was once worshiped.



Amir(The Original King) - Seren believed Amir would never die. He had trained her since she was young, and the time spent with him, coupled with his immense power, charmed her deeply. Over the years, Seren developed a secret, unrequited love for her King. Despite this love never being returned, she continues to carry out his will even after his death, driven by loyalty and a lingering affection for the man who shaped her life.

Vasharti(King of the Cosmos)- The current King of Thet'Hea, Vasharti, has left Seren burdened with his responsibilities while he spends his time on Earth. Seren trained Vasharti, and while he has already demonstrated his father's strength and even surpassed her in some ways, he lacks the sense of duty that Seren upholds. She finds herself frustrated with his lack of responsibility, striving to get him to take his rightful place and fulfill his role as King.





Cockatrice | Self-Proclaimed Servant of Jett

"Whaddya mean where's my money? I'm a fucking Chicken. So you buyin' me tacos or not?" - Ricardo

Single |  Pansexual | Kind of a Fuck Boy

ESTP | Leo

Character Music Vibes: Song 🐔 Song 🐔 Song

Origins: Ricardo's origins are shrouded in mystery and dark beginnings. He was bred and developed in Hell through the conjuring efforts of higher-up demons, resulting in the creation of the Cockatrice. Born among several other creatures crafted in the underworld, Ricardo is believed to have many siblings, though he doesn't speak of his past often.

Past: In Hell, Ricardo likely served under the command of Greater Demons and Knights. Despite his origins, Hell doesn't define him entirely. Ricardo harbors a strong dislike for certain objects, particularly collars, leashes, garden shears, and anything resembling them. His story on Earth began when he was rescued from a truck bound for a slaughterhouse by a Son of Lucifer named Jett. Initially unconscious from the leap off the moving vehicle, Ricardo communicated with Jett through clucks, eventually conveying the presence of a mysterious obsidian contraption fastened to his leg. Recognizing it as a demon trinket, Jett freed Ricardo from his bindings, bringing him into his care.

Currently: Ricardo now freeloads under Jett's protection, following him wherever the Son of Lucifer goes on Earth. Despite claiming loyalty to Jett, Ricardo has ulterior motives. He enjoys Earthly pleasures such as partying, drinking, drugs, and flamboyant hairstyles. While he urges Jett to return to Hell and reclaim the throne, Ricardo's allegiance is partly driven by a desire for safety and companionship under Jett's wing..


Ricardo possesses a range of abilities that reflect his demonic origins and unique nature, despite being considered a low-tier demon's creation. His prowess in battle is matched by his pride and determination, making him a formidable adversary even among stronger supernaturals.

Ulterior Forms(Glamour): Ricardo has three total forms. His human identity, which he uses most. A simple Rooster of the Rhode Island Red breed for his second. Lastly, the fearsome Cockatrice. The Cockatrice is only unveiled when there is danger afoot. 

Spurs: Claw-like masses protrude from Ricardo's human fingertips and are present in his other forms in equivalent locations. These spurs enhance his natural weaponry, adding to his combat effectiveness in all his forms.

Vemon: Ricardo can lace his spurs and other appendages with Cockatrice venom. The venom is potent enough that merely expelling it can kill humans in the vicinity.

Stone Gaze: As a Cockatrice, Ricardo possesses the ability to turn creatures to stone with his gaze. This formidable power is not constantly active but can be toggled on and off at will.

Passives: Super Human Strength | Vast Demon Knowledge | Super Human Speed | Minor Accelerated Healing

Fun Facts

🐔 Prideful Preparations: Ricardo is exceptionally prideful and meticulous about his appearance, often taking hours to get ready for a night out. This attention to detail mirrors the saying about the pride of a Rooster.

🐔 Love for Shiny Objects: Ricardo has a fascination with shiny objects such as jewelry, Christmas lights, coins, and more. He easily gets distracted when he encounters them.

🐔 Mirror Affection: Ricardo enjoys spending time in front of mirrors, a luxury he cannot indulge in his fearsome Cockatrice form, as it would result in his own demise.

🐔 Ricardo Hates Weasels


Jett(Savior) - Jett is the Son of Lucifer who rescued Ricardo from the demon trinket that bound him in his chicken form. Since his rescue, Ricardo has developed a strong attachment to Jett, viewing him as his savior and protector on Earth. Despite Ricardo's professed respect and vow to serve Jett, their relationship is somewhat one-sided. Jett doesn't demand anything of Ricardo and often perceives him as a nuisance. Despite this, Ricardo continues to rely on Jett for support, frequently mooching off him for money and food.





Geomancer | Guardian of the Gate

"Spell not working? Try a bit of Stardust next time." - Teva

Single | Heterosexual | Not Interested

Character Music Vibes: Song ⛤ Song

Origins: UC








Berserker | Wanderer with Unclear Motives

"I'll put some fancy quote here eventually" - Admin

Single | Heterosexual | Never Again

Character Music Vibes: Song  Song

Origins: UC





Human | Barista at Sanctum Cafe[New York Division]

"My real name's Candice, but my friends just call me Candii. What can I get for you, Traveler?" - Candice

Single | Heterosexual | Currently a Potato

INTP | Scorpio

Character Music Vibes: SongSong 

Origins: Candii has lived in New York her whole life, only leaving on rare occasions to vacation. She grew up in a foster home. During her stay, the workers treated her well. Money was tight for the small foster care. This led to the abrupt eviction when Candii hit the ripe age of eighteen. 

Past: Initially facing financial uncertainty, Candii received advice from a female acquaintance to become a stripper, which she reluctantly pursued out of necessity. For nearly five years, she worked at an unnamed strip club, all the while nurturing a deep fascination with the supernatural. Her nights were spent immersed in fantasy novels, watching ghost movies, and engaging in internet chat rooms dedicated to supernatural phenomena.

Currently: Now at the age of twenty-five, Candii finds a small sliver of happiness in her job at Sanctum Cafe, which has proven to be a magical nexus for the supernatural community. Her lifelong fascination with the supernatural has evolved into deep knowledge and awareness of various supernatural beings and phenomena. Sanctum Cafe has become not only her workplace but also a place where her interests converge with her career. She now serves as an informal expert and informant within the New York branch of Sanctum, regularly advising patrons on supernatural matters and staying updated on the latest developments in the mystical world.


Being Human, Candice has no supernatural abilities and no defining strengths aside from normal human physics. 

Fun Facts

Collector of Supernatural Artifacts: Candii has a habit of collecting items left behind by supernaturals at Sanctum Cafe, such as small belongings, hair, and residue on glasses. She uses these artifacts in her personal studies and research on the unknown, hoping to uncover more about the mystical beings that frequent the cafe.

Keeps Notes on Patrons: Curious and meticulous, Candii keeps detailed notes on the patrons of Sanctum Cafe. These notes include observations, behaviors, and any supernatural encounters they may have had. Her notes serve as a personal database for her studies and interests in the supernatural world.

Dabbling in Witchcraft: Intrigued by the occult, Candii has recently started experimenting with witchcraft. Despite her fascination, her attempts at practicing spells and rituals have been largely unsuccessful so far. She finds herself in a learning phase, trying to understand the intricacies of magic with varying degrees of frustration and curiosity.


Tempest(Regular) - Tempest is a familiar face at Sanctum Cafe, where Candii recognizes him as a regular patron. Despite not engaging with him extensively, Candii is acquainted with Tempest and has interacted with him in the past. She observes his childlike behavior and mischievous tendencies, which sometimes deter her curiosity. Despite this, Tempest's consistent presence at the cafe means he is always around to assist if any issues arise or if there is inappropriate behavior that needs addressing.







Descendant of the Watchers | Keeper of the Forest

"There's an old, deep magic in these woods which has seeped into my bones.. Or perhaps it's the other way around." - Seth

Single | Demisexual | Attracted to Fae and Animalistic Origins (Open-Minded)

Character Music Vibes: Song

Origins: The Watchers were fearsome creatures, eons old. These beasts were hulking giants that towered over treetops. Their forms a mass of distortion based on what they'd learned from life by peering through cracks in the void. Their only goal? To silence the existence known as life so that the beasts could once again slumber. To end all life. The primordial creatures almost succeeded by tricking a corrupt ice mage into a deal. In the end, she saw her ways and expelled all of her power to lock them underneath the arctic ice. The few watchers that remained fled, quickly learning to take the forms of the life around them. Trapped on Earth with no way back to their home of nothingness in space, The Watchers were forced to learn the ways of humans, animals, and life in general. Over hundreds of years, most of the remaining Watchers were sought out and destroyed, yet some survived. They lived, ate, drank, and bred like any other species. Decades down the family tree, we find Seth.

Past: Seth was born a Watcher. Less of a fearsome beast than his powerful ancestors had been. Through poorly selective breeding, the Watcher population had not only dwindled to nothing, but also weakened in strength. Though still a fearsome foe to most, Seth doesn't often engage in combat. Seth doesn't remember his birth, he doesn't remember his childhood or his past years. Like all Watchers, Seth awoke in existence. Clearly he had parents, aged similar to most, but couldn't remember anything but the forest. 

Currently: Seth spends most of his time in nature, preferring forest life over city living. He sleeps on forest floors and considers wild animals his greatest allies. Although, he's not opposed to spending time with modern folk. Seth has an appreciation for all life and deems humans the most interesting.


Being a Watcher's descendant, it is believed there are many abilities Seth has yet to reveal or even know he possesses. While each Watcher's power behaves differently, Seth's seems to have taken a liking to nature.

Green Magic: Seth has the ability to manipulate plants with his magic. This is his most commonly used ability both in battle and in everyday life. 

Chloromancy: Using specific plants, Seth can channel his magic to see both the past and present of said plant's current status. This means he can track through nature and acquire visions of the past. In rare instances, the plants can also warn him of a future yet to pass. 

Animal Manipulation: Seth can communicate with Animals, and he can also command most creatures at will. Both in combat and everyday life, Seth regularly fuses with animals, allowing him their abilities such as strength, climbing, claws, etc. 

Sending: Seth can perform rituals to send the dead off to their final resting place. This is done through soul absorption with Seth being the host. It is unknown to most where these souls actually get laid to rest. 

Passives: Super Human Speed, Super Human Strength, Natural Acceptance Among Animals, Somewhat Faster Healing Speeds than Humans. 




August 24

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  • Stonebrook, North Carolina

    Roughly 6 P.M


    Stonebrook was the epitome of a small town. It was a tight-knit community dotted with suburban areas, surrounded by a picturesque rural landscape. While the town center was only a twenty-minute drive away, a few residents, like Legacy, called the town itself home. The heart of Stonebrook was a charming town square, lined with quaint shops and stores. A large grocery market, a rustic feed store, and a small library were among the businesses that served the locals. On the outskirts of town, a stately church stood proudly, its tall spire towering over the other buildings. An expansive graveyard stretched out behind it. Nearby, large park took up residence, its perimeter defined by a black wrought-iron fence. The joyful yips of dogs and the laughter of their owners filled the air as they played together, leashes discarded.

    A woman emerged from the grocery store, a reusable bag hanging from her arm. Legacy was unremarkable in every way. She was on the taller side for a woman, her long legs covered in well-worn jeans that sported a few holes here and there - not as a fashion statement, but more because they were clearly second-hand. Her torso was wrapped in a thin blue cotton jacket to ward away the unusually cool day. Chestnut locks spilled out from beneath her hood, framing her heart-shaped face and highlighting her high cheekbones. Simple, yet intriguing brown eyes stared ahead, lost in thought. She had lived in Stonebrook for a few years now and was well known to the townsfolk. Some of them nodded politely as she walked by, while others made a point to move out of her way, whispering about her oddities.

    "I hear she visits the graveyard and just…talks to herself there! Creepy!" One teenager sneered at her friend as Legacy walked by.

    "But her natural remedies do seem to help. I heard poor old Mrs. Gibbons has never felt better since she started taking those funky herbs," her friend whispered back.

    "Or she's slowly poisoning us all…" The other teen muttered ominously, though raising her voice loud enough to be heard. If Legacy took any notice, she didn't show it. In fact, it did just the opposite. A small, secret smile graced her face. Humans and their superstitions. They were so absorbed in themselves that they couldn't see past their own noses. Yes, she was undoubtedly the town freak.

    She could live with that.

    Why fit in when you could stand out?

    Strapped around her chest was a crossbody purse decorated with little hens of various colors. Ahead of her was a small home; one of the few directly in the town square. It was really small and surrounded by a newly painted wooden picket fence. Tacked onto the mailbox was the name 'Gibbons' in faded letters.

    Legacy stepped through the gate and gently knocked on the door. An elderly woman with wispy gray hair opened the door. She screamed the aura of a grandmother, right down to the floral apron and pan of homemade cookies wafting the scent of fresh-baked chocolate chip. Skin sagged loosely around her face, but Mrs Gibbons was all smiles.

    "Good evening, Mrs. Gibbons. I figured I would deliver your medications today since I'm already out," Legacy's voice was soft, like a soothing melody. The kind that could soothe a crying child or calm an angry crowd. 

    "Oh, Legacy, honey, you are such a sweetheart! Thank you, my dear. I have never felt better since taking your natural remedies. My arthritis barely aches these days." Mrs Gibbons' eyes twinkled with gratitude.

    Legacy reached into the purse strapped to her chest, pulling out a small white envelope. "I'm glad to hear it," Legacy smiled kindly in turn, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

    "Here, dear, take a few cookies for the road." Mrs. Gibbons hustled back inside, pan of cookies in hand, before she returned with a handful tucked into a ziplock.

    "Thank you!" Legacy took the offered treat, waving as she closed the gate and began to head towards her home. She took a cookie out and began to nibble on it, seemingly a little more light on her feet, her eyes dancing with a bit more life. The warmth of the setting sun cast long shadows behind her as she walked away, a figure of mystery in the heart of Stonebrook. Her shop was just a short walk away, past the park, but before the church.

  • (Thanks for accepting my request!)

  • I know my profile is a little broken on mobile. I'll center it soon.

  • [Thank you for accepting my invite!]

  • 11108696462?profile=RESIZE_584x

  • Still sick but trying to get back into the swing of things slowly - muse loss at the moment 





  • Been very sick the last few weeks, waiting on antibiotics. Be on soon!

  •  You are thanking me for accepting the friend request? No need to thank me. Was happy to do it. Hope that we can perhaps Do a scene or two sometime.

  • Oh murr, I'm considered a fren, hello fren!

  • Thanks for the add.

This reply was deleted.

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"Still sick but trying to get back into the swing of things slowly - muse loss at the moment 
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